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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Base 7-Virus Vaccine Search Squad

    Before the Spartan could move out of the way, he was run into by the Nemesis T-Type. The Spartan pulled out his Carbon Steel Combat Knife and began to stab at the Nemesis, shredding straight through the flesh thanks to his enhanced strength.

    The other 9 Spartans fired their weapons at the Nemesis, sending armor piercing rounds at it.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Base 7-Virus Vaccine Search Squad

      As the Nemesis crashed into the Spartan he picked him up by the Spartan's head. The Nemesis was only barely flinching due to the gunfire and slashes being performed onto the Nemesis... Suddenly... the Nemesis T-Type's arm began to pulsate as a spear-like protrusion erupted from the Nemesis T-TYpe's palm and towards the Spartan's visor... However fortunately for the Spartan he was barely spared as the Nemesis quickly let go as it stumbled back after suffering enough damage. It let out one roar as it fell to it's knees. Not dead... but incapacitated. If it wasn't for the heavy gunfire the Spartan in the Nemesis T-Types grip would have been dead in a near instant.


        Base 7-Virus Vaccine Search Squad

        "Quick, make sure it's dead!", one of the Spartans shouted.

        Remembering the briefing on heat-based attacks on Nemesis T-types, one of the bulkier Spartans pulled out a Plasmathrower, walked up to the incapacitated Nemesis, and aimed the weapon at it. After a second, the Spartan activated the Plasmathrower, causing it to spew out plasma reaching 50,000*F in temperature all over the Nemesis.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Base 7

          As the Spartan burned the Nemesis with heated plasma the Nemesis quickly became nothing but a charred body. Completely dead now there is no way it could survive.


          The grouped kept making their way. The destination on the map showed the bomb on Basement Level 4 Section A: Weapons Prep Room...

          Nearby there was an broken down elevator. The Elevator was at the very bottom of the elevator shaft, and the door was wide opened. Chris looked down the elevator shaft then back to the Spartan. "Going down I presume?"


            Base 7 - Bomb Search Squad

            "Yep.", the squad leader said as he turned to the other Spartans and spoke.

            "You know the drill, down we go.", the squad leader said.

            After being given the order, the Spartans then lined up and jumped down the elevator shaft and into basement level 4, denting the elevator below as they landed. To a normal human, this would be suicide, but for a MJOLNIR-clad Spartan, it was nothing.

            "Here.", the squad leader said as he put away his weapon and raised his arms towards Chris, offering to carry him down the elevator shaft.

            Gensokyo Battlefield

            Once the fighting was over, Six put away his smoking LAEVATEINN and looked around the battlefield. All around him, Six could see the injured trying to gather their wounded and dead. Six saw a cat-like girl trying to move some of the dead bodies, but it looked like she was having trouble.

            "Spartans, the battle is over. Try and help the locals in any way needed.", Six said as he walked over to the girl with the wheelbarrow.

            "Need a hand?", Six asked Rin.

            That's when he saw it. The girl was missing one of her eyes. It didn't bother Six, but he felt a little bad for her.
            Last edited by S121; 10-14-2013, 02:05 AM.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Base 7-Bomb Search Squad

              "No I'm fine. I can get down there on my own." Said Chris as he grabbed onto the cable of the Elevator Shaft. He was ready to climb down rather than jump. The combined wait of both him and a Spartan would probably cause them to go right through the freaking elevator down before.

              Things weren't going to be easy though as the door to Basement Level 4 wouldn't budge. Even if they did open it the doorway was blocked by a lot of debris.


                Gensokyo Battlefield

                "I need to move all the corpses of humans from Gensokyo away from the corpses of the enemies." Rin looked unfazed. Only lamenting. "But I can't tell which is which."

                The Purgatory

                "Give me a moment." Iofiel drew a tome from beneath his wings and searched through his index. "I might require your full name. No human named HM is listed in the Book of Shield.


                  Gensokyo Battlefield

                  "May I be of some help?" Sakuyamon said as she was walking, still doing her purification work. Her sandals and feet looked weathered and hurt from the nonstop walking she has been doing

                  "I can atleast mark the souls of the inocent ones and help moving them from the hollow ones" the silver haired said reffering to the humans AND nucleoid who were inoccent from the enemies
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    Base 7-Bomb Search Squad

                    Soon after Chris made it down, the squad leader jumped down and landed next to everyone.

                    One of the Spartans jammed their hands into the space between the elevator doors and quickly pried it open, thanks to his Spartan strength. The doors screeched as debris scratched the opposite side of the door and revealed that the path was blocked.

                    "Damn.", the Spartan said as he stepped back from the doors and back to the group.

                    The squad leader didn't seem to care about the debris. Instead, he ordered a Spatan with a Plasmathrower to melt the debris.

                    "You, melt it.", the squad leader said.

                    The Spartan followed his order and blasted the debris with plasma, melting the concrete and metal, but creating molten material on the floor.

                    "Now, we wait for it to cool off a little bit before crossing.", the squad leader said.

                    Gensokyo Battlefield

                    Six leaned down to eye level with Rin and looked at the damaged eye.

                    "I'll help, but first, do you want me to give you something for that? We have something called Biofoam, which regenerates lost and damaged tissue. It stings a little, but it also acts as a painkiller.", Six explained to Rin.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                      "I appreciate the help, but there are many more Youkais who need help." Orin looked away. "Like... Oh my god..."

                      This was because Orin looked at Eirin: who looked worst out of anyone. Her left arm was a mere stump of her formal glory: never to be able to practice medicine again without some sort of miracular recovery, and major bruises and cuts, still bleeding, drew force from her immortal strength. Despite all these injuries challenging the immortality, Eirin was pressing on, as the Head Medicinal Officer, to treat the wounded.

                      The black meteor landed with an impact. Even though it made a crater on the ground, the passengers: X, Axl, Zero, Momiji, and now unparalyzed Nitori, were spotless. How?


                        Gensokyo Battlefield

                        Six looked over to Eirin and his jaw almost dropped. This woman had injuries that even a Spartan would have a hard time coping with.

                        "Daniel, I need you to come down here. We have someone in need of serious medical attention.", Six said over his communicator.

                        "How bad?", Daniel asked as he began to sprint in Six's direction.

                        "So bad that it's a miracle she's alive, much less standing.", Six answered.

                        Daniel soon arrived and looked to where Six was pointing.

                        "Oh...", Daniel uttered as he caught sight of Eirin.

                        Daniel quickly walked over to Eirin and spoke.

                        "Are you okay? Do you need any assistance?", Daniel asked Eirin.
                        Last edited by S121; 10-14-2013, 02:40 AM.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                          "Let me do the lifting part then, just mark the bodies" Nera appeared behind the miko, also weathered by helping the people around Gensokyo

                          "Allright, let me focus" Sakuyamon said taking a deep breath and waved her Gohei, sakura leaves appeared and fell on the corpses of the inocents beings

                          "There they are.. let me check on Eirin now" the silver haired said now walking towards the medic youkai

                          Starting to move a body to the group, Nera looked at her partner "Stubborn as always.. hey Orin where do you need me to move these bodies?" she asked to the red haired girl

                          Meanwhile Sakuyamon got near Eirin "Would you let me help you with your pain?" she asked to the youkai hoping she could help
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                            "Not now, sir, I'm busy." Eirin denounced Daniel and Six. "Oh, move those relief packs to the tent number 6, Tewi. Careful with those syringes, Mystia!"

                            "I could use some people for some heavy lifting, however."

                            Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 10-14-2013, 02:37 AM.



                              "What do you need help lifting?", Daniel asked Eirin as he signaled some other Spartans to run to his location.

                              Six then turned his attention back to Rin and spoke.

                              "Okay, let's get to work. Where do I put the bodies?", Six asked Rin.

                              Six saw the miko standing in front of him, but paid little mind. She was not injured, so she did not need his help.
                              Last edited by S121; 10-14-2013, 02:41 AM.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Base 7-Bomb Search Squad

                                "Well I'm going to have a bit of a problem there..." Said Chris as he looked at the molten material on the floor.


                                After the group crashed X, Zero, and Axl all stood up a little dazed but nothing too major. Oddly enough they were perfectly fine. "What? How did we survive!?" Said a shocked Axl as he examined himself. Making sure there was no damage. X and Zero were equally confused as Axl.

