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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    "Great. So now we have three problems? All of which are roaming around and could possibly rape us at any given time? Welcome to Madness Combat..."

    I looked around for a dummy.

    "Hey, are there anymore freaks to watch for? Ah, nevermind. I got a gun. Find one shoot it in the head, doesn't work, reduce 'im to pre-decomposed fertilizer. Hey, bonus, are there any pop-up dummies? Like those who mechanically pop up at random?"


      Underground Lab - Base 2

      "Well both yes, and no... I can intake food and drinks like a normal human, but due to me being a Reploid I am lacking in the taste buds department. Though I wouldn't mind paying for drinks, I just won't actually drink anything." He said as he pulls out a small blue can with a large black E on the side of it.

      Gate pops open the can and takes a sip of it. "This however, I can drink and taste." Said Gate as he continues drinking the can. Waiting for Volgin to think of a way to celebrate.


        Underground Base, Base 2, Australia

        ""Well then, grab as many of those cans as ya can and follow me. I know the perfect way to celebrate."

        I took the elevator up and headed to the shooting range. There was a cooler full of vodka.

        "Well, ya might not have as much fun as me, but hell, when you fire a gun, you'll feel alive, at the very least."

        I reach into my coat to drag out some bullets.

        "This... is how you fire a bullet."

        I put the bullets in between my knuckles. I focused my voltage on my hands and the bullets fired at tremendous speeds.

        "Hehe... Gate, hand me a bottle, will ya?"


          Shooting Range - Base 2

          Gate had ordered his Nightmare Drones to bring as much E-Tanks as they can carry and meet him at the shooting range.

          Gate had watched Volgin fire the bullets without a gun. "Impressive." Remarked Gate as he takes another E-Tank and opens it.

          "You want to know what makes me feel alive? Unanalyzable data. When ever I get my hands on something that can't be analyzed I get so excited. I absolutely love trying to decipher data, no matter how difficult."

          Said Gate as he picks up a bottle and tosses it to Volgin.


            I took a swig of vodka.

            "Yea, ya like that kind of thing? Then try to hack into Base 1. Not even the best hacker can do that. You're gonna have a fun time with that. Cheers!"

            I held up my bottle in the air.


              Shooting Range - Base 2

              "I already did mostly. I had hacked into their communication logs with some of the other bases. My Nightmare Drones aren't just my servants or anything. They can hack into any machine, any computer easily. After they take down all the firewalls, I handle the encryption's. After that it is only a matter of time before I was caught and sent here a year ago. Ever since I had my Nightmare Drone's begin construction of a new lab for me." Replied Gate as he stands up.


                "So that's how you came to be, huh? Let me tell you my side of how I came to be. I ended up lost in some random part of america somehow. I roamed around for some time. A few days later, some agents wanted blood with me somehow, so I gave them blood. Their own blood. I tortured them into telling me who sent them, but by the time they were almost about to spill, the big man.. well, maybe his assistant, congratulated me in defeating top notch agents. He told me to follow him to his base. I wanted to take the place over, so I followed.

                "When I got there, the man talked me into doing some battle with strangers in the pentagon. I did, and I succeeded. He came back afterwards, saying that I had potential. He asked me if I wanted to own an army of powerful soldiers. Of course, I said yes. I was hailed as the first commander to be a character. I was then placed in Base 2 as a leader. Of course, some things went wrong and they cut themselves off from me and my base. But that's the story."

                I took another drink and finished the bottle. I was not phased. I went to grab another bottle.

                "Oh, I already owned an army to begin with, but the thought of a powerful army... I had no choice but to accept."


                  Somewhere in Nevada

                  "Honestly, I don't know if there are any more down here. As for the second question, yeah, we do." Deimos said.

                  Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                  You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                    Somewhere in Nevada; Otori


                    I kept searching and found a dummy like thing.

                    "Hey, is this it?"


                      Unknown Island, Hawaii

                      I found myself stranded in a tropical island. Non the less i'm still stranded.

                      "Ow,my head's ringing with a headache."

                      I remembered I still had the translator from the experiments. I also remebered all the scientists, doing all sorts of experiments.

                      "Well it's a lot better than staying in a lab waiting for the next experiment."


                        Youkai mountain

                        As john left to see the goddess, Renamon was going to follow him, yet she was stopped as Nera was enjoying the view

                        "Living inside the dreamworld was good, but feeling the real sun feels amazing" she said eyes closed.

                        The fox went close to the jackal "It is indeed, this lands are beautiful, and their hinabitants are nice with outsiders" she said holding her mate´s paw.

                        Nera faced the vixen and asked "Yet there is something going on, right? we always find trouble wether we like it or not" she laughed a bit.

                        "UNfortunately yeah, but we got a team of people who trust us, our current target is to get back to some islands" Renamon said and finished "Come on, we need to meet a goddess" and they waled towards where John was.

                        Suwa Lake

                        Before the duo could reach the lake, Mara was already arriving there, the ghost floated and found the armored soldier and the goddess "Oh hello there, look at that, a goddess and a mortal trading cards" Mara said greeting both of them
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          Hotel - Honolulu, Hawaii

                          While EVE began working on the nano-processors and power nodes, Isaac began planning on how he was going to alter Zero's databanks.

                          (I'll need to put redundant circuits, to ensure that he will still be able to operate, even with damage to his databanks.)
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Suwa Lake

                            "Just make sure to keep everyone safe." Kanako said as she noticed the ghost approaching.

                            "Oh hello there, look at that, a goddess and a mortal trading cards"

                            "Perhaps you would like a card that says: Respect your gods or I'll smite you." Kanako jokingly snickered. "You don't have to do anything. Consider it a gift."


                              Suwa Lake

                              "You don't have to do anything. Consider it a gift.", Kanako said.

                              "Thank you. I will keep everyone safe, I promise that.", John said.

                              He then turned towards Mara.

                              "I take it that you're the mischievous one."
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Suwa lake

                                "Oh my, what a righteous goddess, I suggest you to relax, we don´t like to cause trouble" Mara said facing Kanako and then turned to John "I prefer the term of enjoying the present" she smiled playfuly

                                As she was saying that, Renamon and Nera reached the lake, "Believe it or not, Mara has a point, we understand you are a god, but there is no problem by relaxing and enjoying the day" the fox said

                                "We have met our share of legends, some are like you, well mannered and royal, others are territorial and aggressive, but there are others who like to enjoy the day as us the mortals, so its ok" Nera said sitting at the lake´s edge
                                Last edited by Kristia; 06-15-2013, 12:16 AM.
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


