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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    En route to Muenzuka

    "Sneaky? that could be our second name, so we will snatch that crystal?" Nera said as her rogue memories came to her mind

    "We all have a sneak ability, Nera and me can be as silent and hidden as shadows, Samus is extremely fast with locks and electronic utilities, Yukari can gap and hide in front of anyone and I suppose Mamizou can use transformation abilities" Renamon said hoping up to the trees to see the tower
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      I heard my name being called.

      "Hm? Oh, hey there. I'm HM."

      I reached out for a handshake, but Sakuya hesitated.

      "Huh? Oh, right, this isn't a good impression. Here, I'll change into my old body."

      I then changed appearances to my body.

      "How's this?"

      Instead, she bowed.

      "Hello, HM. I am Sakuya Izayoi. And I must say, you do look an awful lot like Rinnouske Kourin (I probably fucked that up bad...)

      Rinnouske? Wait, does that mean there's another male here? I gotta check that out.

      "Alright, miss, uh..."

      I didn't recall ever getting the name of the nine tailed woman.


        Hakurei Shrine

        Zero sighs. "I weigh 148 pounds. Besides you don't know nothing about me. You're looking at an S-Ranked Maverick Hunter. I have literally plowed through several fortresses filled to the brim with guards, and hostiles. I think I will do fine. Though if you suggest we go by air then let's just go."


          Hakurei Shrine

          "It's Ran." Ran smiled at HM as she saw the other squad departing. "We must go too. I hope you all can fly."

          En Route to Muenzuka

          "It all depends on the situation." Yukari nodded. "We can try different tactics to figure it out."
          "Hey, hey, fox-girl, check this out." Mamizou called for Renamon as a transformed Nera. Looked 100% accurate... Except for a large raccoon tail sticking out behind.


            Hakurei Shrine

            Jason looked at Ran and spoke.

            "Hehe... Fly? I pilot that.", Jason said as he pointed at the Mantis.

            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              ... Fuck.

              I know that I can change my figure, but only to a humanoid stand point. How am I gonna do this...

              "Well, I can ran really fast and jump really high. Close enough?"


                En Route to Muenzuka

                The fox chuckled at the mimic "One thing is having the carcass, let´s see how similar you are with the real one"

                "We are getting close, be ready" Samus said as her radar started to show the landscape of the graveyard
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  Hakurei Shrine

                  "Oh I've heard of your feats. I'm Vice General Yuuka Kazami's right hand girl, and I heard your capacities. Trust me, you wanna go by air."
                  Wriggle grabbed Zero by the waist and took off: sluggish at first, but quickly accelerating.

                  "Ahaha, no." Ran quckly dismissed HM's idea, and then crouched in front of him. "Up top. I'll carry you. Get on my back."


                  The enemy position was much tighter than expected. Yukari heard a 50-man platoon outpost, not a full-sized base storing 100 thousand men.
                  "Well fuck." Yukari swore. "What to do?"


                    Hakurei Shrine

                    Jason hopped into his Mantis and walked it over to the group.

                    "So, do I need to fly, or will this be enough?", Jason asked Ran.

                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Wut dufuq? She's insane! Well, it's not like I know the weight of this suit anyways since, ya know, I am the suit...

                      I changed figure to becoma as much of a small child as possible. I came out with teenager. Close enough.

                      I got on her back.

                      "You alright down there?"


                        Hakurei Shrine

                        As Wriggle was flying Zero decided to give her a little "push."

                        He quickly activated his dash function, in turn the thrusters in his feet activate. Zero and Wriggle had quickly performed a short dash of great speed within a matter of seconds, however the dash function only works in bursts.



                          The fox looked at the place filled with soldiers and at the scenery "Hey Yukari, since this is a graveyard, are there any catacumbs here? if no I still got another idea" Renamon said tracing her two ideas
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            Hakurei Shrine

                            "Light as a feather." Ran smiled, hoisting the teenager HM up. Her tails formed a comfortable blanket around HM. It was almost like having a mother. "Well then, shall we take off?"

                            En Route to Kappa Village

                            Mortars and rockrts were heard launching from either sides of the mountain. Under Wriggle stood a gigantic wave of infantry standing for assembly.
                            "30 million men." Wriggle responded. "Convinced now that going down there is a suicide?"


                            "That hill you are sitting on is one." Yukari pointed as Reimu's group was seen gliding towards them.
                            "What the hell, I though it was a 50-men outpost!" Reimu shouted angrily.
                            "You know that Tengu scouts have a tendency to understate the truth." Yukari groaned.


                              En Route to Kappa Village

                              Zero looks on at the sight. A entire of army was below them. Suddenly Zero felt something odd... as though something is slowly growing inside him. Zero shrugs it off, but as they approach Kappa Village he still feels a odd power growing inside him. "Yea... suicide..." He said as he continues to watch the army.
                              Last edited by NeoFox; 07-16-2013, 03:26 AM.


                                Wow, light? I would have never guessed what with all the additions I put on this thing.

                                Then she blanketed me with her tails. I can't really feel, but I can tell they're soft. It almost felt like... I had a mother... I never knew my mother. But I'm pretty sure she's happy, wherever she is...

