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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    London-Sector 3-Prometheus Labs

    The Female Spartan saw the incoming kick and right before the kick hit it's mark, the female Spartan-III delivered a kick of her own, striking Jack's kicking leg.

    The Scorpion tank exploded in a shower of metal bits as the remaining husk was left a burning ruin. There were 6 tanks left, all of them pointing at HUNK. All of a sudden, they all fired their main guns, hoping to catch him in the center.

    The Spartan-III nearly fell off of the Ndesu 2 as the creature fell to one knee, but he quickly grabbed on to the opening in it's skin, on its shoulder. The Spartan righted himself and saw the digusting, writhing parasite emerging from the Ndesu 2's back. "I don't get paid enough for this sh*t... For Shawn!", the Spartan-III yelled out, referencing the Spartan that had been stomped on y the creature. He then pulled out a grenade, primed it, and threw it at the parasite.

    The 8 remaining Warthogs split up, trying to not only take down the Ndesu 2, but also the man that was destroying their tanks. While 4 of the Warthogs fired at the parasite on the Ndesu 2's back, the other 4 drove towards the tanks, trying to get there as fast as possible.

    The remaining Mantis continued to provide support to the Warthogs and the Spartan-III. As soon as the parasite emerged, the Mantis fired it's 20mm heavy machine gun and all five of it's missile pods.

    The Male Spartan-III grabbed Gerard's Katana by the blade, from the other side of Wesker and forced it slightly higher, slowly forcing it up and grinding it against Wesker's ribcage. "If that doesn't kill him, then I don't think anything will.", The Spartan-III said to Gerard.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      The Consumer

      "I have a question, young one." Valenciel asked John in a half-curious, half-indifferent tone. "Why do you fight him?"

      "So?" Dominus asked. He just downed another bottle. "Either my brother's head or those sake gourd and dish set, for your friend."


        Devourerīs room
        Looks like it will be ladies first, alright then" The jackal said stretching her limbs

        Nera took a calm breath and took the first move by going for a frontal right punch towards the devourerīs abdomen

        Dominoīs room

        Renamon was getting desperate as time kept ticking closer to its end "I could give you the beverage you want, but right now we got less than an hour to the planetīs end, to actually obtain such desired drink, you would have to help us stop the procress of extraction, after that, I can give you your sake" she offered

        The vixen was already mentally and emotionally preparing herself for the possible outcome she would face against the general
        Last edited by Kristia; 08-24-2013, 08:34 PM.
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          Finally got it!

          "Hey guys, got it!"


            The Consumer

            John was a little surprised by the Archangel's question. This was no time for conversation, but John answered it.

            "I fight because the Devourer is trying to destroy our home. On that planet is a population of over 7 billion people, men, women, children... I made an oath to protect them, to ensure that they can live to see another day, even if that means dying in the process. I fight and make the sacrifices, so that no one else has to.", John said, slowly building up a little more emotion as he went.

            "I fight to protect the ones I care about, to make sure that they can live safely. I know that some of them don't approve of my methods, but I do it so that they don't have to. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to keep them safe. Right now, this Devourer is threatening not only our home, but everyone on it. I fight not only because it's my duty to, but also because it's what's right. This.. thing wants to take the world and turn everyone on it into his.. puppets. What he is doing is wrong and he needs to be stopped, but most of all, he's threatening those I care about. Now, can you tell me how to save Yuuka?", John asked as he held Yuuka in his arms, still trying to figure out a way to seal the wound.
            Last edited by S121; 08-25-2013, 12:41 PM.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              London-Sector 3-Prometheus Lab

              Jack and the female Spartan were trading blow for blow, hit for hit. They were a seemingly even match, even with the female spartan's shoulder injured. However he quickly stopped as he saw Wesker's body go limp after being stabbed by both Wesker and Gerard. He then looked over and saw HUNK about to be the center of a fireworks show. Jack quickly backhanded the Female Spartan and took off running towards HUNK, pushing him out of the way before the gunfire hit their mark. Thanks to his superhuman speed he managed to get to HUNK before he was killed by the gunfire. However despite saving HUNK, Jack himself was caught in the blast. As the smoke cleared there was not much of Jack. Only a few pieces of burning flesh here and there. Jack just risked his own life to save HUNK which even HUNK found surprising.

              As the Warthogs, Spartan-III, and Mantis all attacked the large parasite it roared in pain as the parasite also burst into small bits of flesh. As the final parasite was killed the Ndesu 2 began shrieking in pain as it was finally killed. As it was it's body dropped down to the floor, causing the entire room to shake as it landed.

              HUNK had quickly recovered after being pushed out of the way. As he saw the Warthogs heading to him he quickly reacted and started running, that's when he too saw Wesker. He was not doing to well. "Shit things are going down hill f***ing fast as all hell!" Said HUNK as he kept running. As he was running he took out a small hand radio and contacted HQ.

              "HQ this is Operative HUNK! Wesker's down, and Jack is dead. The Ndesu 2 was killed as well. I'm on my own here! Execute Contingency Plan 47-B! Send in the Uroboros NOW!!!" Yelled HUNK as he came to a stop as he saw that he had backed himself into a corner. As he saw this he dropped the radio and any weapons on him, he instantly held his hands in the air as though he was going to surrender.

              Wesker's body remained limp as it fell to the ground, seemingly dead Wesker dropped his Beretta Custom Samurai Edge handgun.

              A powerful handgun that is heavily modified to be fast, accurate, and most importantly powerful. The handgun landed near Gerard's feet.


                The Consumer

                "A frontal assault..." The Devourer thought as he lifted his hands and swatted Nera's fist away with his palm.

                "I devoured this art from an old sage in Tibet." The Devourer informed as his hands formed palms that looked as if they were instead two snakes, writhing and coiling to strike with venom. "And soon, it will claim its victims."

                As one palm swatted the fist away, the other palm was shot from the left side to Nera's chins.

                "Looks like I must help out-" A brown-skinned general with tribal clothes rose with his staff, but was quickly paralyzed.

                "Do not interfere." Iku grinned.

                "Make me." The tribal general scowled.

                "I think I just might." Iku curled her lips, and another battle began: that of magic than might, as a lightning bolt from Iku met a stream of boulders from the tribal general.

                "General Tatanka Iyotake." The general muttered. "Proud chief of the Neo Sioux."

                "Iku Nagae." Iku introduced back. "Envoy of the Dragon Palace."



                  I picked up the handgun and pointed out at Wesker's head. Time to end this.


                    London-Sector 3-Prometheus Lab

                    The female Spartan was surprised by Jack's sacrifice. She walked over to his body and let out a regretful sigh. "Poor b*stard... He had at least the makings of goodness in him...", she said to herself as she began to relax. Now that she was no longer fighting, her injuries began to hurt and become debilitating, causing her to limp over to HUNK. The female Spartan-III aimed her MA5C at HUNK and ordered him to lay on the ground with his arms outstretched.

                    The Spartan-III on the Ndesu jumped off as the creature fell to the ground. The Spartan landed right next to Gerard and the male Spartan. "So who the hell is this guy?", the Spartan asked Gerard about Wesker.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      The Consumer

                      Nera felt how her fist went down with the manīs palm as the second one was coming to her chin

                      the jackal ducked just enough as the palm grasped a bit of her headīs fur and made a sliding kick to the devourerīs legs
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                        HUNK looked at the female Spartan and sighed as he laid down on the ground, his arms outstretched. "So what are you going to do with me? Arrest me? Kill me? Wouldn't really matter... in a matter of seconds this entire place is going to be nothing but a graveyard..." Said HUNK as he remained there on the ground.

                        Meanwhile a helicopter with a few men piloting it, one with a specially modified grenade launcher with a grenade containing the Uroboros Virus in it is currently on it's way to Prometheus Labs.

                        Battle of Gensokyo

                        X and Axl had finally defeated Kirkland after a long battle, both of them were heavily damaged but they continued on to the Consumer. "Now what?..." Asked Axl as he looked up at the large ship. X simply sighed as he turned to Axl. "I don't know... I just... don't know..." Replied a confused and tired X.


                        Zero stood there watching Nera take on the Devourer. "This is bullsh*t, I'm going in to back the Jackal up!" Said Zero as he unsheathed his Z-Saber and readied his Z-Buster. As he charged towards the Devourer he fired a few shots from his Z-Buster at the Devourer, followed by a crescent wave of energy from his Z-Saber.
                        Last edited by NeoFox; 08-24-2013, 09:12 PM.


                          London-Sector 3-Prometheus Labs

                          "I highly recommend you explain yourself now, before I decide to put you in a wheelchair.", the female Spartan threatened as she took labored breaths.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            "Just another casualty."

                            I pulled the trigger.


                              London-Sector 3

                              HUNK let out a little chuckle as he turned to the Female Spartan. "Sorry but we don't have the time for me to explain things to you." Said HUNK as the sound of a helicopter engine could be heard. Indicating that the agents from HQ have arrived.

                              As Gerard fired the Samurai Edge at Wesker's head a small bullet hole was left. However suddenly a small red dot from a laser sight can be seen pointed towards Wesker's back.

                              "Okay fire the Uroboros round! NOW!" Yelled the pilot of the helicopter as the Agent manning the Grenade Launcher nodded his head. He then fired the Round at Wesker's body, it detonated in a explosion of what appeared to be black slime and tentacles.
                              The odd substance began swarming Wesker's body, and as they do Wesker's body begins to convulse and twitch wildly as it began to mutate. Wesker's previous wounds were healing quite quickly due to this odd virus.
                              After the matter of just a few minutes Wesker stood back up, he is now an abomination of what used to be a already inhuman man. As Wesker stood up he looked around the room then at his new body. "Oh my... looks like we had to resort to using the Uroboros... oh well... now it's time for you to all DIE! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Yelled Wesker as he launched his large Tentacle arm at the wreckage of the destroyed Scorpion Tank. As he does the Uroboros arm begins to take pieces of scrap metal.


                                [b] I couldn't believe what I saw. The transformation was grand...

                                I hood behind the cart where Claire was.

                                "so... What do you have on this form?"

