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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Medical Ward - Prometheus Labs

    "You're in the medical ward.", one of the doctors said as he walked towards Gerard.

    "How are you feeling? Any injuries or anything I should take a look at?", the doctor asked.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      "Oh no, I'm fine, really... Just... Why do I feel so... Nostalgic... Like I should be exited for some reason?"


        Medical Ward - Prometheus Labs

        The doctor gave Gerard a puzzled look and spoke.

        "Were you given anything, like painkillers or the like?", the doctor asked Gerard as he took a machine out of the bag next to him.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          "No, not while I was conscious..." I looked at the machine. "... Say, uh, if you don't mind me asking... What is that?"


            Medical Ward - Prometheus Labs

            "This machine will be able to detect any abnormalities, medical conditions, and injuries you might have. It uses the same technology as the MJOLNIR Biofoam Injector System.", the doctor said.

            The doctor then aimed the gun-like device at Gerard and made a slow sweep across his body, letting the machine process Gerard's condition.
            Last edited by S121; 09-18-2013, 07:04 PM.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              "Wait... did you say MJOLNIR?"

              Everything was alright with me... except for my raising heart rate.


                Medical Ward - Prometheus Labs

                The doctor was a little bit surprised by the patient's outburst, but paid little attention to it after a moment.

                "Yes, it uses the same technology that's used in the MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor.", the doctor replied to Gerard.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Oh... my... am I...

                  I quickly got up and rushed to the doctor. "Please, tell me, just where am I?!"

                  Meanwhile, over the skies of Asia...

                  I looked out. I didn't see anyone anymore.

                  "... Good. I think he's gone."

                  "It's about time that damn dog stopped chasing us." Volgin said. I got to the main control room.

                  "Christ, Volgin, how the hell did you even make this? I didn't even know you knew the Chrysalis."

                  "I didn't. But these papers and whoever wrote them did."


                  "As a matter of fact, gather everyone here. I'm going to explain the contents of these papers. I might as well."


                    Medical Ward - Prometheus Labs

                    The doctor was even more surprised by Gerard's erratic behavior, but answered Gerard's question.

                    "You're in Prometheus Labs. It's a research and development facility run by Dr. Halsey.", the doctor said to Gerard.

                    "Is this one of your friends?", Lily asked Raven as she walked towards the duo.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Medical Ward

                      Raven simply looked at Chung awestruck that one of his friends was here, and vice versa. "Yes, his name is Chung Seiker. Also known as the White Wolf of Hamel. He's one of the few remaining guardians of his fallen city, as it was a overrun by demons. Despite his apparent strength, and skill to wield that large cannon on his back known as the Destroyer he is still awfully young at the age of 16..." Whispered Raven to Lily as Chung walked up to the group.

                      "Raven what are you doing here!?" Asked Chung who was surprised that Raven of all people was here in this world too.

                      Raven sighed. "I kind of work here... however I don't plan on staying here for much longer... So now you can answer the same question you just asked me. What are you doing here." Replied Raven in the same serious tone as before.

                      Chung chuckled slightly as his face turned to a frown. "It's... a long story.... To make it short I just kinda woke up here in this world a month ago, and just not too long ago I heard an explosion coming from this place and when I got here with someone named Robin we ended up fighting alongside these men in armor against these odd people..." Said Chung


                        Prometheus Labs

                        Robin snapped out of the trance he was in. He didn't realize how long his discussion was with Grima until he looked around and noticed that some people weren't there anymore. Robin did notice the one Spartan from the battle before. He walked over to him, unaware of everything that was currently going on. "Excuse me-"
                        Last edited by Cucoo5; 09-18-2013, 10:04 PM.


                          Sector 2 - Prometheus Labs

                          Six was about to tell Xehanort that it would take around 10 minutes to fully prepare when Robin spoke.

                          "Excuse me-"m Robin said to Six.

                          "Hm?", Sit muttered as he turned his head towards Robin.

                          Medical Ward - Prometheus Labs

                          "So in other words, he's similar to a Spartan.", Lily said to Raven as she looked at Chung.

                          "Is the battle over? What happened? When I went over there, there was nothing but a crater with some Spartans around it.", Lily said to Chung.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Sector 2 - Prometheus Labs

                            "'re...Six? Correct? I was wondering if you could help explain what is going on here? this a bad time?" Robin had caught only the trailing edge of the conversation, thus he was uncertain of what to do next. Everything was strange...


                              Medical Ward

                              Raven leaned over to Lily and began talking. "You could say that, it also doesn't help that he built an engine that always generates an infinite amount of El Energy. For someone of his age he is strong, skilled, and highly intellectual." Said Raven as Chung looked quite nervous that Lily was asking so much things about him.

                              "Oh the battle! Yea, everyone was kinda warped to a odd place with a lot of ice and snow below. It was like we were fighting in the air on an invisible platform or something with a icy land below it!" Said Chung. "It was really weird, then when it all ended we were suddenly back here!" He finished with a look of both confusion, and excitement. Almost like a child that just went to an amusement park for the very first time, and is bragging about it all to his friends.

                              Raven just sighs as he looks at Chung. "Really Chung? That sounds... actually that sounds really odd... even for our world's standards... and were we come from there are freaking plant spores that can revive broken and damaged Nasod Machines." Said Raven as he crosses his arms as he begins thinking for a moment.


                                Sector 2 - Prometheus Labs

                                "The Earth is being attacked by an alien invasion with nearly limitless resources and has conquered thousands of planets and worlds. John, otherwise known as "The Master Chief", is helping the locals in Gensokyo fight off the aliens. I'm going to assemble a team to be transported over to Gensokyo by Xehanort's magic.", Six said to Robin in a serious tone.

                                Lily thought for a moment, then spoke.

                                "Actually, it wouldn't be surprising. You have to remember that many video game characters were transported to the real world when the Atlas Project Incident occurred. It brought all types of characters to this world. We even had to stop a zombie apocalypse from happening at one point.", Lily said to Raven and Chung.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

