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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Makai, Gensokyo

    "Bladed Maiden - Deadly Dance!"

    John saw a storm of blades fly in his direction. Seeing no other way around it, he decided to just go through it.
    He charged straight through the wall of swords.

    (Damn, 30% shield capacity.)

    He quickly closed the distance between him and the sword throwing maid, smashing into her at 50 mph, 1,000 lbs landing on top of her.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Makai, Gensokyo

      "Guess you wonŽt give me another choice.." Renamon said gripping tighter her digivice receiveing all of its energy, making the fox shift of form first becoming Kyubimon, but then more energy kept filling her making the foxŽs body grew taller and her body glowed giving slowly the resemblance of a fox miko

      The green bullets hit the mark but were stopped as Taomon used a talisman spell creating a Ying Yang sphere shield protecting her from the bullets "You wanted to fight.. then I shall give you what you want" the fox maiden said making a star talisman sending energy blades towards the guard
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Kristia; 05-04-2013, 02:59 AM.
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        Makai - Gensokyo

        X who is damaged from the laser looks up at Shou. "I... can't... lose..." Said X as he stands up. He aims his X-Buster at Shou and fires a few small uncharged shots of his own. Already his energy is running low, and he is taking too much damage too quickly. Though he has fought opponents stronger than him before, this is the first time he ever fought someone this powerful. After X fires his shots at Shou he falls down to one knee. His armor cracked all over. The red gem on his helmet losing light as though he is running out of energy. "Z-Zero... sorry..." He says as the curved lasers hits X sending him flying back. As he lands the gem on his head stops glowing, and his eyes are becoming dull. X who is almost out of energy tries to move his body, but he is unable to due to the damage.

        Images of Dr. Light appears in his head again. "X... I built you with a great power. The power to think and feel, a power that no other machine possesses. It is up to you... it is up to you to choose what you use this power for..." The images fade as what appears to be tears drip down X's robotic face. He then remembers Zero his best friend in the whole world. He remembers that Zero would continue to fight even through the toughest of situations. Slowly X feels a power growing inside him. The red crystal on his helmet begins to glow brightly. He slowly comes to a stand. "I-I... won't... lose just yet!" He yells as he stands up. All of a sudden he feels as though he is filled with energy. The crystal on his head glowing a bright red, and a blue light emanates from his hands as he looks up at Shou. "Gyaahhh! Charge shot!" He yells as he charges up his X-Buster. Instead of the standard green aura coming from his X-Buster, his whole body is emanating a bright blue aura. He fires a blue blast of energy at Shou hoping to hit her.


          Makai, Gensokyo

          Excellent. This was heavier than the Gyro Sphere she was trained to carry in Ruins of Vina. Yumeko was pushed back, but got back up.
          "This is exactly what I wanted!" Yumeko laughed as innumerable amount of swords appeared in a ring around Yumeko and her opponent.
          "The reason I am called Maiden of One Million Blades," Yumeko stated. "Is because of this spell card."
          "Last Spell." Yumeko smirked and declared. All the swords in a ring pointed towards the armored man, ready to skewer. "Millenia - One Million Blades."

          Sara saw the fox transform into a bipedal taoist monk. The power that came from the fox was enormous.
          "Our time runs out." Sara grimly said. "Let us make this the last bout."
          Sara's entire started glowing with scarlet red halo.
          "Iron Curtain - Unsiegable Stalingrad." Sara declared, enveloping her entire life force into a dashing tackle.

          Before Shou could react, the danmaku from the blue-armored man blew a hole into her sides. Pain and blood immediately sprouted out.
          "With this injury, I wouldn't be able to live for much longer." Shou gasped. "I swear, as the embodiment of Bishamonten, to crush you with this spell."
          Shou started glowing with mystic, golden light as a spirit of tiger looned over her. Shou holstered her spear as a mean to skewer.
          "Last Spell." Shou whispered. "Complete Clarification."

          "Milady, the Makai guards are under heavy disadvantage. What shall we do?" A fairy maid spoke to a woman sitting on a crystal throne.
          "I'll go." The woman smiled. "I'll see to them. Do not worry."


            Makai, Gensokyo

            "Those who fight with all their might shall recieve the same"Taomon said calmly looking at the guard who was speeding towards her, the fox miko took that chance and uses a fox-seal scroll attack while dashing towards her target preparing to bind her and stop the attack.

            ("I hope this works")Taomon thought preparing another spell talisman surrounding her in another shield as the scroll opened and flew towards Sara
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              Makai - Gensokyo

              X watches as Shou summons a giant tiger made of energy above her. X quickly takes his X-Buster and begins charging another shot. The blue aura appears again as he begins charging. The aura glowing brighter and stronger than before. Quickly he uses the boosters in his legs to launch himself high into the air, just above Shou. "I will defeat you! Charge SHOT!!!" He yells with a bit of a roar in his voice as he fires a much larger blue laser from his X-Buster. His X-Buster cracking due to the strain on it. The light from the blast glowing brightly as it heads towards Shou.


                Makai, Gensokyo

                John could see that there was no sidestepping this.

                (What's with her!? Where does she hide all these swords!? I need a plan, or I'm done for!)

                John contemplated his next moves, using his tactical prowess to formulate the best possible strategy he could come up with, and in the blink of an eye, he put his plan into action.

                He sprinted towards Yumeko and grabbed her in the time it takes to blink. She tried to parry his hands away with her swords, but he was a little faster.
                His shields absorbed the blows and hid HUD flashed, warning him that his shields were less than 10%. She was unusually strong for a person her size.
                In fact, she was stronger than a Spartan-IV. That didn't stop him too much though.
                He quickly positioned himself with her in front of some of the oncoming knives, and initiated his armor lock.
                His shields crackled loudly and his nano-fiber under suit tightened up as his fusion reactor went into overdrive, overclocking the suit's systems.

                He held Yumeko in a full nelson, unmovable, waiting for the blades to strike her.
                Last edited by S121; 05-04-2013, 03:34 AM.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Makai, Gensokyo

                  Shinki saw the result. Yumeko with her body impaled by her own swords, Sara turned into immobile statue, Shou with her stomach blown into nothing. Shinki's eyes glistened with rage. She must annihilate them before her fallen comrades disintegrate into nothingness of Makai crystals.

                  Determined to kill, Shinki descended into the valley.


                    Makai - Gensokyo

                    X gets done firing his blast. "I-I'm... sorry..." Said X in a weak voice as his body falls to the ground. The gem on his helmet, and his hands stop glowing his body damaged, his batteries drained to near nothing. His body locked up as he hit the ground. I-I... killed an innocent person... a person just trying to avenge the deaths of thousands... but I had to protect my friends... Was it worth it?... Thought X as the color in his eyes fade completely. He is now completely drained.


                      Makai, Gensokyo

                      The result of the battle was on the fox miko winning, yet the guard was sealed as a statue. Taomon got close to it and put her palm on the girlŽs chest feeling a normal heartbeat. "Oh.. it worked, she is still alive.." Tomon said finally calming down, yet not going back to her base form.

                      The staute was safe and got no damage gladly, Taomon was about to free the guard, she felt a rather strong being, just in case, she made a ying yang sphere to protect the guard.

                      Then she saw John and X with their victory, but the fox miko was shocked at the scene, the maid looking girl was impaled with swords and the tigre girl had a hole in her stomach area. "W-W-hat have you done..? they didnŽt need to die!" Taomon said now freeing the girl she fought and said "Get away from here.. go somewhere safe.." At last the fox miko prepared to make a healing talisman when the pwerful being got close to her range of perception

                      (IŽll go to sleep, goodnight)
                      Last edited by Kristia; 05-04-2013, 03:48 AM.
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        Makai, Gensokyo


                        John stood before his fallen enemy, watching her bleed.

                        "I told you not to attack me, this is the result of your actions.", he said, as she stared up at him.

                        On the outside, he was cold as ice, but on the inside, something was nudging him to show mercy.

                        (Damn... I came here to fix the barrier and instead I slaughter a local... I suppose I can't let her just die here, that would be wrong.
                        Even if she showed poor judgement, she was still just trying to defend her home from her world's "destroyer".)

                        John felt guilt, something he hadn't felt when fighting the covenant. If anything, her situation was similar to the humans' in the Covenant War.
                        Finally giving in to his conscience, he decided to help her.

                        "Hang on... I'll fix you in a minute."

                        John knelt down and pulled the blades from her body. Small spurts of blood spewed out as he carefully pulled them out. He then opened up his Biofoam compartment and began to apply it to her wounds.

                        "Hold still..."

                        The Biofoam slowly began its work, staunching the bleeding, and repairing the damaged tissue.
                        Last edited by S121; 05-04-2013, 02:41 PM.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Makai, Gensokyo

                          Aqua looked on as her friends attacked the locals. ("Why do we have to do this?)

                          Aqua looked as thousands of blades came her way and how John was leading them towards the sender. ("Is he crazy? He'll kill her")
                          Aqua jumped into one of the streams of blades and yelled "Reflega". A sphere of hexagons formed around Aqua to protect her from the blades and stop them, tough they came from other directions too.
                          ("Oh well, I could at least some of them"). The shield begun to show cracks before exploding and sending Aqua flying away a few meters.
                          Born in the light.
                          Molded in the dark

                          Never Forget,
                          Keep Fighting.
                          –Don't Forget.
                          Always, somewhere,
                          someone is fighting for you.
                          –As long as you remember her,
                          you are not alone.


                            Makai, Gensokyo

                            Taomon saw how the guardian fled away from the group ("CanŽt blame her.. this have done more damage than aid here..") the miko thought as she calmed down and prepared to heal the tigre girl who was barely breathing.

                            "Hold on.. IŽll heal you, just keep breathing.." Taomon murmured to the tigre girl while writing symbols on her damaged skin and slowly healing it. The bleeding stopped and the hole got smaller as the guardian recovered from the wound ("That should do for now.. she will be ok")

                            (Just a quick post before going to school, IŽll be back soon >_<)
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                              Makai, Gensokyo

                              Shinki descended unto the valley, spotting 3... no, 4 hostiles, battered yet victorious. Time to end this.
                              "Welcome to Makai." Shinki greeted, then her palm rose to the air as almost godlike energy gathered to it. "Prepare to die."
                              "I don't think so." A voice from behind spoke as Shinki turned back. The next thing she saw was a parasol, smacking her on the face and driving her back. It was Yuuka.
                              "Yuuka!" Shinki growled. "I didn't know you were cahoots with these murderers!"
                              "Comrades, not murderers." Yuuka addressed. "If you weren't so much of a shut-in in your little demonic world, and actually started listening to the outside information, Shou, and all other demons inside this world wouldn't have had to suffer."
                              Shinki snarled again as she casted a time-stasis spell on Shou. This wouldn't revive Shou, per say, but it would prevent her matters into decomposing into Makai Crystals.
                              "What will you do about Shou?" Shinki asked. "The only person who is known to revive Youkais are Byakuren Hijiri, and she is still sealed in Hokkai-"
                              "Actually," Yukari intervened. "Byakuren has been unsealed by Shou, Murasa, and other Youkais. She is now in Myouren Temple, near Human Village."
                              "Again, if you weren't so much of a hikkimori-"
                              "Silence!" Shinki shouted with such force that Makai Stalactites from the ceiling started to fall down, small ones at first. "You Youkais protect those who murdered your own kin? You are nothing more than traitor to the Youkai-dom!"
                              Shinki's palm glowed, again, with godlike power.
                              "This is going to get ugly." Yuuka muttered, and faced Yukari. "Go fetch Byakuren, Eirin, and Yuyuko. They're going to be needed for reviving Shou."
                              "I was about to." Yukari said, and disappeared into the gap. The godlike power gathering around Shinki's palm started to warp the time and space around her.
                              "Kami Sign - Fallen God!" Shinki declared, and the area around her started to disintegrate.
                              "Fall back, all of you!" Yuuka shouted at John, Renamon, Aqua, and X. "This valley is going to disappear!"


                                Makai, Gensokyo

                                "This valley is going to disappear!"

                                "You heard her, come on!", John said, grabbing Yumeko and running out of the valley with her, looking back to shoot at Shinki, trying to at least interrupt her.

                                Most missed, but some hit her arms and the side of her head, bouncing off as they hit. They were armor piercing/high explosive rounds, so if it didn't injure her, it would at least hurt.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

