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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    {Now you're just stealing off of Utsuho :3}
    (I think she means the one in FF. You know, the Bahamut spell?)
    Neo-Yakuza HQ

    "Whoa whoa whoa, is that even fair?" Apple's expression turned from dignified warrior into a coward as soon as she saw a spark of flame. Apple, as a historian, had a fear of fire, because of an incident where her library burned down in a freak arson terrorism. "Whoa, time out? Time out?"
    Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 05-22-2013, 02:37 AM.


      (Dang I can't find an appropriate image of how Yuuka is like, so I cant advance on that part :c)
      Zero's Chamber

      EVE's artificial face came into view on a monitor.
      "Talk to me, pretty boy, and I'll be your Genie." EVE beeped in a teasing attitude.
      Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 05-22-2013, 03:56 AM.


        Zero's Chamber

        "That encrypted data... I want you to unlock it. I don't care what I said earlier. Lately odd data just keeps coming up in my fights. Every time it has I feel like I lose control of my body which could pose a threat to anyone I come in contact with. Also have you scanned your systems recently? Any sign of a virus?" Said Zero in his usual cold tone of voice. The look on his face is a look of seriousness, and confusion.


          Neo-Yakuza HQ

          "You call for a time out? I think i can manage that trough my own way." She waited another second or two for the flames to really get an effect on Apple.
          After a few seconds her hands begin to glow again, not red like last time but cool blue. Small snowflakes could be seen dancing around. "Deep Freeze".
          Everything around her froze. The pain of freezing was even worse for Apple as she had been burning the previous second making the pain even worse.
          Born in the light.
          Molded in the dark

          Never Forget,
          Keep Fighting.
          –Don't Forget.
          Always, somewhere,
          someone is fighting for you.
          –As long as you remember her,
          you are not alone.


            Somewhere in Nevada, Nevada
            Otori stepped up. "This man, Hank, is right. You see," then Otori started reaching for his badge.

            I whispered angrily at him. "Put that thing away before they kill you. And once that happens, I will kill you."

            He slowly took his hand away, thinking about what to say in order not to seem suspicious. " see, we were driving around when we saw this building. We closed in on the building and saw Hank jump off of the building. At the same time, our car ran out of gas, and we got attacked by these weird looking agents. Hank saved us and took us here. Right, Hank?"

            Quite the improviser. Good for him.

            We stood there waiting for their response.


              Neo-Yakuza HQ

              As John sat against the wall, he looked at his handiwork. 343 characters and agents dead, their bodies piled up in the hall. The floor was no longer visible. It was covered in the bodies of his fallen foes. John looked himself over, at all the dents and bullet wounds. He noticed the radial crack in his visor, caused by a .45. Luckily for him, his vital organs were unharmed, but he was shot along the sides of his chestplate, around his ribs.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                The trio of ceatures were at the lone tree, Nera started explaining "It all started when you and your allies dealed with the D-reapper incident, after your victory against that virus, all of you were sent back to the Digital world. then Mara continued "But since you were an adventurer, you searched for new worlds thanks to that device" the ghost pointed towards Renamonīs digivice.

                "After some months of tinkering with some mechanical creaturse of your world, the device was ready to open portals by any computer like relays, and one of them was our world" The jackal said, yet the fox was confused. "But why I canīt remember any of this? for what I hear, It must have taken atleast a year. Mara countered her question "Actually, it took you 3 years"

                After some time of asimilating that she forgot 3 years of her life, the vixen then asked "So how did I lose those 3 years of my life?". Mara was the one who answered "Your stubborness is both your fortune and curse fox, that was part of the cause that made you lose those memories" and then Nera explained "In resume, you met us in our world in at diferent dates, I was the first and by almost a year we met Mara, we were.. kind of close" the jackal said with a little crimsom on her face.

                "We were allies to find this creature who was tormenting the whole land with its powers that easily decimated forts and when we found it, we fought, but in the end we were nothing against the wretched thing" Mara said with some irritation and got into a serious tone "You decided to use all of your energy to anihilate the demon, but by doing that, all of your life essence was depleted to the point of just being a husk without a soul"

                "There was nothing we could do to bring you back until we found your device that still worked as a restorative tool, we knew that to bring you back to the world of living there would be a high price, I think you can understand what happened next" Nera said sighing

                "One life for another.. but in this case were the two of you for me" Renamon said understanding everything and continued "I donīt remember anything of both of you because your existences were erased". the vixen said analyzing it as the ghost finally said "Exactly, but we are here in your mind, which I like because I can play with it as much as I can" "Please excuse her rude behaviour, she has always been like that" the jackal apologized
                Last edited by Kristia; 05-22-2013, 03:32 PM.
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  Somewhere In Nevada

                  Sanford looked in Otori's eyes, and sighed.

                  "They're lying, aren't they?" Sanford said.

                  "Yep." Hank said. "I found them in that AAHW outpost we found earlier."

                  "The distorted one?" Sanford asked.

                  "Indeed." Hank said.

                  Coming beside Sanford was another man wearing a black visor and headset, over a large set of bandages on his head. He also wore a black trenchcoat, with a white shirt seen underneath. A backpack with a antenna sticking out the back lied on his back, while a cigarette dangled in what could be his mouth.

                  "I see we have some company? Good thing I just raided that storehouse." the man said.

                  "Deimos, why the hell are you smoking in the house? We went over this FOUR TIMES." Hank said.

                  "I can't help it. Natural thing." Deimos replied.

                  Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                  You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                    Underground Mining Facility - Some guys farm - Nevada.

                    Axl who just found the entrance tunnel to some sort of mining shaft raises an eyebrow. "Huh I wonder what's down here..." Said Axl with a cocky smirk on his face. As he proceeds down the tunnel he sees that there are many mining... Reploids? Working in the tunnel. "What are Mining Reploids doing in Nevada? Let alone underneath someone's farm..." Axl said to himself as he finally reaches the end of the Mining Shaft. A large metal double door is there blocking his path. "What's this door doing here?..." Said Axl as he grips his pistol. He then slightly taps on the metal door to see if there is a response. "Hello... anybody home? I guess not... I suppose I'm just going to leave this place never to return..." Said Axl as he slowly turns away. The sound of something moving on the other side of the door can be heard. "Hey I know that voice!!! Open the door you fools! Open it! Open it! Open it! Said a oddly familiar voice on the other side of the door. Suddenly the door slams open revealing non other than Earthrock Trilobyte.


                      Somewhere in Nevada

                      Sanford plucked the cigarette from Deimos mouth and smashed it onto the ground.

                      "Hey, what was that for?" Deimos complained.

                      "Being an ass." Sanford retorted.

                      A buzzing came from Deimos's pocket, reaching in and pulling out a small tablet, with word wirtten in large bold letters on it.


                      "Looks like we have a job here. Sanford, Hank, could you take care of it? I have some work to do here." Deimos asked.

                      "No problem." Hank said, going over to the truck. "And Deimos, please, for the love of god, treat our guest nicely. We don't want a repeat of what happened two months back."

                      Deimos shivered. "Okay, fine, i'll try."

                      Sanford went in the back of the truck. "I'll pick you up some cigarettes while we're gone."

                      "Damn right you better." Deimos said.

                      The truck then pulled out, going back down the road, heading towards the farm.

                      "So, um, you guys want to come in, I guess?" Deimos asked.

                      Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                      You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                        (Company deadline OP, nerf now please)
                        {Hey, at least you can start RP now}
                        Yuuka's mind

                        How... how did you escape my insanity grasp...?
                        I had a little help from a vixen I know.

                        The twisted Yuuka turned to ashes. Yuuka won against the insanity that the clown has placed in her... but not without a cost. She was still trapped inside her own mind, and now her clothes were a mess. I'll buy something when I'm out of here.

                        So you defeated the insanity. Magnificent The sane side of Yuuka's spirit appeared.
                        Damn right. Now let me out of here.
                        You still do not know the consequence for leaving here, do you?
                        As long as I'm with my friends, I can take on any consequences.
                        Wise answer. I will now send your consciousness back to your outer shell.

                        Neo-Yakuza HQ

                        "Gah, it stings-" was Apple's last words before she was cryofrozen into a crystal of ice. Her heart was still beating, but she was immobile, unable to fight.

                        "We have the numbers' advantage! Let's go!" More human agents, as well as an unknown Character captain stormed into Sector A to find John, beat up and exhausted. "There he is! Get him!"

                        Zero's Chamber - Pentagon

                        "I ran a security check right after I fixed your arm. No virus, no malware." EVE beeped as she unlocked the encrypted data in Zero's core. "Disabling encryption... hold on for a minute."
                        "There you go. Controversy level is pretty high, so I'll keep it a secret from those government goons. I still have to keep a back-up file in my database for security measures." EVE reported. "You can access it through the monitor that you're looking at."

                        Osaka bay

                        "Incoming hostiles!" Iku announced to the rest of the crew on the ship as she drew her spell card, which shone in purple light. "Thunder Sign - Residence of the Thunder God!"


                          Neo-Yakuza HQ

                          John saw Yuuka twitch back to life, then open her eyes.

                          "Are you awake yet? I've got a big favor to ask. Can you reach into the compartment on my thigh and take out the spell card? It's called Galaxy in a Pot.", John weakly said.
                          Last edited by S121; 05-22-2013, 06:31 PM.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Underground Mining Facility - Some guys farm - Nevada.

                            As the door opened Axl turns around, and sees non other than Earthrock Trilobyte. "So you decided to come and stop my plans again huh? Well I won't let you! Attack my guards! Attack!" Yelled Earthrock Trilobyte as Axl just shakes his head. "You just don't learn do ya?" Said Axl as he aims his pistol at one of the mining robots heads as it charges towards him. Axl pulls the trigger and a loud bang can be heard. The mining robot that charged at Axl stops in it's tracks as Axl's shot goes right through it's head. Shortly after a large firefight ensues between the lone Axl, and the mining robots. Earthrock Trilobyte however attempts to make his escape. As Axl notices this he jumps into the air. "Oh no you don't! Transform! Silver Horn!" Yelled Axl as his body begins glowing. After his transformation ends he lands on the ground, now in the form of a large robotic Triceratops roughly two times Axl's original size.

                            Axl in his Silver Horn form kneels down. Pointing his horns down the tunnel. "Tidal Wave!" Yelled Silver Horn Axl as he summons a miniature Tidal Wave to flood the mining shaft.

                            ((Silver Horn is one of his special moves with Axl in Mega Man X: Command Mission which you get after you defeat Silver Horn in the game. In Command Mission Axl can transform into any boss you have beaten as a ultimate attack and performs the bosses special technique then reverts back to normal. Silver Horns technique is called Tidal Wave which is well, a miniature Tidal Wave. In this RP Axl can transform into some of the bosses from Command Mission, but he can only perform the bosses move before he reverts. He is also able to transform into other people in this RP for only a few posts, though he cannot copy their strength and abilities he will still be able to perform a weaker version of that characters special ability.))


                            After the encryption is finished Zero turns to the monitor and begins looking at the Data. After a few minutes have passed Zero steps back. His body shaking at he just read. "I-I was made as a weapon to destroy? I can't believe it... I know I was the original carrier of the virus... but I didn't know that I was also created to kill others..." Said Zero as he sits on the ground. "Damn..." Said Zero with a slight chuckle. "To be honest... I don't really feel all to surprised for some reason... I guess that explains why I was built with such high combat specs..." Said Zero stands up. As he turns to look at EVE he gives the A.I. a slightly warm smile. "Thanks. I just wanted to know what that data was. I guess I owe you a favor now." Said Zero as he looks over his shoulder at EVE.
                            Last edited by NeoFox; 05-22-2013, 08:08 PM.


                              "Sure." We all walked in with Deomos.

                              "Gee, they must be good. We, as agents, were trained in the art of lying through our teeth without suspicion."

                              "That, or your story was too idiotic for anyone to believe."

                              "I'll ask them when they get back. Right now I'm wondering as to why they left without us. Maybe he knows."

                              Otori started raising his voice to catch Deimos' attention. "Hey, is there a reason that they left us here? I mean, we can fare well in combat, and I assume you are too, so why?"


                                (Well.. here it goes)


                                The atmoshpere was now of again of sunset as Renamon got most of what she forgot from those three years, yet the jackal was always avoiding something. Nera was wandering on the hill as Mara was sleeping below the tree

                                Catching up with the jackal, Renamon asked "There Is something you said at the start of the day, something about us together, I just want to know if something happened, you were.. distant everytime that subject was close".

                                Nera chukled and looked at the moon "What do you think of the moon?" she asked and the fox answered kind of confused "I.. think its calm and pure, always watching on us with her shine, its a feeling of care". The jackal nodded agreeing and said That is the same thing you said when I asked the first time and.." she faced Renamon and finished "it was our first time as.. mates"

                                That took the vixen unprepared "M-mates? Um.. I donīt know what to say" Nera then also asked "Do you feel uncomfortable with it?" It took Renamon a sec to formulate her words and she said "I.. I donīt think I feel.. uncomfortabe with that."

                                The jackal then smiled and looked at the moonīs calm shine as the fox followed staring at the sight
                                Last edited by Kristia; 05-22-2013, 09:09 PM.
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


