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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    "Hehe, yea! I wouldn't mind training on... On... Gee, everyone here seems to be a lady. Hold up, one, two... Nope, they're all women. DAMMIT, I CAN'T TRAIN WITH ANYONE!!!"

    "Oh, this? It's an exoskeleton I've been working on since I found out I had these in my latest game."


      Hakurei Shrine (Youkai Union Headquarters) - Gensokyo

      John was a little rusty with sword fighting, so he pulled out an Energy Sword and activated it.


      The Energy Sword ignited into the shape of a double tipped blade.
      Last edited by S121; 07-16-2013, 12:39 AM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



        X, and Zero stepped out of the gap and into Gensokyo. As they do Zero looks around. "Where are we exactly?" Said Zero as X turns to him. "Gensokyo. Home of many Youkai." Replied X as Zero turns to him. "Home of many Youkai? Could Nitori be here by chance?..." Zero said to himself as he takes off running.

        "Wait Zero where are you going!?" Yelled X as Zero ignores him completely.

        London-Chris's Apartment

        "That's awful... sorry to hear about that... I don't know much else to say..." Said Chris as he rubs his forehead. Damn Chris has had an awful day, and he has yet to report back to HQ.


          "Yes... But who knows? Maybe he was in the explosion, but Master Chief spared his life! There's still a chance!!! Now then you've been so hospitable to me. Is there anything I can do for you?


            Hakurei Shrine (Youkai Union Headquarters) - Gensokyo

            John got used to the feel of the Energy Sword very quickly, but that didn't mean that he was proficient with it.

            John swung it around a little, to get a better feel for its weight, then went to performing stabbing motions with it.

            (Damn, it's been a while.), John thought as he then tried more complex maneuvers.

            John slashed, spun forward, and performed a second slash.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



              Chris looks at Gerard and sighs. "The only thing I can think of would involve betraying the Neo-Yakuza, and I'm afraid of what kind of punishment they would give you." He said as he puts his Kevlar vest back on. He then grabs his Assault Rifle and Nine-Oh-Nine pistol. "I do know one thing. I'm going back to that lab. I have to find out what they are planning to do with that bomb." Said Chris as he checks his ammunition.


                I thought for a while, then concluded...

                "I'm coming with you. You need protection from the rest. And plus, well... I'm getting suspicious as well."


                  Hakurei Shrine - Youkai Union Headquarters

                  "Okay, fill us in." Yukari's voice asked from outside.
                  "The invaders are... Formidable." Reimu said from outside. Their voice was drawing nearer. "They already took the Road of Liminalities, Misty Lake, Nameless Hill and surrounding areas. Scarlet Devil Mansion and Youkai Mountain, as well as Human Village are currently under siege, but they should hold fine."
                  "Then let's get to briefing. Is everybody inside?" Yukari asked again.
                  Reimu opened the door to the room where Jason and HM, as well as Renamon's crew, were staying at. "Some robots were seen running the other way. I sent someone to get them."

                  "Waaait you can't just leave like that!" Wriggle pleaded to the fleeting Zero. "You need to follow General Yukari's plan!"


                    Hakurei Shrine (Youkai Union Headquarters) - Gensokyo

                    John entered the shrine and got ready for his briefing.

                    John still had his Energy Sword in his hand, so he turned it off, turning it back into a useless handle.

                    He then put it away.

                    "What do I need to do.", John asked Reimu in a calm tone, as if this was normal for him.

                    Isaac passed by John and sat on the floor, near the wall.

                    (Well Isaac, you're not a soldier, but you better be ready to become one.)

                    Jason walked over to Reimu, Yukari, and John and listened.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Hakurei Shrine

                      "Well then, what is the plan Yukari?" the fox was the first to ask
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        Oooooh, this is gonna be great! I was sitting cross-legged, my feet bouncing uncontrolably!

                        "Alright, let's have a hear!"



                          Zero kept on running, but he does turn to Wriggle. "Sorry, but I'm trying to find someone." Said Zero as X who activated his Falcon Armor flew beside him. "Zero wait! This is important!" He said as he flew in front of Zero. However Zero glares at X.

                          "Tell me is it more important than trying to find a friend?" Replied Zero as X landed.

                          "Yes, yes it is. It's about the fate of the world." Said X as Zero just sighs.

                          "Fine..." Said the red robot as he turns around. X just shakes his head and flies back to the shrine.


                          "Understood. There is no telling how much guards are there right now after our little confrontation with the Nemesis." Said Chris as he leaves the apartment, all geared up.


                            Hakurei Shrine - Youkai Union HQ

                            "Right. In order to get to their Extraction site, we need these following areas reclaimed." Yukari said as a map was brought in by Reimu, along with some biscuits and tea. "Road of Reconsideration and Muenzuka, Misty Lake and areas around Youkai Mountain, as well as Nameless Hill. Amonst these, we are goinf to tackle Muenzuka first."
                            "I am sending you all with a small group of Youkai and fairy army. Your goal is to reclaim Muenzuka from the Devourer's army."

                            "Are you looking for someone?" Wriggle asked Zero. "If it's someone that's from around here, I can help you."


                              I walked out. I called the driver over.

                              "Negotiations are incomplete. We've yet to go to the scene and study something. I would like to go there."

                              The driver nodded and I got in, motioning Chris to follow.

                              I couldn't help but blurt out.

                              "Ooh, ooh, pick me! Pick me!"


                                Hakurei Shrine

                                "A graveyard huh? guess it will be an open area" Samus said looking at the map

                                "Well then, im ready and so my mate" Nera said crackling her knuckles
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


