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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Sector 2

    Chung looked up at the Spartan. "My name is Chung Seiker sir. I am also known as the White Wolf of Hamel. I'm 16 years of age, and I came with the one known as Robin. Despite my age do not underestimate me. I am one of the strongest warriors of the El Search Party."


      The Consumer

      "Well this sucks. I go to Hawaii for a vacation and convention and next thing I know, I get bedridden by the Angel of Death on an alien ship. Some vacation, huh?", Isaac jokingly said to Koishi in a weak tone.

      "I just hope that me being like this is not for long. We do have a planet to save."

      John sprinted down one of the various halls and into what appeared to be a security room. there were screens lining the walls and Nucleoids sitting in chairs.

      Just as the Nucleoids reached for their guns and tried to aim them at John, John created a large sword made out of light and swept it in a large arc, killing everything in the room within a second. The blade destroyed some of the monitors, but John didn't need them. All he needed was the location to the nearest portal room.

      Sector 2

      "I am Spartan-B312, otherwise known as Noble Six, or Six. You are in Prometheus Labs, a military and medical R&D facility. We are also called to help end wars and stop rogue Characters.", Six said to Chung.
      Last edited by S121; 09-13-2013, 08:50 PM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Sector 2

        Chung stood up and grabbed his Destroyer with one hand. "Pleasure to meet you Noble Six. We also apologize for trespassing. It's just we thought people were in danger so Robin and I decided to check out the problem." He said as he lifted the Destroyer over his shoulder.


          The Consumer

          Then, one by one, throughout the ship, the lights started to flicker and die out. Silence filled the ship for a while, until that became replaced by inhuman screams and wails.

          "Well. That ain't good." Koishi said.

          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


            The Consumer

            Soon the corridor lights went out, but that didn´t stop both the jackal and the fox as they were using their other senses to track the lava user

            "Seems like hell is happening all over the ship, everything is going down" Nera noted

            Renamon nodded and soon the screams of agony were heard through everywhere "Welcome to hell itself Nera, seems it came to us"

            The jackal chuckled despite the scenery of death "Odd, I thought I would be sent to your mind again, that or we will get kicked out of this place because of our stubborness"

            "Not even the demons will stop us huh? alright for me" the vixen said as they finally found the only door through the corridor

            Nera who still was at full strength punched the door breaking it in pieces "KNOCK KNOCK" she gorwled as they were ready for whaterver or whoever was on the room
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              Sector 2

              Robin stood nearby, he wasn't truly listening.

              He held the dark book in his hands. "Grima..."
              "Hmm seems as though things didn't turn out how you had hoped. Ah well, no matter, you and I have some unfinished business to take care of, starting with getting back to our world."
              "I don't think we can. I'm starting to get the feeling our world no longer exists."
              "Well, if this isn't an interesting change of character. I thought you were forever the optimist..."


                The Consumer

                A large, fat bulbous creature stood in their way, holding two large spiked maces, whacking them on the ground as it jiggled forth, swinging it's maces at the two with incredible speed and strength.

                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                  Sector 2

                  "I appreciate the support, but just remember to be careful. No offence, but you're still just a kid. You shouldn't have to do this kind of stuff. You should be,.. chasing girls or something, or staying in school.", Six said to Chung as he thought about how he became a Spartan-III and started making entire organizations disappear at the age of 14.

                  "The point I'm trying to make is that you're just a child. You shouldn't have to worry about living and dying. Of course, I suppose rules were different in your world, right?"
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Sector 2

                    Chung simply turned awat, his face became even more serious. "In my world my kingdom was overrun, and my father was possessed by demons. As one of the last guardians of my kingdom I tried to stop my father, but in turn..." Said Chung as he paused. Memories of
                    his kingdom being overrun by demons, and his father falling to them. "... In turn I almost lost my kingdom. Last thing I remember was that it was still at war. I already been through so much in my life." He proclaimed as he began to walk off. "I was trained since I was a child to be a guardian. Much like the rest of my family. You could say that I am far different than any ordinary child. I haven't even got the chance to live a normal life yet." He said as he was about to make his way out of the Sector.

                    Sector 4

                    Raven waited patiently as the door opened. As he continues to wait he turns to Lily and smiles. "Hey Lily... thanks for helping me with the bio-foam and all earlier."


                      SPARTAN Weapon Systems and Technologies Lab - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

                      "No problem. Like I said before, we take care of our own.", Lily said to Raven as smiled.

                      The door opened as the scientist turned around.

                      "Okay, now we can continue Follow me to the test range.", the scientist said as he walked through the doorway.

                      They eventually made their way past the observation deck and into a large white room with multiple targets lining the walls. The room looked big enough to hold an entire battle between 100 people.

                      "Okay, here we are. We'll start whenever you're ready. Do you want to simply shoot targets, or get into a battle?", the scientist asked.

                      Sector 2

                      "where are you going?", Six asked Chung.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        SPARTAN Weapons Systems and Technologies Lab -Sector 4
                        __________________________________________________ __

                        Raven chuckled slightly at what Lily said. "Yea, I remember you telling me that before I was put to sleep while my arm was repaired." Said Raven as he walked in and looked around the blank white room before turning to the scientist. "I'd like to start with simple targets first before an actual test battle. I want to make sure my arm is fully functional." He said as he looked down at his arm.

                        Sector 2

                        "Well my Disfrozen Portal was damaged in the battle so I need to repair it. So far I am the only one who knows how to actual repair, and produce one. Without a Disfrozen Portal I won't be able to use my Destroyer at it's greatest."


                          SPARTAN Weapons Systems and Technologies Lab -Sector 4

                          "Okay, I'll just have to activate the training program.", the scientist said as he walked up to the observation deck.

                          Lily stood by and watched as various targets emerged from the ground and moved into position.

                          Sector 2

                          "Okay, but you'll have to wait for a moment. We have protocols that must be followed. It's simple things, but they still need to be done.", Six said to Chung.

                          Six then paused for a moment, then spoke again.

                          "What is a Disfrozen Portal? Depending on what it is, we might be able to fix it here."
                          Last edited by S121; 09-14-2013, 01:31 AM.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Sector 2

                            Chung sighed as he turned back to Six. "Okay fine, I'll stay and do whatever I need." He said as he began to walk back to six. "The Disfrozen Portal is a device designed by my father. So far it is the only one of it's kind." He said as suddenly his helmet materializes over his face, along with it was a chestplate that had a blue crystal in the middle as well as two wing like objects on his back.

                            There was a relatively large crack on the chestplate, and the wings looked badly damaged.

                            "The Disfrozen Portal is an engine that could supply infinite amounts of El energy, special energy from my world. Unless you have my father's document's then I doubt you would be able to help me much." He said as he deactivates his Berserk Mode. His helmet, chestplate, and wings disappearing as he does.

                            SPARTAN Weapons Systems and Technologies Lab -Sector 4
                            __________________________________________________ _______

                            Raven watched the targets emerge from the ground, and into position. As they do Raven takes a few steps forward and readies his arm. "Okay just tell me when..."


                              Sector 2

                              Most of the Spartans looked at each other as Chung explained the Disfrozen Portal's raw power.

                              When Six heard about the Disfrozen Portal, his face turned into one of surprise.

                              "Hey.. I know that this is sudden, but.. could you teach us how to create one? It will make it so that next time, something like this will never happen again. I know it's a lot to ask, and that it was your father's creation, but something like that is something that can change the world. I may be just a soldier, but I know that something like that could be used to power shield systems, or power entire continents.", Six said to Chung.

                              SPARTAN Weapons Systems and Technologies Lab -Sector 4

                              "Whenever you're ready.", Lily said to Raven as she crossed her arms and observed

                              Some of the targets moved around at a slow pace, while others moved so fast that they blurred and were barely visible. Others were simple stationary target circles, waiting to be shot.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Sector 2

                                Chung's serious demeanor from before turned into one of complete surprise as well. "Well I uh... I guess I could. If it really is something you think that would help you out... El Energy though is something that shouldn't be taken lightly itself though, but I guess I could help you reconstruct one." He said as he chuckles quite nervously. "But seriously if I do help you to build one you better not abuse it's power. It could be dangerous if you decide to use one for all the wrong reasons." He said in the same serious tone from before.

                                Sector 4-SPARTAN Weapons and Technologies Lab

                                Raven nodded as he kept a close eye on the targets. After a few seconds of waiting he noticed a slight pattern in their movement. Using his past training as a mercenary Raven quickly lunged forward with his blade in front. As he drew near one of the targets he drove his blade into the target, after a few slashes from his sword he jumped back a few feet and fired a small explosive bullet. When the bullet connected with the target, the target had blew apart into a few pieces. Raven then quickly turned and fired another bullet at another target. After firing this bullet Raven again lunged forward, plowing his Nasod Arm right into the target. The sheer power of his newly upgraded Nasod arm had caused the target to shatter into many pieces.

                                Raven stopped and clenched his fist as he turned to the faster targets. "Now let's heat thing up!" He yelled as he positioned his Nasod Arm in front of him, the palm opened wide enough. "HELLFIRE GATLING!!!" He yelled as suddenly he fired a barrage of 40 explosive fireballs from his arm. "OVERHEAT!!!" He yelled as his arm lit aflame. As it did the intensity of the attack become even more intense than normal. Instead of the standard extra 30 shots when he Overheats during Hellfire Gatling he ended up firing an extra 40 even larger fireballs.

                                The shots blasted everything in their path, destroying a few of the targets. However something was not right... something was way off. As Raven continued to fire the Hellfire Gatling the sound of insane laughter could be heard being muffled underneath the sound of the explosions. It's as though the Nasod Arm is too powerful for Raven to handle. It's like he is losing control of himself. After the Hellfire Gatling ended Raven turned to the final targets.
                                "BURNING BUSTER!!!" He yelled as suddenly a storm of black robotic crows rain down from nowhere, and onto the remaining targets. Each crow exploding upon impact with the ground. After the crows connected with their targets Raven lunged forward, and punched the last target with his Nasod Arm at full strength. As the punch connected with the target there was an extremely large explosion.

                                After the smoke cleared Raven could still be seen standing breathing heavily. However something seemed off. His body was surging with an electrical aura, and was glowing bright red. It seemed as though he had activated Awakening without even knowing it. Along with this Raven's eye's were blood red indicating something was wrong. After he had reverted out of Awakening he passed out in the middle of the room.

