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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Yukari's Resort - Honolulu, Hawaii

    "Ah, I forgot to mention the rules." Yukari said.
    "Okay, rule number 1: I can only use Normal-level and lower spell cards. Rule number 2: You only have to hit me physically once. That's it. Rule number 3: Well, I don't know if it's a handicap for you or me, but I'm not going to have any additional armor on: meaning..." Yukari took off her shirt. "I'm very susceptible to bladed attacks and bullets."


    "Also I won't be overly aggressive. Make your first move."


      "Dr. Emmerich. But, everyone calls me Huey."

      I reach my hand out for a handshake.


        The Beach, Hawaii

        "The name's Dante. May I also ask who you are, and more precisely... what you are? When I first saw you I instantly could tell you weren't human. I could... feel it." Replied Dante as he watches the tents disappear. Along with the Jester's laughter.
        Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


          Yukari's Resort - Honolulu, Hawaii

          John set the danmaku bullets in hi guns to be very weak.

          "Also I won't be overly aggressive. Make your first move.", Yukari said as she turned her back to him.

          (Okay. Based on what you've seen, she's able to use her gaps to warp. She can also use them to disperse her danmaku, so I need to watch my rear and flanks as well. I don't have to worry too much. She's going easy on me, and she's not wearing armor... or much of anything else. Get ready John, this is going to get interesting."

          John snapped his arm to his pistol and fired three danmaku bullets in quick succession.

          Engineer's Garage - Pearl Harbor EXPO- Engi-con

          "Dr. Emmerich. But, everyone calls me Huey.", Huey said as he reached his hand out for a shake.

          Isaac shook his hand and said, "Nice to meet you."
          Last edited by S121; 06-17-2013, 02:57 PM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Yukari's Resort - Honolulu, Hawaii

            Yukari responded with three gap portals as well.
            "Anything else?" Yukari asked.


              Pearl Harbor EXPO - Engi- Con

              X was growing quite bored of sitting down so he had put his helmet back on. He proceeds to stand up and look around. After a while of walking he had saw a sign that said ENGI-CON in big letters. His curiosity rose and he decides to go in.


                Yukari's Resort - Honolulu, Hawaii

                John pulled out his rifle and fired with both guns in rapid succession as he sprinted towards Yukari.

                (Okay. She's probably going to create a gap for me to run through. Get ready to dodge.), John thought as he closed the distance to ten feet from Yukari.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  "So when do you think the engi-con begins?"

                  Beach, Hawaii; Yuyuko

                  "Oh, why I'm a youkai. To be more exact, I'm the ghost princess of Hakugyokurou. You seem to be a youkai as well. Join us!"

                  I ran over to the others.

                  "Hey, Komachi! Axl! Okuu! Meet Dante. He's a youkai. But he's not from our world."


                    Beach, Hawaii

                    Dante follows Yuyuko and sees Axl, Komachi, and the others. "Hey what's up? Also I am not a youkai. I'm a half-demon. So what brings you here?" He said, turning to Yuyuko.
                    Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                      Engineer's Garage - Pearl Harbor EXPO- Engi-con

                      "So when do you think the engi-con begins?", Huey asked.

                      "I don't know, so we should probably be going back. I probably shouldn't have left the railgun lying around on a table.", Isaac said as he began to walk towards the main Engi-con building.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        The Beach

                        Axl shoots, up and stares Dante down. "Hello... Dante was it?" He said in a cold tone. Giving a mean glare to Dante.

                        The Inventory

                        Model X floated into the Inventory behind Koishi, turning around to look at GLaDOS. "I will not let your comments get to me. As a mature "paperweight" it's only polite to turn the other cheek." Said Model X as he turns back around to follow Koishi.


                          "Hmm... Well, I don't really know. Koishi was the one who brought me here, and she's gone. But she'll be back!"

                          Well, time to try out the water. I went in.

                          "Hey, it's not so bad anymore. Hey, Komachi, come in!"

                          "No thanks. I ferry souls through a river that is impossible to escape from if you fall into it. I never really tried to... ya know what? I'm just not gonna go."

                          I went up close to her face with a scary face.

                          "Now, Komachi, you need to tell me these things. Or else they will bite you back some day."

                          "Gah! Okay, okay! Well thing is, due to my position, I can't...well... I never tried to learn to swim!"

                          Engi-con; Huey


                          I began walking with him.


                            Yukari's Resort - Honolulu, Hawaii

                            Yukari gap'd herself away from the field, then gap'd back to where John was.
                            "Direct frontal assault?" Yukari laughed. "You really thought that would work?"


                              The Beach, Hawaii

                              Dante looks at Komachi and chuckles. "Never learned to swim huh? Come on it's as easy as riding a bike! Just watch and learn." He said as he runs into the water. Once he is deep enough he dives in head first. He begins swimming under the water at a pretty quick pace.
                              Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                                The Inventory

                                "And what about turning your metaphorical cheek when I thrust you into the room I built where all the robots scream at you?" GlaDOS threatened, causing Koishi to come up to GLaDOS, and stare her right in the eye.

                                "You even dare lay a finger on X here, I will tear out your mainframe and thrust it in front of your face with it as you have your last, dying visions. You hear me?" Koishi said in a rather angry tone.

                                "And what would stop me from filling the hallway with neurotoxin?" GLaDOS retorted.

                                "That would be me." came the voice of Winslow, who popped around the corner. "GLaDOS, you are pushing my boundaries. We set these the moment we were transported."

                                "You ruin my science, Winslow. How sad you do not want to see it advance." GLaDOS said in a somewhat sad tone.

                                Engie-Con Entrance

                                Voltar, with his little posse of drones headed into the con building, gazing upon all it had to offer.

                                "Ah, mein decision to come here vas not in vain." Voltar said.
                                Last edited by Koishi; 06-17-2013, 03:36 PM.

                                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.

