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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    "Don't tell me one of the Lickers got you?" Said Chris as he sighs. "We're doing fine, me and Six are getting ready to head out. Be careful, also if they are making B.O.W.s there then there should surely be some First Aid Kits in the lab somewhere. You should try and find one." Said Chris as he hangs up. Chris then turns to Six. "Well Gerard's been injured Six."


      "Alright. I'll try to recover any more information."

      I hung up. I crawled towards a first aid kit and applied a pain killer and a bandage. Putting on each of them hurt beyond what I could comprehend. Then the pain killer acted and I began feeling better. Now for the sealing. I stitched the wound together well. I stood up, still feeling a little uncomfortable, but able to move on. I sheathed one sword and got out. Now it's time to find the office.



        "Then let's go give him some backup.", Six said to Chris as he cracked his knuckles in preparation for the battle ahead.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



          "They probably have the whole place on lock down right now. I doubt we will be able to get in. Anyways I will call Gerard." Said Chris as he pulls out the communicator.

          "Gerard do you need back up?"


            "... No... I think I can handle it from here... as long as HUNK doesn't show up anytime soon. How are you guys doing? Have you acquired the location of the laboratory?"

            I went outside the shrine.

            "Oh dear... it seems they left us."

            I decided to head out until...

            "Huh? An ice path? It seems that Cirno was here... wait..."

            Then she saw giant footsteps.

            "Oh no. Could it be that Cirno was being chased by a monster?! Axl, we have to find out!"

            Without hesitation, I grabbed Axl and took off, following the ice trail.


              Eirin's Medical Camp

              John was slightly unnerved by Yukari not responding.

              Right before he could take the gap crystal from Renamon, X landed right behind him.

              "So who was wanting to see me?", X asked John.

              John turned around and spoke.

              "Hey X. Your special guest is in the tent. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.", John said in a calm tone as he pointed to the tent Dr. Light was in.

              John then quickly turned back over to Renamon and grabbed the crystal.

              (Damn it. I really hope she's just ignoring me. I don't want to think about it, but what if she's been captured too? What if they're torturing her?... Please be okay...), John thought to himself as his heart raced with sickening dread.

              John remembered the decoy Ran's condition. He could only imagine what horrors they were possibly putting not only the real Ran, but Yukari through as well.

              "Yukari? If you can hear me, please answer. This is very important.", John said to the gap crystal.
              Last edited by S121; 08-03-2013, 01:07 AM.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Eirn's Medical Camp
                "Okay thanks." Said X as he walks into the tent. As he does he sees an old man sitting on a chair. The old man turned to X as he walked in. "X? Is that really you?" Said Dr. Light as X's eyes widen at the scene.

                "Hey you're... you're Doctor Light! Remarked X as he steps back due to shock.

                Dr. Light smiles warmly as X was surprised by him. "Yes X, it is me, the real me. I'm so glad to see you X. Tell me... how have you been?" Replied Doctor Light as X rubs the back of his head. He was obviously nervous. This was one of the first times that he actually gets to talk with Dr. Light IN PERSON.

                "Well Dr. Light... where should I begin..." Said X as he begins talking to Dr. Light.


                As Jake was speeding down the street he turned to Dante. Jake was slightly annoyed by how the demon boy was keeping up with him. "Goddamn it WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT!?" Yelled Jake as he swerved in and out of traffic.
                Last edited by NeoFox; 08-03-2013, 04:24 AM.



                  Dante continued to give chase after the man on the motorcycle.

                  "That bike looks awfully similar to mine! Were you the one that messed with it!?" Replied Dante as he jumped over a car. As he lands he had let Jake get some distance between them. "Damn! Need to catch that jerk!" Said Dante as he takes off running again.


                  As Lady and Komachi gave chase to Dante and Jake, Komachi had used a "trick" to instantly catch up with the two, almost causing them to crash into a truck. As Lady swerves out of traffic she stops and looks at Komachi. "Don't do that again! We almost crashed because of that trick you pulled!" Said Lady as she looks around, no sign of Dante or Jake. "Great, now we lost them!"
                  Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...



                    Jake quickly looked back and smirked as he saw that he had lost the demon boy mostly. "About time I lost that freak!" Said Jake as he sees that his destination is up ahead. As he pulls up to the building he parks his motorcycle and grabs his handgun. As he walks towards the large metal double door Jake quickly pokes his head in. He looks around and sees that it is mostly empty save for a chair and a young girl tied to it.

                    "Okay... all I got to do is head in, get the girl, and get the hell out of here before anyone spots me..." Said Jake to himself as he quickly kicks open the large door. As he does he quickly takes off running to the center of the room where the girl is...



                      Dante had followed Jake to a large warehouse. Dante changes out of Devil Trigger as he walks up to the building. Dante looks at the large warehouse and grins. "So this is where he ran off to hide..." Said Dante as he quickly kicks the door off its hinges.

                      "Looks like you're cornered now thief! I've got you right where I want you. Now confess to the fact that you stole my bike..." Said Dante as he goes to draw Ebony & Ivory. He then sees Jake running up to a girl who's tied up. "Uh... what the hell is going on?"
                      Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...



                        As Jake went to go untie the girl he looks at the entrance as Dante barged in. "Oh come on what now!?" said Jake as he looks at Dante. As Jake sees Dante he reaches for his Nine-Oh-Nine handgun. "Who might you be?" Replied Jake as he grabs the unconscious girl. "Don't tell me you're with the men that kidnapped this girl?"

                        Hakurei Shrine

                        "H-Hey hold on a second!" Yelled Axl as he was suddenly grabbed by Yuyuko who took off flying to find one the one named Cirno.


                          China, Warehouse

                          Dante raises an eyebrow at Jake's question. "What? No seriously... what?" Said Dante as he puts his Ebony&Ivory handguns back. "Look man I didn't kidnap anybody. All I'm here for is to find out if you were the one that messed up my bike. So if you tell me now then maybe I won't have to kill you." Said Dante as he crosses his arms as he looks at Jake. "So. . .?"
                          Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...



                            Koishi streched her arms and patted the sukusuku, which made it purr again.

                            "Well, I guess big sis is waiting. See ya!" Koishi then poked the sukusuku, making it plod through the hallway.

                            The Borealis

                            Everything was quiet from above, and as Marisa returned, Pontius made some barbeque, which cheered up everyone's spirits, everyone taking a bite. Marisa was cleaning her clothes and hair of blood and kamikaze bits, while Mima chuckled as she saw her doing that.

                            "It's just going to get bloodied again." Mima said.

                            "Ah, shut up, ya old ghost." Marisa retorted.

                            "Just saying." Mima then dipped a finger in bbq sauce and smeared it on Marisa's dress, making Marisa try (and fail) at punching Mima in the face, instead falling flat on her face herself, due to Mima's ghostness.
                            Last edited by Koishi; 08-03-2013, 09:23 PM.

                            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                              I followed the ice trail to misty lake, but what I see isn't Cirno, but... a giant, mobile igloo? He seems to be freezing the lake. He might be the one who made the trail.

                              I floated down to the creature.

                              "Hello. Who might you be?"


                                The Dark Blowhole

                                Lily floated through the underground tunnels, before pulling Otori behind a rock and covering his mouth as a huge, ram-horned creture lumbered by, dwarfing them both and shaking the ground as each foot hit the earth, passing by, going through the tunnels they both went through. After it passed, Lily let go.

                                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.

