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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Base 7 - Bomb Search Squad

    "Bah, no worries, we'll carry you.", one of the Spartans said as he got down on one knee and signaled for Chris to get on his shoulder.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



      "Pile the enemies' corpses next to that big tree. Be gentle with them. Even though they were our enemies, their carcasses will serve good cause."

      "You can lay ours' at the center of the medical area." Rin added. "Youkais go on the upper portion, while humans and others are put to the lower portion.

      "We're all hungry, aren't we?" Eirin casually winked. "There are food ingredients to be brought down to the Ancient City, medical supplies to distribute..."

      "Eirin, we're almost done with the honorary grave-usa." A rabbit youkai intervened.

      "Perfect. Thank you." Eirin complemented the rabbit youkai who skipped by happily.

      "Oh yay, I can speak and move now." Nitori dazed in realization. "But, how did we..."

      Momiji was kneeling down, praying. It wasn't a prayer of safe return though. It was a moruning prayer of her lost friend, who took the full impact to ensure the safe travels of her last companions.
      Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 10-14-2013, 02:42 AM.


        Base 7

        Chris looked at the Spartan and sighed as he hopped onto the Spartan's back. Ready to be carried across the molten concrete on the floor. Luckily for them the Weapons Prep Room was nearby...


        As Axl was celebrating about surviving the ordeal Zero let go of Nitori after he noticed that she was no longer paralyzed. X turned to Momiji and noticed what had happened... Aya wasn't around anywhere... she had sacrificed her life to protect them from the crash...

        X placed a hand on Momiji's shoulder. "Don't worry... at least she gave her life to protect us..." He said trying to reassure Momiji. Axl had gone silent after he noticed what had happened as well. Zero too was silent. In fact he was one of the first to noticed what happened between the 3.
        Last edited by NeoFox; 10-14-2013, 02:47 AM.



          Sakuyamon understood tht Eirin was too focused and didnīt heard her offer, yet she did what she could. Purify the area

          Focusing her energy on the gohei, the miko signaled it upwards as calm waves of energy flowed around the area, it worked as a pain calmer and recovery/ healing buffer

          While doing the purification, the silver haired noticed some strain in her limbs ("I got to keep working, everyone needs help") the thought strongly vivid on her mind

          Nera on the other hand was moving the corpses to the places Orin told her "By the way, if you need food, take some berries from my pouch, they will revitalise your stamina" she said gesturing the oran berries on her pouch
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




            Daniel thought for a moment as he looked around the battlefield. The Gensokyans needed medical supplies. Based on their perceived technological prowess, they would need outside help. This woman before him should be resting, not working. This only served to give Daniel the assumption that they were undermanned when it came to medical personnel.

            "You heard her, Spartans. Get the supplies to the ancient city. Just follow the others and they should guide you there.", Daniel said to the Spartans around him.

            Daniel then turned towards Eirin and spoke.

            "If you need us to, we can call our HQ to bring medical supplies and doctors. We have medicine that can quickly bring people back from the brink of death and regenerate damaged tissue within hours.", Daniel said to Eirin.

            Six did as Rin had asked of him. Six grabbed five bodies, stacked them over his shoulders, and carried them over to the tent, where he gently placed them down and sorted them out with the jackal humanoid.

            Six saw that the miko was wandering around and thought that she could help as well.

            "Hey. Can you help me over here?", Six asked Renamon.

            Base 7

            The squad quickly made their way through the molten hall, paying no mind to the super-heated debris on the ground. Their shields and suits would easily protect them.

            As soon as they cleared the molten hallway, the Spartan put Chris back down and pulled his weapon back out.

            "We're getting close.", the squad leader said to Chris.
            Last edited by S121; 10-14-2013, 02:54 AM.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Base 7

              As Chris was put down he looked at the hallway. It was very familiar now. "Indeed... we are close... I remember the bomb was in one of these rooms in this hall..."

              Vaccine search squad

              While the group looking for the vaccine was walking the sound of something or someone knocking over some glass beakers and such could be heard in the next room over.



                "You mean, the Biofoam?" Eirin asked half-mockingly. "I experimented with a small sample, and I can make a hypothesis that it does not work on Yiukai flesh. It might work on the organs, but not on the exterior."

                "Thanks for the offer, though. Really appreciated."


                "Is something bothering you? You're looking at me in a funny way."

                "I..." Orin shied away, but the Oran berry looked too tempting to not eat it. Orin took one of the berries and grudgingly ate it. "T... Thanks."

                Momiji nodded and whispered "Yeah..." Then she got up and looked around, spotting Aya's body about 50 feet away. "There she is. Let's retrieve her."

                Aya's body wasn't a sad one. Aya before the landing wasn't full of regret, but of success and content: with outstretched arms embracing whatever happened to her and her mouth wide open to embody a smile.

                Momiji picked up Aya's limp corpse and silently walked towards the medicinal tents.



                  "Give me a minute" Sakuyamon said while finishing the purification. Relaxing her arm, she lifted her sleeve a bit, showing a beaded bracelet, blood red beads surrounded her arm, their energy was compensating the physical exhaustion she would have, but the emotional and mental exhaustion were being dealed by her own mind

                  Walking towards Eirin, the miko handled her a talisman "This shall numb your limb pain and revitalize your body and mind" she said now going towards the soldier

                  She pulled up a body in a bridal style and putted it on the pile calmly and so with the next one and the others, with care and peace
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                    Just as X, Zero and Axl were about to go off and follow Momiji suddenly...

                    "X! ZERO! AXL!" Yelled a familiar pink armored Reploid. "Alia!" Said Axl as Alia completely ignored him and went to hug X. "I was so worried about you! I couldn't handle the possibility that you could have died X!" She said as she hugged X tightly. While Zero simply chuckled at the sight. Axl however looked annoyed. "Hey what about me!?" Said Axl as Alia quickly realizes her actions just now and quickly pushes X back. X was completely confused as to what happened. "Oh sorry... I was worried about you guys to Axl. I'm glad everyone is alright. The war is now over! We won!" Said Alia as Axl jumps for joy.

                    "I KNEW IT! I KNEW WE COULD WIN! The good guys always win in the end!" He yelled as he stopped jumping around. "Oh snap Yuyuko!" He said as he took off running in a random direction hoping to find her.



                      "Well,.. it's just that someone in your condition shouldn't be working like this. Not only that, but if you're working in this condition, then that means that you have little choice, which means you're understaffed.", Daniel said to Eirin in a slightly concerned tone.

                      "Also, I wasn't talking about just Biofoam. We also have something called PHEONIX. It's not so much of a medicine as it is a machine. It scans the body and after copying a person's DNA, then it grafts and fuses healthy tissue on to damaged tissue, restoring and replacing it where needed.", Daniel explained.

                      "Thanks for the help.", Six said to the miko and the jackal humanoid as he placed more bodies in a pile.

                      Six was a little curious about what and who his helpers were, so he decided to ask them a question.

                      "So, since we're working together, we'd might as well know each other's names. Mine is Spartan-B312, or Noble Six. Some people call me Six though. What are your names?", Six asked Renamon and Nera.

                      Unlike John, Six was much more social and expressive.

                      Base 7

                      "Lead the way. We'll cover you.", the squad leader said to Chris.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                        Eirin managed a satisfactory chuckle. "We aren't understaffed, but I might be interested in seeing this PHOENIX device."

                        "Eirin, over here!"

                        "Ooh, be right back." Eirin winked at Daniel and ran off to the direction.

                        "Hey Aya, our video just hit a million views!"

                        "What? Impossible! We posted it only a week ago!"

                        "It's true! Look! One million, forty-seven thousand, three-hundred twenty-two!"

                        "Amazing! This calls for a celebration! Let's drink!"


                        "I guess that's what they call a Kamikaze, huh."



                          With Eirin's permission, Daniel called Prometheus Labs and called in his request.

                          "This is Spartan-636. I need a couple of PHEONIX Cellular Grafting Devices and technicians dropped at my coordinates."

                          "Understood. You should receive your packages in 15 minutes.", a voice came through from Daniel's speaker system.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            (Oh yea S121. Noise in room near vaccine search squad. Vaccine is in a case in the room, along with an unconscious man who is William Birkin. He won't wake up until the sequel due to being in a coma.)

                            Base 7

                            Chris continued down the hall looking for the room with the bomb...



                              The name is Sakuyamon, a shadow/light digimon" the silver haired said impaling the gohei on the soil as she was moving another body to its place

                              "Im Nera, a Lucario" the jackal said doing the same job as her partner

                              Nera noticed the deep breaths that the miko was making from time to time "When was the last time you took a rest Saku?" she asked with a worried tone

                              "I will take a rest when we finish sith all of this" the miko said still working, her rod still emanating purification energy to the whole area

                              "Your body may be almost stabilized, but im worried about your soul, you havenīt rested since the morning we went towards the Consumer" the jackal said. She didnīt know how much time has passed, but the fox have been going on purification rounds day and night without stopping. She obviously followed her partner and helped the people that they met, but the miko kept going even though Nera was sleeping on her back some times.
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                Base 7 - Vaccine Search Squad

                                As the Spartans made their way through the hall and towards the vaccine, a noise was heard coming from the vaccine's location.

                                "Let's go.", the lead Spartans said to the others as they approached the door.

                                In one quick motion, one of the Spartans kicked the door open and aimed his MA5C into the room. The room echoed with the sound of the door being ripped off its hinges, but quickly returned to silence. The Spartans poured into the room and made sure the area was secure.

                                "All clear.", one of the Spartans said as the group's leader looked at the silvery case on one of the tables. As the leader walked towards it, he saw a man lying on the floor. At first, he appeared to be dead, but the Spartan could tell that the man was alive, due to the slight rising in the man's chest.

                                "We have a survivor. One of you, take him.", the group leader said to the others.

                                Base 7 - Bomb Search Squad

                                The Spartans followed, covering Chris and looking on their radars for trouble. If they were lucky, they would be able to get to the bomb without much trouble.


                                "Nice to meet you guys.", Six said to Nera and Sakuyamon.

                                After a couple of minutes, Six asked another question s he sorted more of the bodies.

                                "If you don't mind me asking, what are pokemon and digimon? I'm not from around here, so I honestly wouldn't know.", Six said to Nera and Sakuyamon, referencing the fact that he was a Character.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

