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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Bamboo Forest of the Lost

    "Take a sharp left... no right... no was it left?" Tewi mumbled when the group came up to another intersection.
    "I thought you knew where to go?" Utsuho asked Tewi in disbelief.
    "It's hard to remember when it's been 1000 years, okay?" Tewi growled. "I remember now, take a sharp left."


      Bamboo Forest of the Lost

      "I remember now, take a sharp left.", Tewi said.

      John did as he was told and took a sharp left, walking in that direction until Tewi would give him more directions.

      "1,000 years old? How is that even possible? Eventually, the body wears down, right?"
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Bamboo Forest of the Lost

        "I forgot to mention, I'm almost 5000 years old." Tewi answered. "To me, you're all little infants."
        The group approaching a faintly glowing yellow bamboo.
        "Here it is, Golden Bamboo. Legend has it that it only appears in the deepest areas of the Bamboo Forest every 1000 years."


          Bamboo Forest of the Lost

          "To me, you're all little infants.", Tewi said.

          "I'm not sure if little would apply to me.", John remarked.

          "Here it is, Golden Bamboo. Legend has it that it only appears in the deepest areas of the Bamboo Forest every 1000 years.", Tewi said as they approached the faintly growing bamboo.

          John looked over to Komachi and her scythe.

          "You mind doing the honors?", John asked her.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Bamboo Forest of the Lost, Gensokyo; Komachi

            "Okay. By the way, She may be older than you. But look on the bright side. Even if she's more than 10 times older than you, at least you look overt 2500, as a youkai. Just say that you're a youkai."

            I swung my scythe and sliced.

            "There ya go!"

            Home Base, Nevada; Otori

            "Oh yea, that's right. You guys are from the 'post-series' generation. I have no idea how you guys work, but then again, you guys are from an animation, and I specialize in game characters. Now, as I have just seen, other than the fact that Hank now enjoys killing thirty people, two zombies, and Christoff while listening to a chicken dance remix, the grunts are barely within my combat capabilities. Otherwise, I'm screwed. I do specialize in intelligence gathering. Or you can keep training me."

            I went downstairs.

            "I'm gonna practice with the sub-machine guns."

            Lisborn, Australia; Snake

            "Don't mind him. He's a cold one. So, what can ya do, Dynamo?"

            Metal Gear Testing Base, Base 2, Australia; Volgin

            A dark aura. How foreboding. That will be useful at some point.

            "Good. Now as for you, Mr Organization man, tell the Neo-Yakuza that I would like to rejoin. And give them the full report, too. I doubt that coming in hoping for a hug would work."

            I turned to Gate.

            "Once we get the Shagohod patched up, make sure you accompany your reploid with the necessary information. Now that I think about it, I've been so hung up on the elimination of the Snakes that I forgot my original plan: create the most powerful army in the world."


              Bamboo Forest of the Lost

              "Okay. By the way, She may be older than you. But look on the bright side. Even if she's more than 10 times older than you, at least you look overt 2500, as a youkai. Just say that you're a youkai."

              "I suppose I am a Youkai in everything except for mortality and name.", John joked as Komachi sliced the bamboo.

              "There ya go!", Komachi said as the bamboo fell.

              John gently placed Tewi back on the ground and grabbed all of the bamboo.

              "Looks like we're all done here. Let's get back to Old Hell."
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Lisborn - Australia

                Vergil continues to be thrashed about by the large Beowulf. Eventually Beowulf tosses Vergil into a lamppost. As Vergil hits the post and stands up injured he looks for Yamato, but realizes that he left it back at the van. "Damn!" He said, realizing that without it he won't be able to defeat Beowulf. He quickly distracts Beowulf by tossing his coat off which still has his scent on it. Beowulf who is blind quickly turns his head towards the coat, allowing Vergil to make a quick break towards the van.
                Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                  Metal Gear Testing Base, Base 2, Australia

                  "Oh, I'd love to" He then opened a Corridor of Darkness and walked into it.

                  Where Nothing Gathers

                  Once back, the person opened up a video chat with Base 1. "Hello, this is Organization XIII. We come with interesting news.
                  First of all, it seems Base 2 is willing to rejoin Neo-Yakuza again. Secondly, I think it might be a good idea to keep a close look at Volgin.
                  Might be smart to just dispose of him if he refuses to listen again."
                  Born in the light.
                  Molded in the dark

                  Never Forget,
                  Keep Fighting.
                  –Don't Forget.
                  Always, somewhere,
                  someone is fighting for you.
                  –As long as you remember her,
                  you are not alone.


                    Bamboo Forest of the Lost

                    "Right, let's go-" Utsuho cheered, and the group started tracing back to Eientei.


                    "Milady." Eirin approached a jet-black haired lady wearing a pink kimono dress. "The Golden Bamboo has been harvested."
                    "Good. Bring however many stalks are left to me." The lady nodded, and Eirin stepped outside. "Alas, the portal to the Moon will finally be closed forever."



                      After resting on the rock, Renamon went towards a praire to meet Mara

                      -You seem better now- the ghost said while freezing a flower

                      -Yeah, Im getting better with this time to rest- The fox countered -You seem like off Mara, is everything ok?-

                      The ghost girl sighed and looked at the flower -I wonder if im worth for another chance, just look at who I was on my past, causing trouble everywhere I went just dor fun. Do I truly deserve another chance Renamon?-

                      The vixen just put her paw on Mara's shoulder - You did make a lot of ruckus, but what matters is that you moved on with that, not many cam change tjeir behavior like how you did, besides you are one of my besy friends and I know you truly deserve another chance- the fox said

                      The ghost mafe a little smile -Guess the world needs some mischievousness - Mara said back on track

                      -That's the ghost I know - Renamon said as they went back to the lone tree was and Nera was waiting for them

                      (sorry for typos and simplicity, phone)
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                        Once they returned to Eintei, John spoke to Tewi.

                        "Thank you for helping us. I know that you didn't want to, but it's for a good cause... And for the record, I wouldn't actually eat you in a stew."
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Somewhere in Nevada

                          "Ooo, working with sub-machine guns? I'm coming too." Deimos said, following Otori downstairs.

                          Sanford took a swig from his bottle. "So, when's Christoff gonna be here?"

                          "Eventually. He probably has many things to juggle around, considering his position." Hank replied.

                          "Guess so. We don't have to be in a rush. Improbability Drive's ain't moving at the speed of sound or anything." Sanford said.

                          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                            Eintei, Gensokyo; Komachi

                            "So what now?"

                            Shooting Range, Home Base, Nevada; Otori

                            "I take it you have a familiarity with sub-machine guns? They were my third favorite weapon. Small, concealable, rapid fire, everything an assassin slash spy needs. Next to that is the rocket launcher and, of course, the Babe Ruth."

                            I prepped a sub-machine gun and started firing at a dummy.

                            "From what I saw, the grunts' heads seemed pretty easy to rip, considering another grunt could rip it off and throw it."

                            Base 2, Australia; Volgin

                            "Well that takes care of that. Now to back-stab him."

                            I laugh to myself heartily.

                            "Ah, just kidding. But he did seem to have some authority behind him. Gate, prepare your reploid, but don't dispatch it yet. I'll use if for emergencies. By the way, what can this, "Nightmare thing" do to my Shagohod?"


                              Base 2 - Australia

                              "Affirmative sir." Said Gate as he turns back to Volgin. "Oh it can do a lot of things. If you think it's strong now, then you'll be surprised at how strong it can be with a Nightmare Soul, sadly I only have one in my lab and it is intended for use in my Reploid." Said Gate as he walks towards his lab.


                                Base 2, Australia; Volgin

                                "Good enough for me. Your reploid powering it will be just as good."

                                I walked up to my office.

                                "Oh, and one more thing, Gate."

                                I thought long and hard on this. But I didn't see much of a threat in saying it.

                                "If you keep up your good work... then I'll... let you see my secret files."

