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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    SPARTAN Weapons Development Lab - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

    "Right." Robin then turned to the weapon rack. "Please tell me they're lighter than they look..." He then looked at Daniel. "There wouldn't happen to be some sort of cart, would there?"


      Medical Ward-London

      Chris was preparing for the B.O.W. Lab when he heard a Spartan talk to him

      "Wait, aren't you Chris Redfield, from Resident Evil?"

      Chris looked at the Spartan with a slightly... curious, yet surprised look on his face. "Why yes, yes I am. Why?


        SPARTAN Weapons Development Lab - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

        "Over in the corner.", Daniel said from across the room.

        Once Daniel activated the THOR Pack, he then walked over to an armor station near the back of the room. After he activated the terminal and typed in the model of his armor, he then stood on the platform.

        Medical Ward - Prometheus Labs

        "Good. In that case, I'll need you to come with me. We're mounting a counter-offensive against the Neo-Yakuza B.O.W. Lab. Seeing as how you have first-hand experience in B.O.W.s, we'll need you to inform us about what we might encounter, which means that you'll most likely be coming with us when we assault the base.", the Spartan said to Chris.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Medical Ward

          Chris smirked a little at what the Spartan said. "Very well. I'll be glad to inform you on what we would encounter. After all I was just planning on going there myself. Just lead me to the briefing room, and I'll be glad to share my knowledge on the B.O.W.'s" He said as he finished checking his gear.


            Medical Ward - Prometheus Labs

            "Good. Follow me.", the male Spartan said to Chris as he walked towards the medical ward's exit.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Medical Ward

              Chris nodded as he began to follow the Spartan. Claire was about to follow the two, but Chris stopped her.
              "Sorry Claire, but you need to stay here and help take care of the others." He said as he left the Medical Ward with the Spartan. Claire simply crossed her arms and pouted slightly, much like a child that just got told they were not allowed to do something they really wanted to do. That's the best way one could explain her expression.


                SPARTAN Weapons Development Lab - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

                Robin looked around towards the corner and saw the carts. "Ah good, that will make things easier." He walked over to a cart and grabbed hold of the handle. Then he stops after he realized something. "Wait...where are the wheels???"


                  SPARTAN Weapons Development Lab - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

                  Daniel heard Robin ask himself a question and decided to answer it for him.

                  "The wheels are hidden. Just push it like you would with any cart.", Daniel said to robin from across the room.

                  Once Daniel stepped onto the armor station's platform, the mechanical arms hummed to life and began to outfit Daniel's experimental MJOLNIR armor with thruster jets and began to install a machine onto the armor's back. Once the SLEIPNIR enhancement was fully installed, Daniel stepped off the platform and moved his arms around, trying to get used to the reaction time and speed enhancement.

                  Meanwhile, Six walked deeper into the room. He was looking for something that Prometheus Labs had been working on for a very long time. It was a weapon that was capable of mass destruction, but required enormous amounts of power to activate. It was designed to be the end-all solution to any armor or shielding. Not even MJOLNIR armor would protect someone from a single sweep of this weapon. Six soon approached what appeared to be a black, miniature energy cannon of some kind. The cannon had a strange gun stock that resembled a handle to a sword. It was about the size of a man's torso, and looked as if it weighed 100 pounds. On the side of the weapon was a word painted in red; LAEVATEINN.

                  What Six had just found was a miniature atomic bond splitter. This weapon was able to literally disperse a target's atoms and disintegrate an enemy within a single instant of contact with the beam emitted from the weapon. The only downside to the weapon was it's power consumption. Even with THOR, the weapon could only be used for a short amount of time before sapping the power source.

                  Six picked up the oversized cannon and and carried it on his shoulder.

                  (This will not be another Reach, not this time.), Six thought to himself as he nodded at Daniel.

                  "You set?", Six asked Daniel as he approached the Spartan-V.

                  "Yep. Let's go work miracles.", Daniel said in a calm tone.

                  Armory - Prometheus Labs

                  The Spartan-III eventually lead Chris to the Lab's armory. Despite Prometheus Labs being a research and development facility, it seemed as if they also conducted military operations. As Chris and the Spartan-III entered the room, a group of 20 Spartans could be seen with armor completely different from the normal SPI armor assigned to Spartan-IIIs. Instead, they were wearing armor that was much more advanced than their old suits.

                  What Chris was seeing was the GEN 2 MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor.
                  Last edited by S121; 09-20-2013, 11:42 PM.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    SPARTAN Weapons Development Lab - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

                    Robin shook his head in bewilderment. "Things really are different..." And so he started to load the cart with relative care with the weapons. When the was full he started to push it towards the previous sector. He strained slightly as he did. Then something else dawned on him. He turned once more to Daniel. "Oh, curious...I just spoke of shields and armor as though they behaved completely differently..."


                      SPARTAN Weapons Development Lab - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

                      Daniel turned over to Robin to answer his question.

                      "Ahh, right. I forgot to mention that. Armor is of course the armor you see me wearing. As for shields, we have something called energy shielding.", Daniel said as he walked up to Robin.

                      "To show you what energy shielding is, try to punch my armor.", Daniel said to Robin.
                      Last edited by S121; 09-21-2013, 12:06 AM.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        The Consumer

                        "You see, the darkness that surrounds you is under my control. You will be engulfed in shadows and die." The scepter-man grinned, his hands outstretched. The dark cloud covered Rumia, head to toe. "General Saidan Dathrohan will become your executor."

                        The cloud completely encased Rumia into a trap. Rumia wasn't afraid... no, she felt delighted. The darkness beckoned to her: help us, free us from the torturous nightmare of that tyrant...
                        Oh I will free you all. Every single one of you will become my vessel.

                        "Oh if you want to play the execution game," Rumia broke through the cloud, transforming into the curvaceous succubus. "I'll gladly join in."



                          Armory - Prometheus Labs, London

                          Chris walked into the armory and looked at the group of Spartan's.
                          They definitely looked different than other Spartan's that Chris has seen, but he doesn't say anything about it. "Okay so when shall we start the briefing?" Said Chris to the Spartan-III


                            Armory - Prometheus Labs - London

                            "As soon as we're all fully armed.", the Spartan-III said to Chris.

                            The Spartan then turned his head over to the group and spoke.

                            "Hey, Tom. Go get Chris a weapon.", the Spartan-III said to one of the Spartans.

                            "Understood.", one of the Spartans said as they walked up to Chris.

                            "Follow me and we'll get you better weapons.", the Spartan said to Chris.

                            "The rest of you, go to the briefing room and wait for me to suit up.", the Spartan-III said to the rest of the Spartans.

                            Sector 3 - Prometheus Labs

                            "Then why are you here?", the repairman asked Gerard.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Armory-Prometheus Labs, London

                              Chris nodded as he turned to the Spartan. "Thanks, but I think I will be fine with my current equipment. After all I've gone through an entire outbreak with these weapons. I've even fought B.O.W.s with a measly handgun and lived. Not to sound like I'm bragging and all, it's just that I've learned to deal with those things with standard firearms."


                                "I... Don't know .. I don't even know why I'm here. Why, all I remember is charging a car through a wall to a building, then fighting multiple monsters and... Wesker!Where is he?! He's a big zombie like monster in charge of the zombies!"

