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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Pearl Harbor EXPO- Engi-con

    "Sorry. How did you make that rail-gun? Those are pretty hard to make. Especially alone."

    Isaac looked over to the man.

    "Well, I made it by using a cold-fusion reactor and nano-engineered metals. The metal was designed to be much more conductive than anything available today. The next part was to reduce recoil. What I did was incorporate the technology from my grav-boots and used it to significantly decrease the recoil. When it fires, it feels more like a Barret 50 caliber sniper. That's still a lot of recoil, but the projectile is fired at a speed of Mach 15. Due to the gravity altering technology, the gun is capable of using various types of ammunition, but it's a lot easier to just use the normal projectiles.", Isaac explained.
    Last edited by S121; 06-17-2013, 12:47 PM.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      "Amazing. So much unfamiliar technology, yet you were still able to make an exact replica of the rail-gun. See, I made a rail-gun as well. I attatched it to a metal gear known as the Chrysalis. Here, here's a picture of it."

      I handed him the picture.

      "Oh, it was a pain to make. It was rather large. Here is a size comparison."

      "Yes sir, that was a pain. Obviously I didn't bring it as a presentation. But I did, however bring something else. Do you want to see it?"


        Pearl Harbor EXPO- Engi-con

        "Amazing. So much unfamiliar technology, yet you were still able to make an exact replica of the rail-gun. See, I made a rail-gun as well. I attatched it to a metal gear known as the Chrysalis. Here, here's a picture of it."

        Isaac saw the picture of the behemoth.

        "Huh. It looks like it's ready to joust somebody. The radar sensor dish is the shield, and the railgun is the lance.", Isaac commented.

        "Yes sir, that was a pain. Obviously I didn't bring it as a presentation. But I did, however bring something else. Do you want to see it?", Huey asked.

        "Sure.", Isaac said as he followed Huey.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Pearl Harbor EXPO - Engi-Con

          "I have so many masterpieces I don't know which one to show..." Nitori groaned.
          "Why not me? Me as itself can get you the gold prize." EVE whirred around.
          "I'll get you set up, but I have two more things that exceeds you." Nitori said as she grabbed the PORTA-EVE and placed it on the ground. EVE turned to its regular tendrilized computer pod again.
          "Something that exceeds an AI that has feelings and own thoughts?" EVE doubted. "Ridiculous."
          "Oh really?" Nitori smiled. Time to let loose. "Watch this."

          "Yeah, well, you needed a place of calming aura, so I decided to bring you here." Yukari said as she placed the parasol and the basket on the ground. "Now where did I put my foldable chair at..."


            I started walking towards the back.

            "It's a metal gear just like the Chrysalis, but it isn't too big. I put it in the engineer's garage. Too big to put in here." I said with a chuckle.

            I opened the door leading to the garage.

            "This... is the Pupa."

            I activated the stair climbing function in the wheelchair {yes, it can do that.} to go to the aerial view.

            "You can use the last picture for a size reference."


              Yukari's Resort - Honolulu, Hawaii

              John looked over at some of the various foldable chairs around them.

              "You know, there's always those foldable chairs.", John said as he pointed at one of them.

              Engineer's Garage - Pearl Harbor EXPO- Engi-con

              Isaac looked up at the large tank.

              "Wow. What's it capable of.", Isaac asked.
              Last edited by S121; 06-17-2013, 01:04 PM.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Pearl Harbor EXPO - Engi-Con

                "Why don't you start small? Nano-compression, Aster Cannons, one of those cheap Power Suits." EVE suggested.
                "Maybe. I'm just going to put everything on display right now." Nitori said, unpacking her dufflebags.

                Yukari's Resort - Honolulu, Hawaii

                "Ah, actually, never mind." Yukari said. She hopped back to the sand. "Let's start the training right away."


                  Yukari's Resort - Honolulu, Hawaii

                  "Ah, actually, never mind." Yukari said. She hopped back to the sand. "Let's start the training right away."

                  John just stood there.

                  "So uh, what do I do? Do I just hold my hands out and darkness shoots out?", John asked.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    "Oh, many things. Here is a video."

                    "It can shoot, it can taze, hell, it can even sing. Only problem was that it was an AI, so it had a mind of it's own. But I readjusted it to a manual standard. Now I can control it. Pretty neat, huh?""


                      Yukari's Resort - Honolulu, Hawaii

                      "Well, it's more complicated than that..." Yukari murmured... suddenly a light bulb on her head lit up. "I know! Before we do any sort of real training, we have to gauge your combat abilities to the max."
                      "How do we do that? Well... we battle!"
                      Yukari didn't look serious at all. She seemed almost whimsical.


                        Yukari's Resort - Honolulu, Hawaii

                        "How do we do that? Well... we battle!"
                        Yukari didn't look serious at all. She seemed almost whimsical.

                        "Wait, battle you?", John asked.

                        Engineer's Garage - Pearl Harbor EXPO- Engi-con

                        After watching the video, Isaac looked at Huey.

                        "It's very maneuverable for its size. I wouldn't want to fight that on the ground, that thing's a monster.", Isaac commented.
                        Last edited by S121; 06-17-2013, 02:33 PM.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Yukari's Resort - Honolulu, Hawaii

                          "It'll be fun. Besides, I'm going to put myself on handicaps." Yukari smiled widely.


                            Yukari's Resort - Honolulu, Hawaii

                            "It'll be fun. Besides, I'm going to put myself on handicaps." Yukari smiled widely.

                            "*sigh* Here we go.", John said as he set his guns to fire danmaku.

                            John waited for Yukari to make the first move. He was ready for the worst.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              "Yes, it is. I'm going to present it by sending it out to the testing lane. It's going to be great!"

                              I began walking back.

                              "Well, it's been great knowing you. Ah, what's your name?"


                                Engineer's Garage - Pearl Harbor EXPO- Engi-con

                                "Well, it's been great knowing you. Ah, what's your name?", Huey asked.

                                "Isaac Clarke.", Isaac said as he nodded.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

