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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    The Consumer

    As X regrouped with Axl, Zero, and Nitori Zero's systems have successfully rebooted. Allowing him to move his body once again. "X did you win!?" Asked Axl as X simply rubbed the back of his head. "Well he sorta...fell for his own trap... which is odd. He seemed like the kind of guy that wouldn't be so gullible..." Replied X as Zero turns to X. "Save the chit-chat for later. We need to find a way off this filthy ship." Said Zero in a relatively cold tone. He held the still paralyzed Nitori in his arms.


      Gensokyo Battlefield

      The insane Flandre speaks, but one would wish she wouldn't.

      "Let's play tag!" Flandre beamed as she charged something within her. "First one to die loses!"


      "It can't be just a result from solitude." Genji analyzed. "Perhaps stress? Exposure to stress can be toxic to Youkais; tis why older Youkais do not move around as much."

      Just then, the boulder cage burst into million pieces as Flandre sent Renamon flying to Genji and John's direction.

      "But... The seal!" Genji gasped in shock. "How could it be broken? Not even a dragon could've escaped it!"


        Gensokyo Battlefield

        Landing on her feet the fox only said to the turtle "You better go away, she wants to play tag in an extremely serious way"

        then Renamon looked at the spartan "I hope you have good reflexes chief, I have an idea on how to calm her down"

        With that, the fox started running "HEY FLANDRE! YOU ARE IT!" She said outloud and started running at high speed
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          Gensokyo Battlefield

          "Tire her out?", John asked Renamon as he readied himself for whatever may happen.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Gensokyo Battlefield

            "Ugh, she's so creepy. How can anyone stand her?"

            "I've never even heard of her..."

            "Apparently she was banned from going outside because she's psycho..."

            "Definite case of Autism... So weird."

            "Get away from me, you creep! Even breathing the same air as you do gives me nightmares."

            "Flandre, no matter what, I will protect you!"

            You lied to me, Meiling.

            You've all lied to me.

            Big sister... Sakuya... Patchouli...

            You are all no different from those that pointed at me and called me names.

            My vengeance will be served... By destroying every single one of you.



              Gensokyo Battlefield

              "We are not your enemy!", John shouted as he readied himself for Flandre's wrath.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Gensokyo Battlefield

                "Come on Flandre? Didnīt you want to play tag, I may win without using much energy" Renamon said encouraging the vampire to focus on the game

                The fox looked at the spartan and nodded
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  Gensokyo Battlefield

                  "Well guess what." Flandre smirked with terrifying glare. "You're it."
                  On her right hand were two eyes: one of Renamon's and one of John's.

                  "No!" Genji shouted but it was already too late. Flandre proceeded to clench her hand-


                  A familiar Qipao-clad Youkai appeared from below to check out the fiasco.

                  "What's going on?" Meiling asked. "Flandre, why are you attacking our own team?"


                    Gensokyo Battlefield

                    John was right about to use a Corridor of Darkness on the orbs, hoping to stop her, but Meiling appeared overhead and stopped Flandre from killing both of them.

                    John sighed as the tension slowly lifted. All this "excitement" almost made John lose control over the Darkness shell still covering his mutilated leg.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Gensokyo Battlefield

                      Lets say that she needs to vent out stress" Renamon said towards the red haired

                      Then the fox looked at Flandre "Also that is cheating Flandre, why donīt you try reaching me? that gives more fun to the game"
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        Gensokyo Battlefield

                        "...I understand."

                        Meiling clenched her fists. Rainbow auras emitted from the fists began to submerge Meiling into a thick coat of swirling rainbow.

                        Genji rolled his scroll. "This is where we leave those two be."

                        The Consumer

                        "Now that the number of enemies have dwindled, let's take pictures." Aya suggested.

                        "What? Are you nuts?" Momiji countered. "Dwindled? Look out to the sky: we're outnumbered a trillion to one! We should be on the onslaught, not on-photoshoot!"

                        "Please, we'll be fine." Aya grinned, pulling her camera out. "Besides, what good is a battle without some battlw photography?"

                        "There could be a super strong General waiting for us in this room for Kanako's sake!" Momiji argued as she slammed the door of a room open: the door of the room where X, Axl, and Zero were stuck at.
                        Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 10-11-2013, 02:15 AM.


                          Gensokyo Battlefield

                          "HA HA HA! MERE INSECTS, NOTHING MORE!" The voice came from Grima, echoing. "IT IS YOUR TURN... TO DIE!"
                          For every Nucleoid, there was now a Risen. For every Risen struck down, two appeared to take its place. Grima's avatar summoned spikes of darkness across the entire battlefield where Nucleoids were. "This is almost boring me..."
                          "Don't get so sure of yourself." Robin continued to strike down any opposition with a flurry of wind, lightning, and fire magic. "You can still be defeated!"
                          "Ha ha ha, if these worms can defeat me, then I wouldn't be the Fell Dragon you so do fear."
                          "Heh, besides...we still have an agreement, don't we?"
                          "..." Robin looked away from Grima and activated the communicator. "Daniel, what's your status?"


                            Gensokyo Battlefield

                            "I have a feeling that these aliens are so screwed between the air support and the zombies.", Daniel said to Robin via his communicator.

                            Meanwhile, Daniel was moving so fast that the enemies couldn't touch him. The armor's SLEIPNIR speed upgrade made dodging the Nucleoids' weapons effortless.

                            Daniel and his team were quickly tearing through the enemy. They still had yet to suffer any casualties.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              ((Cue the theme for a certain someone that is making a return... He showed up earlier in the Devourer Arc, but he has been damaged much like Bass until recently.))

                              Gensokyo Battlefield

                              Suddenly among all the mayhem on the battlefield a large blue meteor made of pure energy comes charging in to the battlefield. The blue meteor plows through many Nucleoid's forces. It even continues to plow through some of the Nucleoid's remaining tanks with ease. The blue meteor then rebounds back towards Daniel and stops in it's tracks. Suddenly in a bright flash the blue meteor reverts to it's true form.

                              The robot stood tall. At least a few inches taller than Daniel.

                              "This war has gone on long enough! I shall no longer sit on the sidelines! I shall show everyone the true power of light!" Yelled Duo as he charged energy into his left fist. Duo then proceeded to dash forward, as he comes to a stop in between a group of Nucleoid's he punches the ground with his fist. Once he did there was a large explosion of blue energy that surged through the area. Killing any Nucleoid's that were too close to him. Any Nucleoid's that were nearby were blown away due to the force of the explosion.


                                Gensokyo Battlefield

                                "Where do these guys keep coming from!?", Daniel exclaimed.

                                So far, he had seen many robots on the battlefield, a giant dragon in the sky, and an army of zombies fighting the aliens.

                                "(At least they're on our side...), Daniel thought to himself as he continued the onslaught with his squad of Spartans.

                                Soon, Gold team made their way to Duo, where Daniel spoke to the large robot.

                                "Do you know how many people are on our side?", Daniel asked the large robot.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

