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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Computer Lab

    As the flash worn off HUNK saw Gerard spin around with a katana in hand. HUNK quickly ducks however HUNK was only mostly successful at dodging as the katana cut the top of his helmet, leaving a large noticeable cut. HUNk then performs a sweep kick in an attempt to trip Gerard...


      I fell, but then quickly used my hand to spring be back up in the air. While I was suspended, I aimed for HUNK with the AK and fired.


        Computer Lab

        HUNK saw the attack and rolled out of the way just in time to avoid the gunfire.

        "You're quite skilled "commander" unfortunately this will be the last moment of you're life." Said HUNK as he prepares for a knife to sword fight with Gerard.


          "As are you. Unfortunately, I just have to say..."

          I charged at HUNK with the katana in hand.

          "My son is a better fighter than you!"


            Computer Lab

            HUNK quickly counters the katana with his knife by having the blades clash against each other. As he countered the katana HUNK takes out his H&K USP handgun and aims it at Gerard's stomach.

            "It's a shame that he had to die. He would have made an honorable trophy on my wall. Though you will suffice" Replied HUNK in that same emotionless tone from before. It's literally as though all his humanity has literally just disappeared.

            The footsteps of HUNK's men can be heard making their way to the computer room.


              I just stood there. This man... he had no right... to talk about my son that way!

              "You don't seem to have a word limiter. Allow me to put one on you."

              I unsheathed my second katana. This, known across the Neo-Yakuza, meant that I was going into Zen-Mode.

              "Prepare yourself... DIE!!!"

              I quickly rushed at HUNK.


                Research Labs

                HUNK quickly dashed to the side as he threw his knife at Gerard, hoping to hit him in the leg. He then takes his handgun and fires a few shots at Gerard. HUNK knew that Gerard was now fighting with the intent to kill.
                This fact excited HUNK slightly. He was fighting someone of even skill this time. It will take everything he has to put take out Gerard. HUNK kept running from Gerard throughout the room all the while he kept firing his handgun until he had to reload.


                  I kicked the knife into the roof. I weaved through some bullets and blocked others with the katana. One bullet almost went by me, but I used the katana and sliced it in half.

                  I picked up the blocked bullets and threw them in the air. I hit them with the side of my katana, flying towards HUNK in a shotgun manner. In a flash, I pulled out the AK and added my own bullets.


                    Computer Lab

                    HUNK saw the oncoming barrage of bullets. HUNK had thought quickly and dived to the side behind a table with a computer on it.

                    "You're more dangerous than I had expected." He said as he watched his men enter the room. Unfortunately the got caught up in the barrage of bullets and were killed on the spot.


                      I watched on.

                      "This is turning into a cemetery... all because of the Neo-Yakuza's existence. I should've known better."

                      I kicked the table over and pulled something from my pocket.

                      "That mask... will only do so much for you now!"

                      I tossed it and a giant cloud of smoke emerged from the smoke bomb.


                        Computer Lab

                        HUNK was caught off guard by the smoke grenade, but he quickly rolled out of the way. His gas mask was protecting him from choking on the smoke, but due to the smoke he was completely unable to see. HUNK stood up and began to try and find his way out of the room before he would be killed by Gerard. Fortunately for Hunk he found the doorway leading out of the computer lab and into... the B.O.W. Containment Room? HUNK turned towards the doorway he just left and fired his handgun to get Gerard's attention.

                        HUNK then ran to the other side of the Containment Room, where there was a lever to lock the entire containment sector in case of an emergency. The walls of the room were actually soundproof glass. Beyond the glass were at least a dozen Lickers.


                          "They always run." I said as I silently pointed a gun behind his head.

                          "You can try, but running would get you killed. You would have to be faster than Sonic to escape this. It's over."


                            Hole place near youkai mountain

                            The fox and the jackal reached the place Rika and Growlmon guided them, then the fox looked at the red dinosaur "Ok, can you explain me what is going on growlmon? the fox asked
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                              John continued his rampage, killing everything around him.

                              Despite the fact that he was starting to feel the strain, John kept going.

                              So far, he had killed 60,000 Nucleoids.

                              John was curious how many more they had to kill, so he looked at the cards he was given by Yuuka.

                              (How far away are they?), John thought to himself as he looked at the four fronts' progress.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                The Dark Blowhole

                                "Stay here. I'll come back with Takato." Growlmon proclaimed. "I hope I don't run into one of your allies while doing so."

