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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Hotel - Honolulu, Hawaii

    "Do whatever you want to do." Yuuka said indifferently as she opened her laptop again. "There's beach outside, so you can go swimming. Or you can explore the city. I have to research something."
    "I think I'll go swimming!" Utsuho announced. "We're at Hawaii anyway, and not swimming when you're at Hawaii is pointless!"


      Well then, to the beach it is!

      I switched into my bathing suit.

      I went out to the coridor.

      "Hey, Lady Yuyuko, wanna come?"

      "Oh, I'll join in a second. You wait for me."

      "Okay. I'll be waiting for everyone else as well!"

      I rushed out to the nearest beach.


        Hotel - Honolulu, Hawaii

        Isaac lead John to Room 506, where Zero was being kept.

        "Okay, here's Zero.", Isaac said as he showed the databanks to John.

        "What happened?"

        "Zero was attacked while he was already injured. This is what contains Zero. This is basically his brain; all of his memories, habits, and quirks are all here.", Isaac said as he put the databanks back.

        "Is there any way of giving him a full body?"

        "Yes, but it would take a long time to make one. I might be able to find a replacement at the convention though."

        "What convention?"

        "Government stuff. Basically an Engi-con."

        Isaac then looked at the key John held in his hand.

        "I think your friends might be waiting for you. You do have the key. Just tell..V? Nono, X! Tell X to come over later. I might have him back up to at least talking capacity. Okay, I need you out now. I'm running late.", Isaac said as he walked towards the door.

        John followed and Isaac locked the door.

        "Later.", Isaac said as he walked to the elevator.

        John walked to the door of Room 509.

        "Sorry for keeping everyone waiting.", John said as he opened the door.
        Last edited by S121; 06-19-2013, 04:52 PM.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Hotel - Room 507

          Axl can be seen back in his human form, though this time he is wearing black swim trunks, with a red stripe on each side. "I'M READY FOR THE BEACH!" He yelled as he rushes out of the room.


            Yuyuko finally came out.

            "Sorry! I just had to find something to wear."

            "Ah, don't sweat it! The beach isn't going anywhere!"


              Hotel, Honolulu Hawaii

              Dante was in his room, he just had gotten done with shower and had put on his red swim trunks ready to hit the beach again. He looks at Ebony and Ivory, and the Rebellion. "Nah I don't need them." He said as he leaves his room. Kicking his door open he makes his way into the hall, and towards the elevator.
              Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...



                "I don't have anything to wear to the beach. And I don't know how to swim." Koishi said. "But I think I might go to the Inventory. Surely they might have something to do." Koishi thought out loud, going to the lobby floor and out of the hotel.

                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                  Room 509 - Hotel

                  Now that he was alone, John pulled out the crystal Yukari gave him.

                  John looked at it.

                  (Now what? Do I talk to it?), John thought as he continued to stare at it.

                  Hesitating for a moment, John then started talking to it.

                  "Uhhh, Yukari?", John whispered to the crystal as he held it close to his face.

                  (I feel so stupid right now.)
                  Last edited by S121; 06-19-2013, 04:52 PM.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                    Model X floats slowly behind Koishi. "So what is this "Inventory" Place?" Said Model X as he floats in front of Koishi.

                    Hotel - Hawaii

                    Axl looks around the hall and sees Yuyuko. At that instant Axl's jaw drops again. He then tries to say something to her "Hey Yuyuko I-I-I like your hat!" He said as he instantly realizes what he had said. Instantly he smacks his forehead.

                    "Damn it!" He thought.
                    Last edited by NeoFox; 06-17-2013, 01:47 AM.


                      "Oh, why thank you!" Yuyuko said. She walked over to my spot.

                      "Isn't he a nice guy?" She said.

                      "Oh, yea. You'll see alotta nice outta him. -w-"


                        Hawaii, Beach

                        Dante had finally made it to the beach and looks at the open ocean. "I should learn how to surf..." He said as he looks around the beach. "What to do oh what to do... hit on the ladies? No I'll most likely get slapped. Join a game of beach volleyball? Hell no I'll win!" He said as he continues thinking of what to do.
                        Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                          Yuyuko walks over to the water.

                          "It's no use goin to the beach without the expectation ofgoing in the water."

                          She put her foot in. She stood there for a while.

                          She then came back.

                          "You know what? Maybe I'll let the sun warm me up before I go in."

                          Too cold or the ghost princess, huh?



                            "It's kinda complicated, but simply, it's a place where both regular humans and characters can both simply relax and enjoy themselves. There's lots of games. Pool, a really big arcade, a hall for video games, but the Inventory is famous for it's poker tournements. The best facing facing off against one another for lots of money." Koishi explained. Koishi came up on the little door marked "The Inventory", the same as it was, bullet holes visible, and even if one looked closely, dried blood.

                            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.



                              As Axl makes it to the beach he looks on in awe. He has never been to such a beautiful beach before. He then sees Yuyuko with Komachi near the water. Axl then looks around trying to think of something to do to get Yuyuko to like, heck to get her to acknowledge his feelings for her. That's when he sees a snow-cone stand in the distance.

                              X who is at the beach had taken his helmet off. Letting the air hit his face completely, and letting it blow through his hair. "This is relaxing... the air feels really good against my synthetic skin..." Said X as he sees Yuyuko, Komachi, and Axl in the distance.

                              Axl had just gotten two snow-cones. A cherry, and a Blueberry. Axl walks up to Komachi and Yuyuko and smiles. "Hey girls I got two snow-cones, but I uh... forgot that I don't really eat snow-cones due to me being a Reploid. So I was wandering if you would like them?" He asked nicely.


                                "Oh, thanks!"

                                "Thank you."

                                We took our snow cones. It tasted good. I took the blueberry one. I know how much Yuyuko likes cherry.

                                I began eating my snow cone. But by the time I started, Yuyuko had already finished.

                                "That was very good! How can I repay you?"

