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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    The Bridge, Hell; Shiki

    Komachi came back with ice creams for everyone.

    "I'm back! And I got two especially for Parsee!"

    I grabbed the ice creams and handed two to Parsee.

    "Here, this oughta relieve you of your hostile feelings."


      The Bridge People No Longer Crosses

      "You're right... ice cream does taste good, and I don't have to be jealous about it." Parsee softly spoke as she stepped aside. "You guys can go ahead. But I warn you, others will not be as hospitable."


        The Bridge People No Longer Crosses

        Looking at the city, Renamon heard the rambling of a fight (Looks like the fights never end here") she tought

        ("Well, what do you expect? chaos is someting natural in this lands, with that thing of death and easy revival with the locals, violence is the most common way to deal with the problems") MaraŽs voice was heard in her mind

        ("She is right, this place, no matter how peaceful it looks, I feel the scent of blood all over the lands, and I knoe you have felt it too") Nera said

        ("You are right, I can smell it no matter where I go, I hope that we finish all of this fast so I can get the both of you back") The vixen thought preparing to move

        "Are you ready to move? we got to catch up with John" Renamon said knowing where the soldier was.

        Before going on, she went towards Parcee "IŽll be honest with you, you are a strong guard of this bridge and that determination of yours shows that you are truly the princess of the bridge" Renamon said giving her hand to shake it with the guard
        Last edited by Kristia; 06-02-2013, 11:22 PM.
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          "Thank you for letting us pass. By the way, is there anything important to know before we proceed? Any precautions?"


            The Bridge People No Longer Crosses

            "What do I tell people..." Parsee reminisced. "Don't get in a drinking contest with the Oni, don't think nasty thoughts in front of Satori, don't point and laugh at the Kasha's ears..."


              Old Hell

              Koishi was somewhat impressed, and smirked at the armored man.

              ("He's pretty strong. Wonder if he's a youkai?") Koishi wondered.

              Somewhere in Nevada

              "Again, long story." Hank said, sitting down, while Christoff simply watched from the corner of the room.

              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                The Bridge People No Longer Crosses

                "Thank you for your help bridge princess" Renamon thanked the guard

                (That girl called Satori.. a mind reader possibly?") Nera said and got answered by Mara ("Ohh this will be an interesting event")
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  Honolulu, Hawaii

                  That fight between that man and the others got Zero thinking. "Why did I jump in front of that attack like I did instead of countering?" He said to himself with a small sigh. "Normally I would have countered that attack with little trouble, but for some reason... I didn't... is it perhaps that being around Nitori and the others is already making me soft? They are so strong though, I should be encouraged to fight to become strong like them. If not stronger..." He muttered as he scowls.

                  "Damn it... now I'm beginning to think like X...." He said as he sits on a large rock in the middle of the jungle.


                    The Bridge, Hell; Shiki

                    "Got it. Come on. Let's go."

                    "Got it, Shiki-sama."

                    I licked my ice cream. It was strawberry flavored.

                    I like it.

                    House, Nevada; Otori

                    "Well then you can tell us bout it tonight. Right now we are training me for desert operations. It's long story. I can tell you that after you tell me your story."

                    I looked behind him. I saw a strange person.

                    "Hey, who's that?"

                    He had a halo over his head. What kind of world is this?


                      Old Hell

                      John kept seeing the dot on his radar. Every time he stopped, the dot would too. John looked in the direction again, but still nothing.

                      (Maybe the entity has a cloaking device, kind of like Elites.)

                      John turned around and began walking toward the dot, ready for anything that might happen.
                      Last edited by S121; 06-02-2013, 11:52 PM.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Old Hell

                        Inside the city were many beings with different kind of horns and most of them were drinking alcohol.

                        Renamon was searching for John and found him, but also sensed someone else around him. ("There is someone close to him, but there is no one to be seen, that being is possibly using an invisibility ability") she thought

                        "John, we are here, how are things around?" the fox greeted the spartan, but she gestured with her ear and eye the location of the invisible being at the left side of him yet it was just enough for only the spartan to notice.
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          Outskirts of Hawaii

                          "Oy, lookie there, mon." A Jamaican man pointed at Zero. "A straggler, maybe? Ya think we can mug 'im?"
                          "Wait until Kagie shows up." A caucasian man with AMERICA tattoo across his biceps whispered. "That man's obviously a Character. If we mug him, we're dead."
                          "Bah, you softie." The Jamaican man snickered. "We don't need Kagie, Kagie's a softie too."
                          "Who's a softie now?" A female voice behind them growled as both men turned to find a green-haired female wearing a red dress.

                          "Gah, Ka- Kagie!" Both of them stuttered.
                          "You must really want misfortune befalling on you, huh?" Hina smiled as the two men fidgeted and twitched, unable to say anything out of fear. "What were you spying on?"
                          "See- see that Character right there?" The caucasian man pointed at Zero. "We're thinking of mugging him."
                          "Well do it. I'm not going to stop you." Hina sighed. The two men smiled at each other, and approached Zero stealthily, or, well, not so stealthily.


                            Outskirts of Hawaii

                            Zero hears the sound of people coming towards him. As he does his eyes shoot open and he takes his Z-Saber out with his good arm. He then turns to them and jumps into a defensive position. "Who are you!?" He yelled, angered that his thinking was interrupted.


                              Ancient City

                              John walked up to the entity with his hand outstretched. All of a sudden, he bumped into something. John put his hands on what he could only guess to be its shoulders.

                              As he did, the illusion that had been fooling him had disappeared, revealing a girl with green eyes.

                              Hotel - Honolulu - Hawaii

                              After flying across the city, Isaac eventually landed at the hotel's entrance. He picked up the keys to the rooms, then went to Room 506. Isaac unlocked the door, then turned on the lights.

                              "Hey EVE.", Isaac said as he put the still unconscious Nitori on the bed.
                              Last edited by S121; 06-03-2013, 01:02 AM.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                "Ah, John. We took care of Parsee."

                                "Yea, and speaking of which I brought ice cream for you! By the way, I didnt know which one you liked, so I got you superman, because you are a super man! Get it?"

                                I saw a green eyed girl. Wait... She looks familiar...
                                Last edited by wonderweiss; 06-03-2013, 12:17 AM.

