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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Medical Ward

    Claire smiled at Six as she wrapped her arms around him. She couldn't really say anything else at the current moment, so instead she just hugged him. After a minute she stepped back.

    She chuckled a bit at Six's comment about Chris being angry with him. "Oh don't worry about it, my brother will get over it. Besides there are more important things to worry about at the moment right?"

    To Hangar

    "A single soldier being the equivalent of an entire army? Damn why didn't we have them in my world?" Joked Chris as he kept walking. "If we had Spartan's in my world I'm sure most problems with the viral outbreaks would be ended shortly. In fact I doubt Wesker wouldn't even live long enough to finish the Uroboros."
    Last edited by NeoFox; 09-22-2013, 05:26 PM.


      SPARTAN Weapons Development Lab - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

      Robin nodded in approval. "Yes, please. I think that would help quite a bit. Besides, I don't know what I'm going against, but a sword similar to what I am familiar with would help."


        I suddenly reappeared next to them.

        "Ah, love! What a glorious feeling! Oh, if our family could experience it myself, it would be fantastic! But we're stuck with this curse of good looks that no one cares to see me for who I am, but alas, just seeing a young couple in true love is enough to satisfy this aging heart of mine!"


          Hangar - Prometheus Labs

          Yea, the most successful Spartan-II was called Master Chief. He was said by Dr. Halsey to be more useful to the UNSC than a fleet of destroyers, a thousand Junior Grade Lieutenants, or even her. In fact, he's thought of as the only reason humanity survived the Human-Covenant War. Whenever you hear what those Spartan-IIs had to go through, you can't help but feel sorry for what happened to them, yet heavily appreciate what they do. A single Spartan-II was said to have such a presence on the battlefield that it would literally give the hopeless hope again. Marines that all but lost their morale would suddenly find the will to fight again. A single Spartan-II was said to even scare an entire fleet of Covenant. Spartan-IIs not only fought like masters of war, but they also gave humanity hope for their survival.", the squad leader said to Chris.

          "I should tell you about some of the things the Spartan-IIs did, but at a later time. We're at the Pelican now.", the squad leader said as he pointed at the aircraft.

          Medical Ward - Prometheus Labs

          "Right, Gensokyo.", Six said to Claire.

          Just when Six was going to say something else, Gerard made a surprise appearance.

          "Ah, love! What a glorious feeling! Oh, if our family could experience it myself, it would be fantastic! But we're stuck with this curse of good looks that no one cares to see me for who I am, but alas, just seeing a young couple in true love is enough to satisfy this aging heart of mine!", Gerard said.

          Six turned his head so fast towards Gerard that it might have snapped a normal human's neck.

          "Hi Gerard.. Ah, sorry to hear. We should probably go now.", Six said in a slightly rushed tone.

          Six was about to walk off, but stopped right before leaving.

          "Bye, Claire.", Six said before leaving.

          SPARTAN Weapons Development Lab - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

          Daniel nodded at Robin and took him over to the bladed weapons that they had.

          "Okay, this is the Energy Sword. This blade was used by the Covenant Elites in the Human-Covenant War and is still used to this day. This blade is created by a magnetic field and is capable of shredding straight through armor with ease. It deactivates after a while, but we found a way to make it recharge.", Daniel said as he pressed a button on the handle, causing the blade to ignite into a blue blade.

          Once Daniel was done, he then showed Robin the Energy Daggers.

          "The Energy Daggers pretty much the same, except that the blade comes out of the gauntlets and you punch the enemy to kill them.", Daniel said as he showed them to Robin.

          Daniel then moved on to the Hardlight Sword.

          "The Hardlight Sword is created from Forerunner tech and is able to rip through armor. The blade last much longer and recharges much faster. It might be a little heavy, but it's very effective.", Daniel said as the blade ignited from the frame.

          Once Daniel was finished showing Robin the swords, he then asked Robin a question.

          "So, which one do you want?", Daniel asked Robin.
          Last edited by S121; 09-23-2013, 12:41 AM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            SPARTAN Weapons Development Lab - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

            "Hmm..." Robin first scrutinized the Energy sword. He carefully held it activated in his hand, trying to get a feel for the awkward hilt. "This one would take some getting used to..." He then deactivated it and moved over to the Hardlight Blade. "This looks a bit more traditional...So how heavy is it?" As he asked this Robin grasped the handle with one hand.


              The Consumer

              The ethereal cocoon faded, revealing Ran back to the view. Her holy energy was increased to know no bound. She looked as if she was wearing the finest, most sacred robe of entire heavens, despite having no clothes on in reality. Behind her, where there used to be her tails, hovered nine golden spearheads.

              "Nine God Arcanum."



                SPARTAN Weapons Development Lab - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

                The entire length of the blade was the size of a Broadsword and felt slightly heavy. Luckily, the handle could be held with two hands, but it wasn't so heavy that it would be hard to use one hand.

                "The entire blade is about 20 pounds of Titanium Alloy. It's heavy, but not too heavy that it would be impossible to wield.", Daniel said to Robin.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  SPARTAN Weapons Development Lab - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

                  "Twenty pounds...It has a nice feel. Yeah this is more my speed." Robin then grasped it with his other hand and did a quick running jump diagonal upper cut. He let the weight of the blade carry him around. When he landed, Robin flourished the blade around bringing his hand across and grasping the sword again in the forehand position. "Yes, this will do nicely." He then replaced his current Brave Sword with the hardlight blade on his belt. "Alright then...Now what's next?"


                    SPARTAN Weapons Development Lab - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

                    "Now, we go back to Sector 3 and get the Spartans ready for battle. I'll need you to push the cart full of weapons, not unless you want me to carry them. It might be faster.", Daniel said to Robin as he approached the cart full of FAFNIR plasma weapons.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      "Don't be, dear boy, don't be! In any case, do you have any .525 caliber rounds? As a matter of fact, any weapons I can borrow?"


                        Medical Ward - Prometheus Labs

                        "Yea, we have .525 rounds. Daniel and Robin are also supposed to be bringing FAFNIR weapons. I'll go get a Spartan to get you the .525s.", Six said to Gerard as they left the medical ward.
                        Last edited by S121; 09-23-2013, 03:50 AM.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          "Is that so? Alright then. Now then, is there anything else to tend to?"


                            Sector 3 - Prometheus Labs

                            "We have everything sitting around, but there is one thing I have to tell you. It's about you being hit by that Licker. It's not bad, but it is unusual.", Six said to Gerard, thinking that he should tell Gerard about what was coursing through his veins.
                            Last edited by S121; 09-23-2013, 04:05 AM.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              I sat down and took out a special mineral that I use to sharpen my katanas. I unabashed my katanas and did so.

                              "What is it?"


                                Sector 3 - Prometheus Labs

                                "Well, you are infected by a strain of virus, only that it's different from the zombie creating one. Apparently, the Neo-Yakuza have been trying to mimic the Spartan Serum. They were trying to create their own brand of Spartan super-soldiers. It's not as effective, but it gives them, you a regeneration factor. Did you ever know about them working on something like this?", Six asked Gerard.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

