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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    (Eve is the computer attached to the suit diagnostics platform Nitori developed. Eve originally wasn't a part of the platform. Rody in Rio found the programming for Eve and gave it to Nitori. I have a surprise involving Eve later in the RP storyline.)
    Pentagon - Washington DC, USA

    "Running General Analysis Program." Eve hummed, scanning Zero. After computation, Eve displayed the analysis result. 5 weapons, none considered "heavy".

    "None?" Nitori gasped, shocked. No heavy weaponry from a forbidden project like Zero was absurd.
    "That's what the scanners say." Eve boringly confirmed. "And no, I don't have a malfunction or a virus."
    "That doesn't make any sense." Nitori facepalmed in shame. "What makes this guy so dangerous?"
    "We will find out soon enough." Mr. Johanssen answered. "The test chamber is ready. Prepare your battle cap and follow me, Zero."


      Pentagon - Washington DC, USA

      Zero smirks again at what the machine said. "I would be glad to tell you more about me after the combat test." Said Zero as he casually follows the group to the testing chamber. Zero quickly cracks his robotic knuckles as though he is ready to fight.
      Placing his hand on his holstered Z-Saber he pulls it out, but does not activate it. Currently it's just a handle without a blade. A serious look comes over his face. A look as though he has been through many tough battles. Battles that would make a normal soldier shake at the thought. The look isn't a look of fear or anything, it's more as though... he is ready for it. Like he is just wanting to fight for the first time in a long time. "I'm ready for anything you decide to throw at me."


        Pentagon - Washington DC, USA

        "You will be given 5 opponents that are Character-level." Mr. Johanssen summarized the experiment. "They are in the virtual realm, so you do not have to worry about their lives. You too will not receive literal damage from the attacks of the virtual Characters."
        The scene around Zero changed into a Colosseum. On the opposite of Zero was a large, iron gate, which was starting to creak open.
        The iron gate swung open, revealing a large, parasitic worm. The scientist outside the chamber reported: "Th... that's another FP subject, Swarm Queen! What are you trying to do, Mr. Johanssen?"

        "Testing." Mr. Johanssen muttered indifferently, and ordered, "Commence the battle."
        Swarm Queen screeched in berserk, raging, surging forward Zero with her talons ready to skewer.


          Pentagon - Washington DC, USA

          Zero smiles. Activating his Z-Saber he goes into a defensive stance. As the Swarm Queen approaches Zero he grins and dashes to the side and begins to wait for an opportune time to strike. He studies the giant work closely. During the battle Zero is keeping an eye on his opponent. Suddenly he sees an opening and rushes in. Z-Saber in hand he performs a series slashes at the Swarm Queen. Not letting his guard down one bit during the battle.
          Last edited by NeoFox; 05-07-2013, 04:50 PM.


            Test Chamber - Pentagon

            Sustaining heavy damage, Swarm Queen screeched and backed off for a breather. But the opponent was strong, ruthless, and unrelenting.
            The Swarm Queen laid eggs around her: eggs that would spawn loyal minions. The Swarm will be ready.


              Test Chamber - Pentagon

              Zero watches as the worm lays eggs everywhere. He then gets his next attack ready. He clenches his fist and punches the ground. "Get ready! Rakuhouha!" He yells as he gets engulfed in a bright light in the shape of a sphere. All of a sudden shots spread out from the light sphere and to the surrounding area, attempting to destroy most of the eggs in the room. As the light clears Zero draws his Z-Saber again and attempts to finish off the Swarm queen. Not worrying about the eggs until he defeated the giant worm.


                Somewhere on the Sea of Japan

                Dawn had hit the Borealis, and DAR wasted no time, and started the engines, waking everyone up in the process. Mima headed up to the top deck of the ship, and it was apparent that they were already far from shore, as only water could be seen from all sides.

                "Nice view, eh?" came a voice from behind Mima. She turned to find Salvador, who was looking out on the ocean.

                "Yeah, I guess. Finished your attempted romancing?" Mima chuckled to herself.

                "Oh, just shut up.That never happened." Salvador retorted.

                "Sure, sure." Mima calmly replied.

                "So, loco, where you from?" Salvador asked.

                "A fancy place called Gensokyo. Don't have all this technology in there. Still trying to get used to some of it." Mima replied. "And you?"

                "A pendejo planet called Pandora. It's a desert shithole. Nothing but bandits and skags." Salvador said. "But it's got tons of sweet, sweet loot."

                "Loot?" Mima inquired.

                "Hell yeah! Guns, money, shields, women, it's got everything a merc could ask for!" Salvador said with enthusiasm.

                Mima somewhat liked this fellow. Interesting guy, to say the least, and with enough firepower to take down an army single-handed.

                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                  (note: Terra speaks in brown)
                  Hakurei Shrine - Gensokyo

                  Aqua walked the gap world again. Just as last time she had her armor on just to be sure.
                  ("What a strange place. I don't really like it tough.")

                  When she walked out of the gap she saw a big shrine in her direction.
                  "Terra, I've been looking for you. Have you seen Ven or that masked boy?"

                  "Nice to see you too. Ven is roaming around somewhere close. As for Vanitas, I don't think he have been here yet. The Unversed haven't arrived yet at least."

                  "Then i might find him and bring him home soon. He's so much safer back home.
                  Hey do you mind helping me with this Keyhole here. That's why i was sent here. To seal the Keyhole"

                  "That was just what i was about to do, okay"

                  Both Keyblade Wielders raise their Keyblades and point at the Shrine. Light could be seen gathering around the Keyblade in a circle and shooting at a keyhole that appeared on the shrine's donation box.
                  As the beams hit the Keyhole the area around it breaks away for a short time before appearing again.
                  Last edited by Katrix; 05-07-2013, 07:55 PM.
                  Born in the light.
                  Molded in the dark

                  Never Forget,
                  Keep Fighting.
                  –Don't Forget.
                  Always, somewhere,
                  someone is fighting for you.
                  –As long as you remember her,
                  you are not alone.


                    Test Chamber - Pentagon

                    SPLURT- The Swarm Queen did not anticipate for this attack, falling defeated. The eggs hatched, but because of no Swarm Queen, the hatchlings only acted on their instincts: consume. The hatchlings started hunting each other, dying either by malnutrition or getting eaten. The last hatchling died of indigestion.
                    "Good work." Mr. Johanssen muttered as the disgusting corpses of Zerg bugs disappeared. "Next Character."
                    The iron gate opened, revealing a giant iron golem with wheeled legs.
                    "A ROLLING GOLEM GATHERES NO DUST." The golem bleeped.

                    "Begin." Mr. Johanssen muttered, and the golem shot his hands out, hoping for a grab.


                      Test Chamber- Pentagon

                      Zero stops and turns. He looks at the golem. A determined look comes over his face as the golem approaches. Zero quickly jumps into the and onto the golems body. He holds his Z-Saber with the blade downward. He then attempts to pierce his blade through the golems body.


                        Hakurei Shrine - Gensokyo

                        "How are things for you by the way?"
                        . Aqua inspected Terra remembering what Master Eraqus had told her.
                        "If Terra shows any signs of falling into darkness you have to bring him back at once".

                        "Everything is fine, Master Xehanort have given me some insight of what might be going on.
                        He told me what that Vanitas, that masked boy was. We just have to keep looking for now"

                        Suddenly a sound could be heard. It was faint, but it was there.

                        Both Terra and Aqua readied their Keyblades.
                        Born in the light.
                        Molded in the dark

                        Never Forget,
                        Keep Fighting.
                        –Don't Forget.
                        Always, somewhere,
                        someone is fighting for you.
                        –As long as you remember her,
                        you are not alone.


                          (Can Z-Saber pierce through steel?)
                          Test Chamber- Pentagon

                          "Th... that's Blitzcrank, the Great Steam Golem!" The scientist exclaimed. "One Forbidden Project against another... are you sure this subject can endure 5 trials of battles?"
                          "Yes." Mr. Johanssen answered. "In fact, he is ready to fight a real Character-level enemy right now."
                          "How can you tell?" The scientist asked.
                          "I have my ways." Mr. Johanssen's eyes glimmered with malice as he watched Zero.

                          "I put the 'go' in golem." The golem, Blitzcrank steamed as his arm blocked the Z-Saber. His fist starts glowing with metallic electricity as he attempted to punch Zero.


                            ((Yes it can. Judging by the fact that it is his main weapon against other reploids/ mavericks which are made of steel, and some are even made of Titanium (though it can't cut through solid titanium.) :P))
                            Test Chamber - Pentagon

                            Before Zero can get in another strike he gets punched by the golem. Zero gets flung across the room and crashes into a wall. As he does he falls to the ground and looks up at the golem. "I've fought tougher mavericks than this before!" He says as a smile comes across his face. He lets out a bit of laughter as he gets ready for another attack. "Bring it!" Yelled the red robot as he readies his Z-Saber. He dashes towards Blitzcrank aiming a slash at the wheels.


                              Somewhere in the Sea of Japan

                              As the two talked, a frantic sounding DAR called from the top deck.

                              "Oh dear, we are not alone here. That thing is back!" Kliener said through the intercom.

                              "Thing?" Mima asked.

                              Suddenly, a massive tan form rose from the water beside the ship, dwarfing the ship and making it look tiny. It had a large armored body, large blackened spines ran along the top of it's body and the front of it was split into a quadruple split maw, with hundreds of small eyes on it, glowing a subtle red. Hanging from the jaws were rows upon rows of whisker-like instruments, constantly moving and twitching, and several orbs of yellow energy glowing a bright orange ran down it's sides, the and it then submerged again, churning the water around it in huge waves.

                              "It's the Category G!" Pontius yelled, readying his sword.

                              "It's been plaguing the sea for months, and nothing seems to affect it!" Kliener explained.

                              The form then rose behind the boat, it's maw opening, revealing hundreds of teeth, each the size of a person, while a central grasper like tongue lied in the center, trying to engulf the boat. Mima quickly went, pulling out her staff.

                              "Master Spark!" Mima yelled, the large yellow laser firing directly into the creature's mouth, making it retreat with a roar.

                              "That bitch is persistent!" Salvador yelled, pulling out a large rocket launcher.

                              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                                Test Chamber- Pentagon

                                Blitzcrank managed to barely dodge the slash, but not without sacrifices. He has used his "Overdrive" ability, and it will not be available for at least 15 seconds.
                                "I remain focused." Blitzcrank bleeped, as he charged up his ultimate ability: Static Field.

