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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Honolulu, Hawaii

    "Welcome to Koryo Korean BBQ restaurant!" A kind-looking waiter in a traditional Korean dress welcomed the crew. "We currently have an all-you-can-eat special going on, so have a seat."
    "All-you-can-eat?" Lt. Trelawney beamed. "You hear that, guys? We're going to eat till we drop!"
    "Shouldn't we wait for Zero, lieutenant?" Nitori objected.
    "Oh yeah, right, who wants to go get him?" Lt. Trelawney asked.


    "Okay, I think I grabbed everything that I need." Yuuka announced as she exited the warehouse, carrying empty carriages and other assorted goods. "I'll send you requested item by one week at most."
    "You don't have to rush." Rinnosuke smiled, but he noticed something. Is that...
    "Wait." Rinnosuke stopped Yuuka, and rummaged through the heap. What he pulled out was a small pendant: adorned with purple jewels. "Where did you find this?"
    "This? Where I found everything else. It looked pretty, and fitting for Renamon, so I thought I would take it for a gift." Yuuka answered. "Why?"
    "Because that pendant," Rinnosuke responded. "is cursed."

    On the Move, Australia

    "So, tell me once again." Sheva asked from the front. "Why are we ditching our old base again?"
    "Neo-Yakuza found us. Sooner or later they would send everything they have to mow us down." I gave my reason. They saw the eyepatched fellow, named Naked Snake, as a high-priority, and sheltering him in the bunker was too dangerous, even with the governmental protection.
    "I know of a place we could go." Sniper commented. "Simple, simple, one for me."
    "Where is it?" I asked.
    "Take a gander at this, little princess." Sniper handed a flyer. The flyer said something about a festival? "We're heading to Brisbane."
    Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 05-31-2013, 01:11 PM.


      Honolulu, Hawaii

      "I suppose I could try.", Isaac said to Lt. Trelawney.

      Isaac then handed Nitori a small device.

      "Here, this is a two way communicator. If he shows up, you can contact me."
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Honolulu, Hawaii

        "OK." Nitori nodded.
        "We'll start cooking. BBQ takes time." Lt. Trelawney announced, looking for a table.


          Youkai Mountain

          The Higher Power sent a punch into Hank, sending him flying through the air, and through a couple of trees. He coughed up a gob of blood. The Higher Power then swung the blade at the group sideways, to hit the entire group.

          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


            Moriya Shrine

            "There's some discord happening near Tengu Village." Sanae reported to an unknown figure. "Should I go and try to stop them?"
            "No." The figure smiled. "You can go and gather faith from the Human Village, like you usually do. I'll go and handle them."


            "...cursed?" Yuuka asked in disbelief and confusion.
            "I've read about it." Rinnosuke answered. "During the Heian period, there was a shaman, named Gak-Hi. He came all the way from the Korean peninsula to preach their shamanism, but was humiliated by the Japanese. But the young shaman continued preaching, until one day a group of villagers captured him and burned him alive for the sake of hilarity."

            "Shamanism believes in the spiritual power that strengthens after death. When Gak-Hi was burned to death, his soul became a malevolent spirit, bent on destruction of all who opposed his religion. Rumors of villagers becoming haunted spread all over Japan, until it reached the ears of an exorcist named Katsura. Katsura roamed, villages to villages, looking for evidences about this malevolent spirit, until the spirit took prey on him."

            "Katsura was stronger than Gak-Hi's malevolent spirit, and the spirit was vanquished into a pendant known as the Shaman's Beads that Katsura wore for the rest of his life. According to the historical text, Katsura has breathed his last near Gensokyo. That pendant may be the same pendant that was discussed in the text."

            "Bah, bunch of baloney." Yuuka laughed. "Even if it's a malevolent spirit, how strong can it be? I've fought Soga no Tojiko before, and Tojiko was a malevolent spirit, how different can this one be?"


              Youkai Mountain

              Still charging the pistol, John jumped towards the Higher power. John wasn't able to jump as high as before, due to the power drain, but he cleared the blade.

              (Almost done... Now to trick this guy into grabbing me.)

              "Hey! Based on me blowing your swords out of your hands earlier, I'd say you're pretty weak sh*t!
              Hell, I'd even go so far to say that you're still weak sh*it in your larger form!"

              Honolulu, Hawaii

              Isaac left the BBQ and went to go find Zero.

              Fortunately for him, he still had his RIG, so Isaac could easily track him.

              Isaac continued down the street.
              Last edited by S121; 05-31-2013, 02:14 PM.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Youkai Mountain

                Not hesitating a moment, Renamon used her energy stored in the digivice to create barrages of diamond dust filling the air with sharp pieces of light.

                "Energy based creature have both a fortune and a curse, energy gives them power, but too much energy can over excess them and drain their power" the fox said as she then growled sending the horde of light bullets towards the light being.

                Not stoping there, the fox ran to the side as she prepared her claes for a powerful double power paw
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  Youkai Mountain, Gensokyo; Shiki

                  I finished writing down the sins on the rod. This thing is so heavy that it can move an entire shrine.

                  "Alright, you! You are relived of your duty as yama! Prepare to pay!"

                  I lunged forward and struck the inside of his left knee.

                  Youkai Mountain, Gensokyo; Komachi

                  "Go, Shiki-sama!"

                  Okay, now it's my turn to make a move. I flew up to the back of the Higher Power's neck and pierced it with my scythe.

                  "Ha! How's that for a pain in the neck?"

                  On the Move, Australia; Snake

                  "Sounds like a good plan, but we need to stop here and camp. Whoever found us must have done so via satelite. By one-thirty tonight, the satelite should have passed over. Then we can pass by safely before they move the satelite back into position. Got it?"


                    Youkai Mountain

                    The attacks from Shiki and Komachi simply passed through the Higher Power like nothing. THe bullets somewhat phased him, but he ignored the pain and kept going.

                    "Petty attempts like that will get you nowhere." The Higher Power then flicked Shiki and Komachi like an unwanted piece of garbage. He then took his sword in both hands, making an overhead swing towards John.
                    Last edited by Koishi; 05-31-2013, 02:46 PM.

                    Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                    You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                      On the Move, near Newcastle, Australia

                      "Okay." Sniper said, and stopped the car. We were moving on his large van, enough to shelter 4 people. Well, 3 people and one cat, the cat being me.
                      "There's a shack down there. I'm going to see if I can buy any food from there. We don't have too much." Sheva announced as she exited the car. I decided to get out as well: fresh air always do good for your body."


                        Youkai Mountain

                        The Higher Power performed an overhead slash, trying to chop John straight down the middle.

                        John quickly jumped to the side, then charged towards the Higher Power.

                        The energy pistol in John's hand was glowing red and smoking.

                        (Here we go!)

                        John jumped to the Higher Power's left knee and fired. John's armor almost entirely shut down from the power drain, as his fusion-plasma hybrid reactor pumped enough energy to power a small city into the gun.


                        Instead of making a "pew" noise, the gun made a noise that sounded like an explosion. The energy bolt flew straight into the Higher power's knee as John landed on the ground.

                        John looked at the gun and saw that it was melting in his hand.
                        Last edited by S121; 05-31-2013, 03:01 PM.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Youkai Mountain, Gensokyo; Shiki

                          Damn! He's a body of energy. I can't physically hit him. Time to pull out the danmakus.

                          "Komachi! Use your danmakus! They're the only form of energy we have, and he himself is a form of energy!"

                          It's time to act.

                          "Guilt Sign, Wandering Sin!"

                          On the Road, Australia; Snake

                          "Damn right."

                          I got out to feel the sun on me.

                          "By the way, you never told me about yourselves, since we're going to be on the road together and what not."


                            (Something for SUSTIC)
                            Paris, France

                            "What do you want for lunch?" Talon asked Katarina and Raven. "Spaghetti maybe?"
                            "I was thinking Indian." Katarina said.
                            "We don't have a lot of spices though. Let's go with spaghetti for lunch, and we'll ask Fiora to buy some spices on her way home."

                            Near Newcastle, Australia

                            "I'll tell you a little about myself when there are no satellites flying above my head." I said. I'm not going to reveal anything about Runeterra as long as there are unfamiliar eyes and ears on me.
                            "I'll start, mate." Sniper volunteered as he tossed a bag of popcorn into a bowl. "Have some popcorn while at it."
                            Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 05-31-2013, 03:32 PM.


                              Honolulu - Hawaii

                              Zero has been on that cliff side for a while now. He stands up as a gust of wind blows through his hair.

                              Hearing someone approaching him he quickly puts up his guard, but shows no signs of doing so. Waiting for whoever is coming to reveal their face.


                                Road, Australia; Snake


                                I opened a bag and took a couple.

                                "Wow, this is great!"

                                I might have been around animals for too long...

                                "Alright, so I take it your name is...?'

