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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Shinki's Infirmary - Makai, Gensokyo

    X looks at Eirin with a look of confusion. "Man? What man?" Asked X obviously not knowing about the message from his deceased creator. He looks at his hands then Eirin. "Hey... the girl I attacked... Is she... okay?" Asked X as he waits for a response.

    ((Previous post has been edited to introduce Zero.))
    Last edited by NeoFox; 05-07-2013, 01:14 AM.


      (Time to let Nitori do her thing!)
      Shinki's Palace Infirmary - Makai - Gensokyo

      "How? What did you use to do that?"
      "Catch this." Eirin threw a card at John. The card said: "Galaxy in a Pot."
      "By using the spell card: Galaxy in a Pot, I allow the entire world to be formed around me, like a pot. Then, I use the temporary world's universal energy to create these probes that mend broken humans... didn't think it would work on machine-man too." Eirin explained as she summoned a small familiar.
      "This spell card can be easily used by other people who have some knowledge in medicine and magic. Seeing as how strong the user's magic is, it can also be used as a deadly spell card."

      Pentagon - Washington DC, USA

      Nitori tinkered with the model Ezra for two hours. It was tough work, but she managed to make something along the lines of the improved artillery shell for model Ezekiel. She also went and created a heavy-caliber weapon that easily snugged into the glove compartment: M-3 Flamethrower, another replica of Commodore Gunner's master firearm. Lt. Trelawney wasn't lying: those firearms were difficult to make functional, let alone exert full potential. However, Nitori had some sort of idea how to replicate something that came close. And once she's there, she can use that to create something that's even more powerful than Commodore Gunner's firearms.
      "New Ezra is ready for testing." Nitori announced. Lt. Trelawney strolled over to Ezra, observing and taking notes.
      "Alright, bring it to the test chamber, and we'll start." Lt. Trelawney said, and Nitori got inside the Ezra suit. The suit was obviously designed for someone a lot taller than Nitori, but it didn't serve too much trouble for locomotive purposes.
      "Let's bring the virtual test session up." Lt. Trelawney told one of his sergeant engineers, who nodded and typed a command in the test chamber prompt. Nitori then saw a wide, desert field open up, with several target dummies far away.
      "Hit the targets, 5 times in succession." Lt. Trelawney commanded through the microphone that relayed to Nitori's suit. Nitori, a barely five-foot tall Kappa girl, had to tip-toe to see the HUD's minimap.
      "Target locked, ready." Nitori relayed as she locked the coordinates for one of the test missiles, her hands expertly controlling a joystick that corresponded with the support ligament to the artillery cannon.
      "Fire." Lt. Trelawney ordered, and Nitori pressed the button on top of the joystick.

      The test missile flew straight to the air, and landed on the closest test dummy half a mile away. Four corresponding missiles all hit their marks, the farthest being about 4 miles away.

      After several trials, (all 100% accuracy), when Nitori exited the test chamber, all the engineers who saw the feat clapped and applauded Nitori.
      "I've heard that you were an expert engineer, but these successful datas, developed in such a short time... you are a prodigy." Lt. Trelawney said, and Nitori blushed.
      "I don't exactly have all of my resources in here, so I cannot do anything too advanced." Nitori humbly scratched her head and clumsily smiled.
      "Ahem." A voice from behind startled Nitori as all of the engineers, even Lt. Trelawney, froze and saluted. The man was the Military Commander of the United States, Edward Johanssen.
      "I saw your feat from far away. Excellent work." Mr. Johanssen uttered in his monotone, cold voice.
      "Ahehehe, thank you, sir." Nitori clumsily smiled again.
      "May I ask you to come with me? I have an important subject to show you that could use your talent."


        Shinki's Palace Infirmary - Makai, Gensokyo

        X looks at Eirin and John then begins thinking. I was repaired with magic, and medicine? I'm a machine... not a human though... how could that have worked? Thought X as he begins to walk away. He has a lot on his mind right now, and he is trying to straighten things out.

        Pentagon - Washington DC, USA

        The scientists stop and continue to keep an eye on the capsule closely. "I think it's jammed sir.." Said one of the men in the room. The occasionally sounds of beeping, and gears moving can be heard coming from inside the capsule. One of the scientists looks at the man and scowls. "Then try and get it open. For the whole time we had this thing we could not get it open. Now we have a chance to get a good look at whatever is inside that damn thing." Said the scientist as the man nods. He motions for a few other workers to come help him try and get it open. As soon as the man puts his hand on the latch a surge of electricity shocks the man causing him to fall back unconscious.
        Last edited by NeoFox; 05-07-2013, 01:38 AM.


          Shinki's Palace Infirmary - Makai - Gensokyo

          "This spell card can be easily used by other people who have some knowledge in medicine and magic. Seeing as how strong the user's magic is, it can also be used as a deadly spell card."

          "So I can keep it for X? Seeing what we're planning on doing, it would really be of help."
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            [EDIT] Adding Something for PringlesUtsuho.

            Pentagon - Washington DC, USA

            Mr. Johanssen took Nitori to a laboratory, far deep underground. The status of the laboratory was at its peak of panic. Scientists running around, gathering papers and making phone calls, there definitely is something wrong.
            "What happened?" Mr. Johanssen asked one of the scientists who saluted hastily.
            "Sir, the subject number FP014 is in hiatus mode right now. It seems that the capsule that sealed the subject has malfunctioned, with its cover agape. If we leave it like this, the subject will wake up, and the entire Pentagon may be destroyed." The scientist quickly responded, obviously in his own panic attack.
            "I will go. Open the chamber door." Mr. Johanssen dismissed the scientist as he strided towards the chamber where subject number FP014 was slumbering in. Within seconds, the door opened, revealing a dark room with glowing, half-open capsule. Mr. Johanssen continued walking until he reached the capsule. The cover was half-open, and it has been locked in place so that it wouldn't budge.
            "Can you do anything about this?" Mr. Johanssen asked Nitori. Nitori silently walked to the capsule, drew out her wrench, and started inspecting the door.
            "The door is jammed." Nitori said. "It is possible to open it ajar fully, but it is impossible to close it fully. I don't know how this happened to be, but the only way to preserve the test subject is to open the chamber fully and quickly replace it with a new chamber, before the test subject awakes."
            "Then let us do so." Mr. Johanssen said, as a SWAT team approached the capsule. Mr. Johanssen turned to look at them, and ordered them: "Men, help this young lady open this damn cover!"

            Shinki's Palace Infirmary - Makai - Gensokyo

            "So I can keep it for X? Seeing what we're planning on doing, it would really be of help."
            "You will have to have basic understandings of danmaku and spell cards." Eirin said as she handed John a booklet. It was written in old Japanese, and had a picture of chibi Eirin on it holding a sign that said the title: translated into "Danmaku for ⑨s."
            "This book will help you get started." Eirin stated. "Of course, if you wish for more advanced methods, you will have to find me in Eientei or any other strong Youkai in Gensokyo during their free time. But for wielding that spell card, that book will suffice."
            Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 05-07-2013, 01:53 AM.


              Pentagon - Washington DC, USA

              Slowly the beeping, and the sound of gears stop. The subject known as Zero slowly begins to wake. He hears the voices of people talking.
              Where am I?... What am I doing awake?... Thought Zero as his systems slowly turn on one by one.
              Zero opens his eyes, his systems still activating.
              This isn't the first time this has happened... first time I awoke like this... the world was in the middle of a war... I hope that isn't the case this time... Thought the red robot as the sound of something moving can be heard from the capsule.


                Pentagon - Washington DC, USA

                As Nitori opened the cover, there slept a... robot? An android perhaps?
                "Ah, it's awake!" Nitori announced alarmingly, her wrench in her hands in case something happens. Then, she leaned towards to the android in the capsule. "Hello!"

                (BRB for 10 minutes)


                  Shinki's Palace Infirmary - Makai - Gensokyo

                  Eirin handed John the book. It may have been written in old Japanese, but John's suit had a built in translator. He remembers using it to understand what different aliens were saying, back when he was in his universe.

                  "Thank you."

                  John sat in the corner and began to read.
                  Last edited by S121; 05-07-2013, 02:14 AM.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Pentagon - Washington DC, USA

                    The capsule opens, and Zero finds himself the center of attention in a laboratory. He looks around the area then at Nitori. He glares at her and steps out. "So who woke me up from my slumber?" Asked the red reploid as he crossed his arms. Giving a mean look to everyone in the room he turns to Nitori.
                    He smirks as Nitori says hello.
                    "Well at least someone is kind enough to give me some sort of response. The names Zero. I'm an S ranked ember of the 17th Elite Maverick Hunters Unit. I would say that it's a pleasure to meet all of you, but it appears I had a bit of a rude awakening." He said in a somewhat cold, and cocky tone.


                      Pentagon - Washington DC, USA

                      "Welcome to the real world, Zero." Mr. Johanssen walked up to Zero, still stern and cold. "My name is Edward Johanssen, Military Commander of the United States. We have awoken you from your slumber through an accident, and I as the representative apologize in stead of the members of US Military. However, as now you have awakened, we would like you to participate as our agent for combatting US's enemies."


                        Pentagon - Washington DC, USA

                        Zero looks at the commander as though he is scanning him. Zero's smirk turns into a small smile. "Pleasure to meet you Commander. I would be glad to help in anyway I can." He says as his smile turns into a serious look. "Sorry but I don't think it was an accident. You see I have had the same thing happen to me several times before, and each time it was for a certain reason. I don't know what the reason is this time, but for the first time I have no clue why I awoke. This was supposed to be the last time I would be sealed away. I guess I am needed once more." Said Zero as he remembers the first thing the commander said. "The real world? Sorry I don't understand. I thought the world I lived in was the real one. Don't say it was no dream or anything." Said a slightly angered and confused Zero.
                        Last edited by NeoFox; 05-07-2013, 03:29 AM.


                          Pentagon - Washington DC, USA

                          "I guess I'm needed once more."
                          Once more? Nitori asked herself. Does that mean that someone else has control over Zero?
                          "First, we must run a diagnostics on your abilities." Mr. Johanssen said. "We'll have to put you into our test chamber for analysis on your combat capabilities."
                          "Actually," Nitori objected. "My computer Eve can run analysis on any mechanical suits, without having to create another entity to the test chamber database. Besides, it's much safer to follow this method, since it doesn't require the weapons to be used."

                          "I want to see FP subjects' capabilities with my own eyes." Mr. Johanssen refuted.
                          "But you don't want the Pentagon to blow up, do you, commander?" Nitori rebutted. Mr. Johanssen frowned, but yielded.
                          "Very well, we will use Eve for primary scan, then bring the subject to test weapons not categorized in danger level."


                            Pentagon - Washington DC, USA

                            Zero looks at them when they say that they need to run a diagnostics test on his abilities. He quickly frowns then smirks. "Just show me where I need to go. It's been a while since I have been awake. It would be good to get a little fun." Zero says as he places his hand on the handle of his Z-Saber which is holstered on his back. "Quick head of advice. I'm more of a close ranged person. Guns and the such are not really my forte." Said Zero as he takes his hand off his Z-Saber. He looks at Nitori as though he is scanning her. She looks human, but my scans show that she isn't... what is she exactly. He raises an eyebrow as he looks at her. A quick look of shock comes over his face as he remembers something. He quickly shakes his head at his thought.
                            "No... they probably found a way to prevent such a disaster..." He said to himself as he crosses his arms.


                              Pentagon - Wahington DC, USA

                              "Step on this platform, Zero, and we'll start the analysis." Nitori guided Zero back to her lab, with Mr. Johanssen and the SWAT team following closely behind. "Don't worry, Eve will be gentle."
                              "Actually," Eve spoke out. It became obvious Eve had her own sentient thought. "I only consider fully robotic men interesting."
                              "I thought you had a thing for GLaDOS." Nitori teased Eve, which displayed a sulking face on the monitor. "Let's get started."


                                Pentagon - Washington DC, USA

                                Zero looks at Nitori and follows her to her lab. "Nice lab you got here." He says as he walks to the platform he stands there and waits patiently for the testing to start.

                                As he is waiting for the diagnostics her crosses his arms. Chuckling at the conversation Nitori was having with Eve.

                                ((Quick question which might be a stupid thing to ask, but who is Eve?))

