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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    After the mess in Gensokyo, I removed my helmet and walked to master chief and saluted.

    "Master chief, Gerard Teranous reporting for duty! What are your commands?"


      Gensokyo Battlefield

      Flandre stared into John's helmet. With a blink of an eye, her left hand pushed John away, so strong that the air resistance couldn't keep up with tossing him off balance.

      "...You know, that girl."

      "Who is she?"

      "Flandre. Remilia's sister."

      "Oh, that dangerous vampire that lives under the mansion?"

      "Look at her wings. So creepy."

      "Why is she acting that way? I'm so goosed out."

      "Let's get out of here before she destroys us."



      "What's up?"

      "What's 'creepy'?"

      "Creepy...? Well, it's a term used to describe something that you don't like."

      "Then... why do people call me creepy? Is that because people don't like me?"




      "Do you hate me?"

      "No way. I'll never hate you. You're one of my most favorite vampire ever."

      "Even more than that Edward guy from Twilight?"

      "Even more than that Edward guy."


      "I noticed." Miko sheathed her blade. "As the fifth-commander of Youkai Union, I salute you."

      "Miko, a giant rush at 8 o'clock." Byakuren jetted upwards as a giant explosion occured from below: she punched the ground with such force that it sunk down and created a fissure.

      "Can you send your men there?" Miko asked Six. "I must devote my fullest attention to what happens to Flandre."


        Gensokyo battlefield

        Sakuyamon saw the spartan being thrown like a ragdoll away and then looked at the vampire ("She must have a lot of stress to be in this state") she thought and decided to speak with her in her natural form

        Releasing all the way to her normal form, Renamon lloked at the blonde "Flandre.. what is troubling you? want to speak about it?" she asked worried but in a calm tone
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          Gensokyo Battlefield

          "Got it. We'll defend the area as long as you need. Update me if anything happens.", Six said as he quickly nodded at Miko.

          "Grey team, enemy rushing in at 8 o' clock. Cover that area and leave nothing standing.", Six said to Greay Team.

          Six then called one of the Pelicans.

          "P-5, we require assistance in defending our front. Mow'em down.", Six said to the Pelican via his communicator.

          Just as the Spartans began to fire at the surge of Nucleoids, the Pelican hovered at the Nucleoid's rear and fired both of its GAU/53 70mm MBHRC Autocannons, quickly shredding through armor and killing everything in the area. Between the Spartans and the Pelican, the group of Nucleoids had no chance of survival.

          Six sprinted at another front with his LAEVATEINN atomic bond splitter and cleared a 50 foot arc in front of him. As the Nucleoids tried to fill in the gap, Six swung again, disintegrating them as they approached.

          John saw a man in armor before him, but before John could react to the man before him, Flandre pushed him away with enough force to knock him back.

          John stumbled back, but quickly regained his footing, almost falling back. John looked at Flandre and spoke out.

          "You have to listen to me. We are only trying to calm you down. You need to stop before someone gets hurt. Why are you angry?", John asked Flandre, trying to figure out what was wrong with her.

          Maybe with two people trying to calm her down, she might finally stop.
          Last edited by S121; 10-11-2013, 01:14 AM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Gensokyo Battlefield

            "Why is that little girl Third-In-Command?"

            "Apparently it was supposed to be Remilia, but because she isn't here..."

            "Well let's hope she doesn't accidentally destroy the allies."


            Flandre twitched, and lifted her hands. Vivid, colorful aura began forming a halo around her hands. There's no mistaking it. She is aimed for annihilation.

            Starbow Barrage.


              Gensokyo Battlefield

              "Oh damnit" Renamon muttered and ran to the vampire and hugged her

              SHe just reacted and held the blonde in her arms "Flandre, speak to me, you can trust me, right? its me Renamon" she said
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                Gensokyo Battlefield

                Seeing the flash of Danmaku fly towards him reminded of when Yukari was training him to dodge storms of high-speed projectiles. John's training kicked in as he weaved past the Danmaku on foot, quickly approaching Flandre.

                "Flandre, you have to stop! We're not trying to hurt you!", John shouted out above the sound of the danmaku.

                John soon made his way to Flandre and Sakuyamon and got into a defensive stance, readying himself for another attack.

                "Why are you angry? As you can see, we care about you.", John calmly said, trying to help Sakuyamon get through to her.
                Last edited by S121; 10-11-2013, 01:19 AM.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Gensokyo Battlefield

                  Renamon glared to the spartan with a face of Don´t -you-dare-attack-her

                  Focusing on the blonde again she spoke "If you need to bent out what you got inside, speak it, scream it, but do it with me, there is no need to attack" the fox tried to confort the vampire
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    Gensokyo Battlefield


                    "She's been sitting there for days." Patchouli sighed. "Can you do anything about her?"

                    "I'll see what I can do. Ensuring the well-being of the residents is what the gatekeeper does."



                    "Uuu... (sniff) Go away."

                    "It's Meiling. Flandre, tell me what's wrong."



                    Then Meiling saw it: Flandre's right side of the face, covered from view, was burnt. Her eye was gouged out. The wings were also broken, tethered to the side.

                    "...who did this to you?"

                    "...why do you care?"

                    "Because I-"


                    "I just... Okay. Sorry, Flandre."

                    "" was the only word Flandre could utter before her mind was shut from all reason.

                    "Stay away from her, you two!" Genji rose to assistance, his giant turtleback sheltering John and Renamon away. "Too dangerous for ya to reason with her anymore. She already shut her mind off."


                      Gensokyo Battlefield

                      "I won´t leave her alone, she needs our help and I won´t leave her!" the fox said as her instincts kicked in.

                      the vixen kept soothing Flandre to help her relax even though the vampire was shutted off
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        Gensokyo Battlefield

                        "Damn it...", John quietly said in a strained and frustrated tone under his breath.

                        John hated being helpless. He hated standing by as Flandre was melting down. John did not want to attack her. If anything, he would fight her, but only defensively.

                        John saw that Sakuyamon was still grasping Flandre. Things were now dire. If Flandre killed Sakuyamon, then John did not know what he would do.

                        "How do we calm her down? How do we stop her?", John asked Genji in a tone of urgency.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Gensokyo Battlefield

                          Robin watched everything happen on the side when suddenly a blood curdling roar reverberated through the air, shaking the ground itself.
                          "I do hope you all didn't forget about me." Suddenly, another cloaked figure appeared with the same appearance as Robin.
                          On cue the Fell Dragon descended from above casting a massive shadow over Gensokyo. "I would have thought you would be a bit should I say...happy to see me." The Grima avatar grinned.
                          "...You are here to help us then?"
                          "Well of COURSE I am. Besides, I do still need your body in one piece."
                          "Heh heh heh...Now if you don't mind..." The avatar snapped his fingers and Risen appeared in whirlwinds of dark energy. "There are flees to burn." Then the Dragon unleased a burst of shadow fire energy upon the Nucleoids, engulfing them in fire. The Risen then swept through and charged at the Nucleoid lines.


                            Gensokyo Battlefield

                            "Only time will tell." Genji denounced coldly, as a giant scroll on his turtle back looseed and unleashed what looked like a spell card. "But as of right now, all we can do is subduing her by force!"

                            "World-shaking Military Rule."

                            All spell card looks imposing and beautiful, but no spell cards looked as powerful as Genji's. The world shifted as if it was made out of tiny pieces, warping the world with Genji as a dictator.

                            "Word for World is Forest."

                            From the ground, trees and giant orchards blasted Flandre from the distance.

                            "Planetary Imprisonment."

                            Giant chunks of boulders came from all directions, caging in Flandre.

                            "Sealing of the Eight Divines."

                            A colossal iron chain, imbued with thousand magic seals, hung itself over the boulders.

                            "That should do."


                              Gensokyo Battlefield

                              Staying inside the magic cage impressed Renamon as Genji had an incredible level of power, yet she focused on the girl on her arms

                              "Hey.. how about we sit and relax, we can speak and play if you want to" the fox said still focusing on the vampire´s well-being
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                Gensokyo Battlefield

                                John was nervous and slightly scared about Sakuyamon being in the cage, but right now, he had to find a way to calm Flandre down and keep her from possibly killing Sakuyamon.

                                John quickly pushed his uneasiness aside and turned to Genji.

                                "We still need to find a way to calm her down. The question is, why is she like this? Nobody goes berserk for no reason.", John said to Genji.
                                Last edited by S121; 10-11-2013, 01:43 AM.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

