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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    "Unngghh....... Dai..."

    Then I remembered what happened!

    "The avalanche! What happened to her?!"

    I quickly went back to the battlefield.

    "Daiyousei! Daiyousei, where are you?!"


      Eirin's Medic Tent

      "The best thing you can do right now," Yuuka answered. "Is to sit and rest until the final battle."

      Foot of Youkai Mountain

      Duncan helped HM clear off the snow from the avalanche until a small amount of lime green haur was spotted.
      "These hairs..." Duncan asked. "Do they belong to the one you're searching for?"


        Eirin's Medic Tent

        John grabbed his helmet and put it on.

        A clicking noise could be heard as the helmet locked in place.

        "But what about the Extractor?", John asked Yuuka.

        "My HUD's countdown timer says that we only have 4 hours until our planet is dead."
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Oh no!

          I dug up th green hair.


          I held her close to me.


          I rushed into the woods and started a campfire. I put her near the fire to heat her.

          "Come on, stay with me!"


            Outside the Medic Tent

            Duo was sitting on a rock outside the medic tent as John was getting fixed up. Duo listened in on the conversation.

            "Only four hours left... then it is true... there is not much time left... I have to stop the evil that has fallen upon this world!" Said Duo as he tries to fly, however one of his "Wings" is damaged preventing lift off.


              Eirin's Medic Tent

              "What's important is that you're up and able to do your duty when the time comes." Yuuka snapped. "Time availability on the Extractor isn't the problem."

              Foot of Youkai Mountain

              Duncan watched HM carry Daiyousei on his back... How heartwarming... If Duncan did not see what he saw.
              "Hey, you..." Duncan called out. "Oh, dear God, this poor child."
              Duncan grieved over Daiyousei's missing arm, torn through the shoulders. The cold snow has been serving as an anti-bleeding mechanism.


                Eirin's Medic Tent

                John stopped talking for a moment and slightly turned his head away.

                The problem for him was the fact that Spartans were trained to keep going, despite even the worst injuries.

                "Well, can I at least do something not combat oriented? I'm okay with walking around, it's just running that I have a problem with.", John said to Yuuka.

                He then turned towards Eirin.

                "Is there anything you need me to do?", John asked.

                John had the energy to keep going, it was just a matter of his temporary Anemia holding him back.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  "What is-"

                  Then I saw it... her arm...

                  "... I was... too late... DAMMIT!!!!!"

                  I punched a crater into the floor.

                  "No... this is... my fault... I shouldn't have been so careless... No! It's my fault, but I'm going to at least help her!"

                  I opened a foot compartment an took out bandages. I wrapped the wound, then gave her the pain reliever.

                  "Daiyousei, come on!"

                  Then, somehow... water trickled down my face. I don't know whether or not itwere rain or snow, but it's timing was perfect, because...

                  I wanted to cry so badly now.


                    Eirin's Medic Tent

                    "Well the Akis wouldn't want snow around their area..." Eirin sighed. "I'll prepare some blood bags for you to take just in case you get dizzy, but if you could go over to the foot of Youkai Mountain, dig some snow out and pour them into the Misty Lake nearby, that would be lovely."
                    "Don't push yourself, though." Yuuka warned. "Besides, you wouldn't want to miss the final piece of action, would you?""

                    Foot of Youkai Mountain

                    "She didn't lose too much blood, thanks to the snow." Duncan looked over Daiyousei. "But if she is not treated with proper medical care, she might die of direct hypothermia."
                    "Is something going on?" Someone asked from the shadows: Nazrin, dowsing for any treasures the Nucleoids might have left: valuables, technologies, all that gizmo.


                      I turned the mouse girl.

                      "Get help! This fairy is about to die! Please!."

                      Then I remembered that I had a communicator. I quickly called John.


                        Eirin's Medic Tent

                        "No I wouldn't.", John said in a light-hearted tone, happy that he was able to help in any way possible.

                        John grabbed one of the blood bags and put one of the needles into his Biofoam Injector. He then grabbed the blood bag and slowly squeezed the bag until it was empty.

                        He then out the remaining bags in his storage compartment and looked got ready to leave.

                        "Time to get back to work.", John said as he ran out of the tent, despite Yuuka and Eirin's warnings.

                        All of a sudden, John got a beeping sound in his helmet. It was a message from HM!

                        (What!? But HM, he died! How is this possible!?)

                        "H-how?...", John asked in a shocked tone.
                        Last edited by S121; 08-01-2013, 01:31 AM.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Eirin's Medic Tent

                          Duo was still outside the tent examining the damage on his wing. It wasn't too bad, but without it he can't fly outside of his Meteor form. "No. With this damage I will be unable to partake in aerial combat." Said Duo. His voice sounding a bit more unnerved than normal. To his knowledge there is no other place where he could get repaired.

                          Suddenly Zero who was lost had tripped and started rolling down the mountain like a boulder, he came crashing down outside the Medical Tent. As Zero crashed Duo looks at him. Instantly his in built radar started detecting an evil type energy inside Zero.

                          "That energy... I felt it before... it was the same energy that I detected near the mountain..." Said Duo to himself as he takes a step forward. "Don't move an inch unless you are wanting to be deleted!" Said Duo as Zero dusts himself off. "What? What are you talking about?" Said Zero as he turns to Duo.


                            I spoke rapidly.

                            "Alright, listen, I don't care how the fuck you do it, but right now the fact that I'm alive is nothing because Daiyousei is about to die! Bring a professional medic or something, just don't let her die!"


                              Eirin's Medic Tent

                              Just as John was about to begin running to HM's aid, he heard talking behind him.

                              John turned around and saw Zero and the blue robot arguing about something.

                              "Will you two stop screwing around and get ready for the next mission?", John scolded.

                              He then turned back over and flew off at 200 mph, towards Youkai Mountain.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                I saw John in the air. I tried operating LAYZOR, but it wouldn't activate. The suit was shut down and needed to be fixed before I turn from a soul back into a MIHI. The process was already underway.

                                I waved frantically at John to notify him of my location.

