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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Kawaguchi District, street where Mima's antique shop is located at

    "Where is the others, it's been awhile and they haven't showed up yet. Could they have been caught?"
    Aqua walked back and forth as she waited for the others. "Do you have any way of contacting them? I can usually contact someone, but then i have to teach them a few things first"

    Aqua walked into the store to think of something else. ("Could there be any new spells for me to learn here")
    Born in the light.
    Molded in the dark

    Never Forget,
    Keep Fighting.
    –Don't Forget.
    Always, somewhere,
    someone is fighting for you.
    –As long as you remember her,
    you are not alone.


      Outside Antique Store - Tokyo - Japan

      John reached for the Vault Boy's belt, which had 3 grenades left, and headed with his teammates towards the Antique Store.
      As they arrived, John saw Yuuka waiting outside.

      "Sorry we're late, but we got attacked by a bomb-crazy midget.", he said to Yuuka.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Kawaguchi District, street where Mima's antique shop is located at.
        Time: 7:50 PM

        "John was still in good condition. They won't get caught, most likely. What I fear for is either Renamon or that blue-colored armor guy, they didn't seem to be in too good of a shape."

        "Sorry we're late, but we got attacked by a bomb-crazy midget." Yuuka heard John's voice and turned. John, Renamon, and the blue-colored armor guy was there, battered but otherwise OK. On top of John's shoulder was a belt loaded with 3 grenades of unknown purpose.

        "Took you forever." Yuuka snickered. "Let's get the blue-haired girl and go back to somewhere we can sleep. It's getting dark, and I do not aim on sleeping on the streets of the outside world."
        Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 04-30-2013, 03:25 PM.


          Outside Antique Shop - Tokyo - Japan

          "Let's get the blue-haired girl and go back to somewhere we can sleep. It's getting dark, and I do not aim on sleeping on the streets of the outside world."

          John thought for a moment.

          (Hmm... a place for five people...I think my place should do. Besides, I have to run diagnositcs on the new upgrades anyway.)

          "My apartment would be a good place. We would be able to eat, sleep, and plan our next course of action."
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Outside Antique Shop - Tokyo - Japan

            As john was suggesting the idea of using his home for everyone, Renamon took a piece of cloth and cleaned some of her fur. "What really worries me is that we are being chasen not only by those agents, but also now some characters, that small man was really fast and was armed for anything"

            Checking her digivice the vixen started pressing some of its commands to understand more in-dept about the mysterious device, it was slowly getting more open to her as it stored more anergy than before.

            "Allright, what is the plan? I´ll follow you guys"
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              Outside Antique Shop - Tokyo - Japan

              Aqua looked trough the shop without finding much of interest. She had seen similar things on her journeys before.
              After some time she walked out of the store again. When she opened the door she saw the others. "Your back, what happened?"

              She looked at all of them to make sure no one was severely injured. "So what have you been talking about while i was inside off the shop?"
              Born in the light.
              Molded in the dark

              Never Forget,
              Keep Fighting.
              –Don't Forget.
              Always, somewhere,
              someone is fighting for you.
              –As long as you remember her,
              you are not alone.


                Outside Antique Shop - Tokyo - Japan

                "So what have you been talking about while i was inside off the shop?"

                "We got attacked by a small man in a blue jumpsuit. He tried to blow us up with the grenades that I now have.", John said as he tilted his head towards the grenade belt resting on his shoulder.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Outside Antique Shop - Tokyo - Japan

                  Renamon heard the keyblader and explained "We got an issue with a character working for the agents on the sewers, but we managed to get out safely, right now we are close for a rest, the night is almost here"

                  After explaining, the fox thought about the why there have been characters trying to cpture or kill others
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    Outside Antique Shop - Tokyo - Japan
                    Time: 8:00 PM

                    "Ahem," Yuuka intervened. "I suggest we talk about this when we get to John's apartment. It's getting cold, and I get cranky when it's cold."

                    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

                    Nitori tossed and turned that night. What to do, what to do?
                    On one side of her, she wanted to help solve this Neo-Yakuza issue. Whatever it was they were doing, it wasn't good, seeing that the authorities are after them.
                    But on the other side, she wanted to stay and live a simple life as a mechanic. She heard the stories of Characters getting involved in a fight with humans, and the result never ended well for the Characters.
                    "What would Hina do...?" Nitori silently talked to herself. Hina was always there for Nitori when she was having a conflict or when she was suffering. But she wasn't there for Nitori this time.

                    (P.S:It is safe now to assume that the characters are at John's apartment.)


                      John´s apartment - Tokyo - Japan

                      The apartment was big and everyone had space to walk, of course it was because of the soldier´s height for his comfort. Renamon was looking at the place, it was quite simple, ("Probably he spends little time here") the fox thought and finally she sat down on the couch to check her body with depth

                      There were some minor scratches and the fur had little red marks bc of the battles she had on the day. (""What a day.. I just wanted some answers and now im into a whole battle") the vixen meditated looking at the bullet that was before on her back.
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        John's apartment - Tokyo - Japan
                        Time: 8:45 PM

                        John's apartment was a pretty spacious room for a single person to live in. But then, there's his armor and his arsenal and everything, so it makes sense.
                        Yuuka haven't had the time to look at herself after she was spawned into the outside world. A mess she was in. Her plaid skirt and vest was largely okay, but her blouse was stained with dirt. It is most likely that herself is dirty too.

                        "I'm taking the shower first!" Yuuka shouted as she rushed into the bathroom and slammed the door.


                          John´s Apartment - Tokyo - Japan

                          They finally had reached John's apartment. It was fairly simple, having only the basics, as John was not one to relish in such.

                          As Renamon looked herself over, John went to his room, to take off his armor. He stepped onto the platform and the machine hummed to life.


                          The others could hear the sound of electric motors performing their work on John's armor, in the other room.
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by S121; 04-30-2013, 07:29 PM.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan

                            X followed John, and the others to an old antique store, then his John's apartment. X looked at the rather large apartment "Big place... how can you afford something this large?" Asked X as he continued to look around. X was obviously surprised by the size of this apartment. Though it makes sense to be this big due to John's massive size. He then walks up to the couch, and sits down on the floor next to it.


                              John´s Apartment - Tokyo - Japan

                              Finally cleaning her fur with a wet cloth, Renamon managed to find a good place near the window to calm her stress she looked at the moon remembering her adventures with the Tamers in the Digital World, there were massive battles, but there were also times of peace.

                              "Its good to have peace from time to time" the vixen said calmly still looking at the moon
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan

                                Once machine eventually finished it's work, John went to the console next to it and had it start running diagnostics to the recent upgrades.
                                He needed to know the maximum operational capacity of his armor, so then he wouldn't exceed it.

                                (Well, this has been an exciting day...)

                                For him, the kind of action today was what he was used to; always in combat, always outgunned, and always getting out alive. He put all of his ordinance into the closet, and got into normal clothes.
                                Without his armor, he was still a very tall person, standing at 6 feet and 10 inches. That's why he got a larger apartment.

                                He put everything away, and headed for the door.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

