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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Tricky's Building

    "Welcome to Somewhere in Nevada." Hank said.

    Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

    You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


      "No... Way..." I can't belive we just teleported.

      Otori suddenly lost his depressed face and replaced it with a rather exited face. "Shikieiki... We've found it! The answer!"

      I was confused. "The answer to what?"

      "The answer togetting everyone back to their rightful worlds! The improbabilitydrive. If we can somehow disable the part that tricky uses, then reroute the power to us, we can open a portal to your world!"

      He hugged me. "Uhh... I-I think we sh-sh-should get back to buisness, sh-shall we?"

      He let go. "Oh, uh, right. Sorry..." Komachi suddenly closed in behind me with a perverted smile about her. She scared me half to death. "Komachiiii!!!!" I smacked her hard with the rod.

      I noticed Hank staring at us.

      "Sorry, but this is our little family."

      Komachi then daringly said, "Yea, or at least they will be soon eno-" I smacked her again.

      Then it was back to buisness.

      "Now, Hank," Otori said, "are my theories possible?"

      Komachi once again butt in. "Rather, you should be asking whether or not it is improbable!"

      I didn't hit her this time. Rather, I tried not to laugh, but it became harder and harder, until I began bursting out laughing. "Komachi, you dumbass! Ahahahahahaha!"

      I calmed down. "Ah, but seriously, are his theories in check?"


        Tricky's Building-Somewhere in Nevada

        Hank scratched his chin in thought.

        "Maybe. Friend of mine would know for sure." Hank then looked down over the hole, seeing a agent smoking a cigarette, and Hank leaped down, crashing on top of him killing him instantly. Hank then sliced his blade to his left, killing another agent and splattering it's blood across the dark gray walls of the building.

        Borealis, approaching Osaka

        The now ruined city of Osaka was coming into view, the thermal storm now engulfing the entire city.

        "Well, I caused that." Mima said. "Interesting how far self-defense gets you."

        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


          We jumped down with him. "A friend, huh? Well, then, let's go see him. Whats his name?"


            Somewhere in Nevada

            "Deimos. Computer wiz, and quite good with a gun as well." Hank explained, going for a truck parked in the front of the building loading the weapons from the dead agents on board.

            "Hop in, bring some guns as well, we'll be needing them." Hank said.

            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


              Neo-Yakuza HQ

              John was running out of ammo again and the GAU-16 was overheating. John tossed another grenade, killing 3. A character lunged toward the uncontious Yuuka with a knife. Reacting within a fraction of a second, John crushed the character's head against the wall and threw him down the hall, taking his knife in the process. John quickly tossed another grenade and reloaded the GAU-16. The gun hadn't finished cooling, but John had no time to waste. He readied the gun and continued firing.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                "Tch," Otori taunted, "the agent's that I attacked earlier had so many weapons, took me a half hour to find them all."

                "I thought it was 18 minutes," Komachi added.

                "You know what I mean. I'm clear on that. As for these two, they are very strong. Let's see this Deimos. C'mon. We have a bunch of characters to return to their worlds!"



                  It felt like the day went faster as the full moon was shining already "Is this one of your doings?" Renamon asked looking at the white rock.

                  "I have had my time for it, living her for years have given me time to understand this place" the jackal said while grasping a leaf on her paw.

                  "So you have lived in my mind for long time?" the fox asked and suddenly got up and faced the jackal "Are you the voice who have tried to control me?" The cyan-golden jackal also faced the fox but shook her head.

                  "Im not the being you think, she is over there" the jackal pointed towards another creature walking towards the duo. "About time you finally see me, I was starting to get bothered" the creature said towards Renamon.

                  THe creature was a ghost like creature, her body resembled a lady of the oriental lands as her body was dress-looking, having a red sash with a big ribbon on her back, her face was purple, but it was covered by a skull-like mask that had ice horns.

                  The ghost-girl greeted Renamon and the jackal "I have wondered how much you have told her Nera, I wanted to know when we could all meet " the ghost revealed the jackal´s name "Well.. Renamon needed time to assimilate everything Mara".

                  "Alright.. what is going on? how do you two know eachother and know about me?" Renamon was asking for an explanation. "Since everything is going faster than expected, please sit and I shall start" Nera said starting her story
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    Neo-Yakuza HQ

                    The GAU-16 had finally succumbed to overheating. The barrels were glowing orange and were warped. A Medieval character ran up to John with a sword, intent on impaling him. John used the broken gun to block the attack, then countered with a swift blow to the knight's head, breaking his neck. John pulled out both the sniper rifle and his rifle, blasting away any enemy that dared try to overrun his position. So far, John had killed over 120 hostiles, their bodies piling up in the hall.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Neo-Yakuza HQ

                      Ice lance struck the target solid, but why was Apple unharmed?
                      "Ice spear attack from the Keybladers. I know everything about every world's history. Which means, I know how to counter everything!" Apple said as her position was revealed. To dodge the spears that targeted her standing spot, Apple sidestepped a very tiny bit away from the spearheads to avoid being shanked.
                      "I have already analyzed everything. Surrender now!" Apple demanded as she drew her sabre.

                      "Can't... counter..." Sentinel-Kumari groaned as X's power blasted the giant battle robot into the other side of the sector.

                      The cyclops grunted and staggered. "So strong. For a tiny man."
                      The cyclops did not notice that a grenade was shoved into his single eye. Shortly after, his head exploded into bloody chunks of disgusting flesh and gushes of blood.

                      Pacific Ocean

                      "Look over there." Iku pointed at the swarm of Akrid beasts on the sky. "Could they be the creatures responsible for attacking Osaka?"
                      The Akrids, noticing the Borealis ship moving into the harbor, rushed to the ship in attempt to destroy it.

                      Character Treatment Center - Georgetown University Hospital, Washington DC

                      Nitori slowly opened her eyes to find herself in a patient's room. But she wasn't alone.
                      "Lt. Trelawney?" Nitori said to the dozing Lieutenant, who jerked himself awake.
                      "Oh, you're awake. So glad." Lt. Trelawney smiled as he fixed his sloppy glasses. "Now that you're awake, let's get you back to Pentagon."
                      "What happened?" Nitori asked the lieutenant.
                      "Well, uh, the medical team arrived to treat to your, well, wound on your stomach." Lt. Trelawney explained. "But because you weren't an official subject of the US Government, we couldn't take you in the infirmaries of the Pentagon. So I used a military jeep to take you to the nearest hospital that I could find."
                      "Stab... myself?" Nitori scratched her head in confusion.
                      "Here, let me show you." Lt. Trelawney pointed at Nitori's right stomach. "You used that warhead to pierce your stomach, in terms of saving Zero from hurting or even killing himself with that charged fist attack inside the bubble. We patched that up with bandages, but this hospital did not have any Kappa blood to replace your lost blood, so you might feel a bit anemic for a couple of days."
                      "I see." Nitori muttered, and then jolted back up in surprise and question. "Where's Zero?"


                        Somewhere in Nevada

                        Hank drove the truck for about a half an hour before stopping at a large gray building, and Hank got out and knocked on the door.

                        "Deimios, Sanford, you there?" Hank called out.

                        "Hold on a second." came a voice back.

                        The sliding door opened, revealing a man clad in black combat shorts, with a black bandana, and several bandages visible underneath. On his face(if you could call it a face) was a pair of rounded black glasses, and a small lip visible below what seemed to be a cross. which one might assume to be his eyes. In one hand he wielded a hook, in the other was a bottle of wine.

                        "Ey Hank, how did the supply run g-" Sanford noticed the group behind Hank, dropping his bottle, and pulling out a black snub nose revolver, Hank quickly stopping him.

                        "Easy now. Allies." Hank said.

                        "Then why the hell do they look so weird? They got arms, like you had when you were MAGnified." he retorted.

                        "Sanford, they aren't from around here." Hank said.

                        "No shit, sherlock." Sanford replied.


                        Mima sent a wave of energy out, stopping the akrids in their tracks before eviscerating them.

                        "Kliener, we got company!" Mima said.

                        "I do see that. Salvador, Pontius, help on the starboard bow!" Kliener yelled, Pontius and Salvador rushing tot the upper deck.

                        "LET'S DO THIS, BITCHES!" Salvador pulled out twin rocket launchers, firing rocket after rocket at the akrids, destroying them three at a time.
                        Last edited by Koishi; 05-22-2013, 12:24 AM.

                        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                          Neo-Yakuza HQ

                          John's clips ran dry as a grenade landed at his feet. The grenade exploded, sending John to the ground. After only a split second, he was swarmed by hostiles, each one trying to kill him.


                          John yelled out angrily, determined to prevail. Spartan Time kicked in. John threw them all off and pulled out the knife he took. In fractions of a second, he began slicing and stabbing his way out, leaving streaks of blood spraying all over the hall.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Test Chamber - Pentagon

                            Zero walks into the room where his containment capsule was. Looking at it he places a hand on it. He turns to the control panel next to it. After pushing in a few buttons the capsule opens. As it does he looks at the empty capsule. Contemplating about whether or not to seal himself away again. Then he remembers what he said after the incident with the Jakob Elevator.
                            "We all have to fight... not only against mavericks, but also against our own destiny..." He said to himself as he leaves the room. As he finds EVE a serious look comes over his face. "EVE. I need your help with something."

                            Neo-Yakuza HQ

                            As X's attack was a successful counter to Sentinel's he lowers his X-Buster. Walking over to the large battle suit with Sentinel inside he looks at her. "That wasn't even my full power. If I were to truly have put everything into that attack your suit, and possibly you would be dead. Your lucky that I don't like killing others. Even if the situation calls for it. I only fight to protect the innocent, and most importantly my friends. I'll never fight to kill another person. Unless they are the embodiment of evil itself." Said X as he turns away. Beginning to walk off he looks over his shoulder. The Neo-Yakuza just uses characters as slaves. Don't think your any different. To them you are just another way to have power over others. I think we would also be good friends if you weren't with them..." Said X as he continues to walk off, beginning to look for the others.


                              John was not going to let them win, no matter how badly he needed to rest. He tapped into his inner strength to keep going. His shields depleted long ago and his armor was riddled with dents. He was shot so many times that he could barely stand.

                              "I am not done yet."

                              He continued his onslaught, killing the last hostile. John had done it. He had killed 343 hostiles. He fell to the ground, next to Yuuka.

                              "I really hope you wake up. Someone's gotta take care of my sorry ass."
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                (no way to actually dodge mega flare, that is if your not fireproof)
                                Neo-Yakuza HQ

                                "Then dodge this" Aqua hand began to glow a strong color of red. "Mega Flare"
                                Born in the light.
                                Molded in the dark

                                Never Forget,
                                Keep Fighting.
                                –Don't Forget.
                                Always, somewhere,
                                someone is fighting for you.
                                –As long as you remember her,
                                you are not alone.

