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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    (Ya'll be misspelling Courtyard.)
    Courtyard - Pandemonium, Gensokyo

    "Don't worry about Yukari, she can do whatever you want her to do." Yuuka said to John. Then, she faced everyone.
    "Listen, I don't want you guys to go in with me unprepared. I am literally the only Character here who do not need any sort of prerequisites for an invasion. If you guys are trying to make me feel better by making a haphazard plan, don't. I don't want you all to suffer because of me."

    Hakurei Shrine, Gensokyo

    "Do you take things other than money?"
    "I'll take that beer of yours." Suika smirked. "Or that nice belt of yours."

    Test Chamber - Pentagon
    "You fool." Arthas smirked as Crypt Fiend achieved his cause. As his blood oozed out of his corpse, his blood thickened, forming a mucilage that clung Zero's foot to the ground. "Take a good look at your foot, what you have wrought. You are mine now. The Lich King will take your corpse now."
    Arthas summoned a demonic giant to his aid, giant executioner's axe in one hand, a devilish hook in another. "Demolish, my Abomination."


      Courtyard - Pandemonium, Gensokyo

      "We arenŽt doing this only to make you happy or something, those agents are taking characters without consent, I promised your friend that I would save that girl, no matter what" Renamon said facing YUuka nad showing her the photograph Yukari gave them.

      "Im ready for antything and got enough energy for both power and restauration, just tell me when we leave" The fox said gripping her digivice
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        Courtyard - Pandemonium - Gensokyo

        John realized that the team had yet to sleep.

        "We have yet to sleep. If need be, we could always drop by the nearest drug store and grab some caffine pills."
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          (Something for Topio and The Raven guy!)
          Paris, France

          Fiora returned from her grocery trip back to her apartment. After the Vampire incident, things have returned to normal... Well almost all. They lost a valuable member: The Spy. He has quit working for the FEO, declaring himself a "free-lancing Vampire hunter," devoting himself to finding and bringing the vampire down. On the flip side, FEO has acquired an equally powerful ally on their side: the Commander.

          "I'm back, mon ami." Fiora declared to a certain someone.
          "You bought a lot." The certain someone spoke in a hushed manner. His attire was like an assassin's, with black hood and tight dark red t-shirt. This man was Talon, The Blade's Shadow.
          "I never hold back." Fiora giggled at Talon's comment. "Even in shopping."
          "You always was a hasty woman." Talon tossed a sharp blade to a dartboard.
          "Oh shush." Fiora smiled as she strolled through the wide living room. "Where's Katarina?"
          "Out for a bowling night." Talon remarked. "Or that's what she said to me. Pretty sure she's lying though. How was work?"
          "Disastrous." Fiora sighed as she fell onto the futon. "Insolent peasant of a government cutting back our funds. If I had it my way I would've run them through."
          "Of course." Talon smirked as he slid to the kitchen. "I'll prepare dinner. See if you can find Kat and bring her back home."

          Katarina Du Conteau was enjoying her moment in cool park of downtown Paris. She told Talon that she would go for a game of bowling, but it was a lie. She was out for a hunt: Character hunt, to sate her thirst for battle, not fulfilled for a long time.

          That's when she noticed someone very unusual.

          The man she observed was wandering from a spot to another, unsure of his motive. He had a fairly long, jet-black hair, and wore a black pants and a matching black shirt with black and white jacket. What differentiated this man and a supermodel was his right hand, which was a claw.

          "A worthy opponent." Katarina thought as she approached this Character, silently and carefully.
          (Using Blade Master model of Raven. If it's going to be other Raven class advancement you are using, let me know.)
          Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 05-13-2013, 03:03 AM.


            Test Chamber - Pentagon

            Zero manages to stab the spider demon through the head, but notices his foot got stuck. He looks down and begins to rip his foot out of the gunk. Slowly he can feel his foot dislodging at it's heel. Before he can escape he sees a large corpse giant before him. He quickly charges up his fist, and performs the Rakuhouha. This time he is putting all his weapon energy into it this time. He punches the ground hoping to cause serious damage to his surrounding enemies, and to break the dried up blood that is preventing him from escaping. Instead of small blasts flying from his location, the Rakuhouha is now thin lasers in all directions around him. All the while Zero is screaming his robotic lungs out.

            Courtyard - Pandemonium - Gensokyo

            X looks at Renamon, then back to Yuuka. "She is right. We are not doing this to impress you. We are simply trying to help out. I don't need my armor upgrades, but they will make the mission easier. Besides who knows how much characters they have working for them. They could have characters far stronger than you working as their own men. If you go in alone you can be outnumbered." He says as he clenches his fist. "When I fight I don't fight for myself, nor to impress others. I fight to protect those I care about. To protect them." He says as he closes his eyes. "I don't know what I would do if I just stand here doing nothing to help save innocent people. I... believe it was in my programming to fight for peace, to protect others. Allow us to help you. I would even go in unprepared if I had to. So please. Will you let us help you?" Said X as he opens his eyes. His attention is on Yuuka. "Some of us knows what it's like to lose a close friend. It's painful just to think about it..."


              (Yes I am indeed using Blade Master Raven.)
              Paris - France

              Raven who is still running notices a sound in the air. He stops and focuses, his ears searching for the sound. The sound of silent footsteps echo his mind as he grips his blade. "I can hear you coming. Your footsteps are quiet, but your breathing isn't controlled. If you are going to sneak up on someone I suggest that you learn to keep your breathing under control." He said as he still can't pinpoint the exact location, but whoever it is, is close by. "I do not wish to fight someone at this current time. So if you are wishing to challenge me then you are out of luck."
              Last edited by SUSTIC; 05-13-2013, 09:31 AM.


                Hakurei Shrine, Gensokyo

                "You're pushing your luck, dama. I was thinking something like this." Salvador pulled out four bars of a brightly glowing purple metal, pulsating as he held it.

                "What in the blazing hells is that?" Mima asked.

                "Just some little Eridium, helps with that magical shit and stuff. Good for power too." Salvador replied.

                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                  Paris, France

                  "Damn, I've been found, huh?" Katarina sheathed her blades. Without her sinister blades and even more sinister face, Katarina was just another beautiful French gal. "You are the first to note my fault since my father and Talon. You must be not an ordinary human."

                  Hakurei Shrine, Gensokyo

                  "I still wanted that beer..." Suika sadly added. "I'll see what I can find. Sit tight."
                  As Suika entered the shrine, another entity was closing in on Hakurei Shrine...

                  Test Chamber - Pentagon

                  As Arthas saw his undead giant shred himself to pieces through his opponent's shield, Arthas sighed in disbelief. He knew that his reborn companions were ignorant, but this ignorant?
                  "You are making me lose my patience, mortal." Arthas murmured as he began the incarnation of his final summoning spell.
                  "Ascend, Frost Wyrm!" Arthas shouted as a giant frozen dragon appeared from the ground into the air.

                  Courtyard - Pandemonium, Gensokyo

                  It was heartwarming to see the Characters supporting Yuuka. But Yuuka did not care. She was too distraught to care. All she sought after was Wriggle.
                  "Yukari, gap me to Osaka." Yuuka asked, and Yukari did so. "Follow me if you think you're ready. Otherwise, prepare yourself at Okinawa. I'll give you 12 hours."
                  Yuuka entered the gap, leaving the others to their choices.

                  (Author's note in the OOC.)


                    Courtyard - Pandemonium, Gensokyo

                    ("That girl needs some cool down, she will kill herself because of her own stubborness") Renamon thought as she ran towards the portal.

                    Before she entered the gap, she faced Yukari "I will find your friend and take her back, just please keep an eye on Yuuka" the fox said jumping in the gap.

                    "Whatever you are planning, im not going to let you go alone, IŽll follow you" the vixen said to Yuuka as she reached the florist
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      Test Chamber - Pentagon

                      Zero manages to destroy the giant corpse with his Rakuhouha, but he is now running low on weapon energy. He only has a few units left. Though he does not care. His original programming is blocking his senses. The purple mist continues to emanate from his body. He looks up at the Frost Wyrm and roars in a fit of uncontrollable rage. Yet again he grabs his helmet, and begins screaming in pain as he falls to one knee. As he stops he looks up at the frost dragon and uses the thrusters in his legs to propel himself into the air right below the Frost Wrym. Z-Saber in hand. He attempts a slash at the creatures legs.

                      Courtyard - Pandemonium - Gensokyo

                      X watches on as Renamon, and Yuuka go through the gap. He turns to John. "Okay I guess me and you are going to be heading to the base in Okinawa to get you some supplies." He says as he turns to Yukari. "Excuse me ma'am, but do you think you can get me and John here to the base I was stationed at?"


                        Paris - France

                        Raven looks at Kat as she reveals herself. "That is because I have trained my body, and mind to its limit." He replied as he scowls slightly at what she said.

                        "You must not be an ordinary human."

                        "I am also not any ordinary human. I am part machine now." He said as he lifts the sleeve that is covering his Nasod Arm. "See. Though it is not the reason I was able to hear you coming." He said as he sheathes his blade. "Any well trained warrior could hear you coming if you cannot control your breathing."


                          Paris, France

                          Katarina saw the machine claw on the Character's arm.
                          "You remind me of an old comrade of mine." Katarina announced, thinking of Urgot, Noxian executioner that has been reborn through necromancy. "What brings you to Paris?"


                            Paris - France

                            Raven looks at Kat before putting the sleeve back down. "I am a wanderer. I roam this world looking for work. I am a mercenary for hire, but I am also looking for a few friends of mine." He says as he examines Kat. He then stops and begins walking away.


                              Paris, France

                              "Wait." Kat stopped Raven. "If you're wandering, why don't you crash at my place? My roommate Fiora can find you work to do too."


                                Paris - France

                                "I don't know... I don't want to be in anyone's way..." Said Raven as he looks over his shoulder at Kat. "Though I have been traveling for a few days straight now. I could use a place to rest for one night..." Said Raven as he begins thinking whether or not to accept her offer.

