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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Jason saw what had happened to his fallen teammate. HM may have been a villain before, but he changed. He may have been an ass, but he didn't deserve this.

    All of a sudden, something in him snapped.

    The Mantis's core roared as Jason put the Mantis into Overclocking mode.

    Jason fired a hail of bullets at Aeneas, only this time, the gun was shooting twice as fast as before.

    John laughed at Stacker's remark.

    "What else did you learn?", John asked as he lay waste to even more grunts.

    This time, John's death toll was at well over 40,000 and climbing. Instead of using overwhelming attacks, John used focused ones and spread them over a large area, maximizing it's effectiveness.
    Last edited by S121; 07-29-2013, 03:52 AM.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      "... Seems quaint. So this is where I was supposed to go all those... Actually, I was only dead for like six hours total."

      I grabbed a wine glass and filled it with red wine.

      "So... What're the chances of goin through the highway to hell, because I forgot my car at home." I joked. I took a sip from the ine. I choked on it.

      "Gah... Maybe alcohol in total isn't for me..."



        The fox nodded and followed the red-haired girl with the jackal, but just in case of anything, she sent a message to John

        (imagine it is in binary code, too lazy for it, sorry ><)

        --Found characters of Digital World, but are on enemy side, will have discussion at a hole place near the mountain for explanations/negotiation--
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




          "If it is a car you seek-" Isadora laughed at the joke, but suddenly... She frowned.
          "It seems you do not belong here." Isadora looked to the skies, worried look in her face. "It seems someone still needs you amongst the living."


          "M... Mister... Wake up... You can respawn too, right? Everyone in Gensokyo can..." Daiyousei murmured, tears flowing from her eyes. "Come on, mister... Why aren't you respawning?"
          Then Daiyousei realized... That HM was dead... Killed by that man.
          "Is this really all you go-" Aeneas taunted Jason, but he could not finish it. He was beheaded, by enraged EX-Daiyousei and her bare hands.
          "You will pay for it too." Daiyousei glared at Jason. "For Mister's death.




            John then sent an audio message to Renamon.

            "I also found a friend of mine. Marcus Stacker. One of the toughest marines I have ever had the opportunity to fight alongside. He seems to be a General, but he's on our side.", John said.

            He then continued his Killpocalypse, annihilating everything that moved.

            Jason was upset by what Daiousei had said and yelled back at her.

            "Don't you dare say that it was my fault!! He was my teammate! He was my friend!! He told me to cover him in smoke!!"
            Last edited by S121; 07-29-2013, 04:03 AM.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              I heard everything. I looked back down with a smile.

              "... Hmph. She really is something..." But then my smile faded.

              "But unfortunately, soon she will face a part of me few get to see and live to tell about it. There is no doubt that when I revive, I will go insane."

              I put the wine glass down.

              "... Isadora, was it? It may not be my call, but... I kinda want to go back. She does need me afterall."


                Meanwhile, in Hell...

                I was getting impatient by the second, but I'll be honest. For a hell, it really doesn't look all that bad I wouldn't mind dying here, except I kinda want to roam the surface. Whenever we get there, I guess.



                  "These guys are too easy." Hank muttered as he blasted more and more of them, quite casually dodgeing their shots. Hell, if he had a book, he would probably be reading it.

                  Old Hell

                  Lily floated along, leaving the city, hoping that Otori would follow, but honestly, she didn't care.

                  Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                  You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                    Looks like we're out of the city. Finally. But it seems... like I've heard of this place. As a matter of fact, I get the feeling I've heard of this world altogether. But why... Guess it's time to find out.



                      "You cannot escape your death, my son." A sage sitting by a pillar said, dressed in fine robes made out of same material as Isadora's dress. "One's cycle of life is eternally bound to the Purgatory."
                      "Unless..." Another sage commented, him wearing something a biker would: leather jacket, torn jeans, metal band shirt. "Unless he is capable of using the Soul Resonance."
                      "Nonsense. No spirit has ever been able to use Soul Resonance except for Duncan." The robed sage argued.
                      "Who knows? Perhaps..."


                        "A soul resonance? Please... do explain."

                        I walked on towards the computer lab. I looked around and found another wireless communicator. I quickly contacted Chris.

                        "Chris, Six, I found a wireless communicator. Do you copy?"
                        Last edited by wonderweiss; 07-29-2013, 01:53 PM.



                          Chris had picked up his communicator from his belt. "Yes we copy. Me and Six are getting prepared to head out to find Halsey. Have you encountered any trouble?" Replied Chris as he waits for a response.

                          Research Labs

                          HUNK had been following Gerard into the computer lab quietly. He had been mostly successful on staying out of sight.
                          He listened to the conversation. HUNK had silently pulled out his knife and slowly made his way to Gerard... ready to take him out.


                            "Fortunately, not yet. But let me tell you something..."

                            I turned around aiming an AK at the intruder.

                            "There's a reason I'm not dead yet. I'll have to talk to you later."

                            I looked at him coldly.

                            "Hmm... where have I... ah, yes. You are that 'special operative' of Base 7. Though the name escapes me for the moment. Now then... why would you plan on committing a treason against a commander?"


                              Research Labs

                              "It's not treason if I'm killing someone who has betrayed the base." Said HUNK without emotion.
                              HUNK pulls out a small communicator like device with a screen on it. On the screen is a picture of Gerard. "I was ordered by the leader of this base to hunt you down, and bring you back dead or alive." He said as he put the small communicator device away. He then gets into a defensive stance.

                              "Allow me to introduce myself. I simply go by the name of HUNK. However... everyone here calls me the Grim Reaper." He yelled as he pulled out a flash grenade. He quickly jumps back and tosses the grenade onto the ground, as it made contact with the floor it created a large blinding flash of light. Thanks to the lens on HUNK's mask he was not completely blinded by the flash. He then moves in for the kill.
                              Last edited by NeoFox; 07-29-2013, 02:24 PM.


                                "What?! What is the meaning of this?!"

                                It seems I was found out somehow.

                                Then a flash bomb was thrown. I knew I had no time to cover my eyes, so while I was blinded, I quickly unsheathed one of my katanas and spun quickly around with power.

