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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Makai, Gensokyo

    Yumeko realized what was going on. The armored man is using his danmaku shooter. She dashed to an inconceivable speed and used her sword to knock the rifle away.

    "Your opponent is I!" Yumeko shouted as she pointed another sword at John. "With this power bestowed by my mistress, Shinki, I, Yumeko, the maiden of One Million Swords, will terminate you and free Yuuka from you!"

    "No time for chichat." Sara muttered as she expelled invisible force at Renamon. "Intruders of Makai must be stopped, no matter their affiliations or their cause."

    Elis watched the battle unfold. She didn't want to fight, but situation cones to it, and Elis must oblige
    "You, with blue hair." Elis pointed at Aqua. "They're all fighting, so why don't we have a casual go, too?"
    Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 05-04-2013, 01:39 AM.


      Makai - Gensokyo

      John gently placed Yuuka on the ground and faced his opponent.

      He said in a calm voice, "Dont make me kill you."
      Last edited by S121; 05-04-2013, 01:40 AM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Makai, Gensokyo

        The situation was getting worse and renamon as gently as possible took Yuuka from John and put her on the floor "Look, we donīt want to fight anyone, we just want to stop this mess"
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          Makai - Gensokyo

          X holds his ground, but he turns to John as the gun gets knocked out of his hand. "John!" Yelled X as he is about to turn to John, but then he remembers Shou. He continues to keep his aim at Shou, not seeing her back down he begins charging his X-Buster. Shortly a green aura emanates from his body as he charges up for an attack. Waiting for Shou to make her move.


            Makai, Gensokyo

            "Don't make me kill you."
            "Please." Yumeko grinned. This will be over in two minutes. "You think you can kill a demon? Be my guest!"
            Yumeko spread her arms out, exposing sharp swords from nowhere. The swords were imbued with dark energies of Makai.
            "Blade Sign - Splitting Steel!" Yumeko declared, sending the swords toward John.

            "Please do not get me wrong, fox-lady." Sara said. "I do not wish to fight either, but as a gatekeeper, I am bound to protect Makai from anyone who threatens it. Please." Sara's fist glowed with red, omnipotent energy.
            "Protect Sign - Red Demon's Gate." Sara declared, punching the air, sending waves of red force at Renamon.


              (Sorry for double postiiiing)

              "Enemies of Makai..." Shou was still weeping over the lost of her demonic comrades. "Must be destroyed!"
              Shou started sending waves of golden light as blue pillars of light restricted the blue armored man's movement.


                Makai, Gensokyo

                Renamon saw the red waves closing to her, the fox evaded it and said "We donīt want to threaten your world, what do you need as proof to trust us?.

                Her stance was of defense and evasiveness trying to stop any urge for attacking
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  Makai, Gensokyo

                  The blades rushed towards John. In that instant, "Spartan Time" kicked in.

                  He dashed out of the way of the barrage, grabbed his gun, and fired. The only problem was that the hail of steel deflected each bullet as they flew towards John.

                  John ducked under a sword and sprinted towards Yumeko, going at 40 mph. He ran past each blade, seeing them go much more slowly than they really were.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Before X could even think blue pillars of glowing energy surround X. "What the?!" He yelled as his X-Buster finishes charging, though he is unable to get a good shot at Shou due to the light pillars hindering his movements. "No... I can't... let this... stop me!" He says as he manages to fire his charged X-Buster shot at Shou.
                    Last edited by NeoFox; 05-04-2013, 02:04 AM.


                      Makai, Gensokyo

                      Yumeko observed the armored man. He was obviously something beyond human, or he received training from Hakurei.
                      Nope, Hakurei would never teach her disciples to get in close to Yumeko of One Million Blades. As the armored man closed in, Yumeko flickered her right arm. 120 swords, imbued with dark energy, split into 6 smaller swords, and started roaming randomly. Yumeko then conjured two swords to her hands, ready to parry.

                      "I do not need proof." Sara grimly spoke as she fired a particularly large waves of red force. "Two of your comrades are already in combat. Assaulting the residents of Makai is threatening the Makai itself. I have no choice."
                      "I will not stop until my bones turn into powder." Sara announced. "So please."
                      Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 05-04-2013, 02:10 AM.


                        Makai, Gensokyo

                        "You know you can stop this as I can too, just listen to me, we donīt need to fight" Renamon said gripping her digivice hoping she doesnīt need to use its energy.

                        Both John and X were fighting the other Makai beings and looked like they were very onto it. ("Dammit.. this is getting out of hand") the fox thought evading another wave of force
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          (Ugh, I have to time my post right, or I'll be double posting from hours on end.)

                          "Light Conversion!" Shou shouted as she conversed some of the golden light into a Vajra, blocking the blue-armored man's peculiar danmaku. This saved Shou, but it also allowed the armored man opportunity to weave his way out of the pillars. Better think of something fast.
                          "Jeweled Pagoda - Radiant Treasure Gun!" Shou declared, firing from her pagoda bright red bullets and golden laser that spread widely across the battlefield.


                            Makai, Gensokyo

                            John didn't have to be familiar with danmaku to see what she was doing. John had forced her to be defensive.

                            John ran towards her, weapon at the ready. He fired off two shots. One hit Yumeko's hat, knocking it off her head, while the other clipped her shoulder.

                            A sword came flying towards him on his left flank. To this, John parried it with his gun.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Quickly X activates the accelerators in his legs to dash forward at high speed. He quickly makes his way through the pillars, and looks up only to see a barrage of blasts heading his way. He manages to dodge most of the red bullets, but ends up getting hit in the chest. He gets knocked back from the bullets but he manages to recover. As he lands on the ground he dashes forward yet again, but this time he gets caught off guard by the golden laser. The laser was too large to avoid resulting in X getting caught in the blast. "Gaahhh!" He yelled in pain as the laser struck him.


                                Makai, Gensokyo

                                Yumeko felt a slight twitch as her shoulder was clipped with a bullet. Good thing I had shoulderpads on, Yumeko thought, as her sword was parried by the danmaku shooter. Now's the chance.
                                "Bladed Maiden - Deadly Dance!" Yumeko declared, as thousands of small swords glided around her, attempting to shred everything in their path.

                                "You do not understand." Sara said. "I am created by the goddess of this land, Shinki. Her will is what enslaves me. So please."
                                Sara's fists glowed, this time with green, sinister aura.
                                "Protect Sign - Matsumoto's Castle Gate." Sara declared, firing a large jet stream of green bullets.

                                "You do not move well." Shou condemned the blue armored man. "I shall finish you now."
                                Shou fired bolts of curvy lasers, gliding around her and poised to strike.

