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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Somewhere in Nevada

    "Looks like it. That, or a bomb I made a while back." Deimos said.

    Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

    You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


      Suwa Lake, Gensokyo; Yuyuko

      "They're right. When will you calm down?"

      After seeing Renamon off, I decided to follow her. She looked like she was doing something important. I want to be a part of it.

      Although, I should have told Youmu that I was leaving. Oh well. She shouldn't be freaking out too bad.


        Suwa Lake

        John pulled up his suit's clock on his HUD.

        "We should be getting back soon. I still have yet to sleep and eat, and based on the time, we might have to watch out for Tengu patrols. I'd say that we can stay here for about 1 hour.", John said.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Suwa Lake

          "Okay, where's John at?" Yuuka groaned as she stepped out of the blowhole, the sun shining brightly over her head. "It's 8:30, and the plane takes off in two hours..."
          "He'll be back soon, I'm sure." Utsuho laughed.
          "I still don't know why you decided to come to Hawaii." Yuuka glanced at Okuu. "And I still don't get why you would not bother changing. Don't you feel embarrassed?"
          "Why would I? I'm going to Hawaii, and Hawaii is full of beachy places right?" Okuu rebutted.
          "That's not the point, you moron!"

          "Whatever. Do you have any idea where he would be at?" Yuuka grasped her head as if she is having headaches. Really can't blame her, arguing with a birdbrain is difficult task.
          "Human village maybe?" Utsuho guessed, albeit incorrectly. "Maybe... Muenzuka?"
          "Why would he go there-" Yuuka argued, but stopped. She knew she can't argue against toriyatama. "Never mind. I'm going to search Moriya Shrine."
          "I'll search in the Old Hell!" Utsuho said, dropping back down to the blowhole.
          Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 06-15-2013, 12:41 AM.


            Suwa Lake

            John began walking towards the shrine and saw Yuuka flying above.

            "Hey, down here.", John said.

            "I'm pretty sure it's about time to head over to the airport, but what do I do about my armor? I can't take it with me. Not only that, I don't have enough clothes underneath this thing."
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Suwa Lake

              "Why are you people all bloody naked!" Yuuka raged.
              "I'm pretty sure that's not the true-" Kanako grinned.
              "Bloody hell, Utsuho's wearing nothing more than her undergarment, John says he's not wearing clothes underneath his armor, don't you people have some DECENCY?"

              Honolulu, Hawaii

              "Got them all done." EVE reported.


                "Oh, you're leaving? To where? I would like to join!"


                  Suwa Lake

                  Hearing Yuukaīs arguing made the jackal chuckle "One of the benefits of having fur, no need for garments, we are protected by it" she said with calm as she looked at the green haired "I suppose you are the florist, nice to meet you, Im Nera"

                  "Yeah, you furballs can enjoy everything without clothes, many would think creepy stuff of your kind" Mara teased the Jackal who blushed easily "Hello there girl Im Mara, I heard you enjoy some chaos of fun, am I right?" the ghost greeted Yuuka
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    Suwa Lake

                    "Bloody hell, Utsuho's wearing nothing more than her undergarment, John says he's not wearing clothes underneath his armor, don't you people have some DECENCY?", Yuuka said.

                    "How about I let you try on my armor with clothes on. It's very uncomfortable. Besides, the armor is designed to have contact with skin and I AM at least wearing underwear.", John said to Yuuka.

                    John then looked at Utsuho.

                    "You really should put some clothes on. People are going to be staring at you in the airport."

                    "Yeah, you furballs can enjoy everything without clothes, many would think creepy stuff of your kind." Mara teased the Jackal.

                    "What do you mean?", John asked in a confused tone.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Suwa Lake

                      "I still don't get it. We're going to a beach right?"



                        Suwa Lake

                        "Oh Arceus.. where did you found these people Renamon? I will enjoy sooo much this adventure" Mara said barely holding her laughter

                        "Please donīt over think what she says John, besides, you may undestand with time, this is no place to speak of such indicencies" Renamon explained hiding her little shade of crimson

                        "You manipulative ghost.. if it wasnīt because I know you for years, I would have push you deep into Earth" Nera said still blushing

                        "Im just saying what can happen, but donīt say Im wrong, Right Nera?" Mara said who suddenly got a little punch on her head from the blushing jackal
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          "A beach? Can I come? Yuuka, I want to come!"


                            Suwa Lake

                            "Uhh, uhh... What?", John said in an even more confused tone.

                            Utsuho then snapped John out of his confusion when she talked.

                            "I still don't get it. We're going to a beach right?"

                            "Yes, but first we have to go to a place where it's very important to dress in your normal clothes.", John said.

                            (I have to find out what they were talking about, or else it's going to keep buzzing around in my head.)
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Suwa Lake

                              "Okay!" Utsuho happily smiled as she flew down to the blowhole.
                              "That took care of that." Yuuka groaned, then turned to John. "Okay, we have two hours to get to the airport. We'll worry about your armor later, let's go."


                                Aww... They ignored me... This simply will not do.

                                I decided to follow them.

