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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Test Chamber - Pentagon

    As the room fills with water. Zero becomes submerged. Sinking to the bottom he stands. Crossing his arms he looks at Nitori.

    "Really? Trying to drown me eh? I'm not human. I don't need to breathe!" Thought Zero as he begins charging his Z-Buster. The green charge aura turning yellow, then a dark red. He points it Nitori, the water heating up around him due to the energy he is giving off. After the charge is near complete he aims at the ground. He then performs a small jump, and fires his Z-Buster. The shock wave from the blast propels him above the water.

    As he is above the water for a few seconds he gets a good scan of the water filled room. He quickly takes his Z-Buster, and begins unloading a barrage of uncharged shots at Nitori. His Z-Buster becoming slightly red due to the heat from the barrage of shots he fired.


      Neo-Yakuza HQ

      John's eyes widened. He was so wrapped up in trying to save Alpha Team that he forgot about her! She might be able to take care of herself, but John still felt responsible for her.

      "Keep up!", John said as he began sprinting through the building at 50 mph, back to the boss's office.

      (I really hope she didn't get attacked by that clown.)
      Last edited by S121; 05-20-2013, 03:17 PM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Test Chamber - Pentagon

        "These shots are getting annoying!" Nitori snarled as she continued dodging. "I'm going bust that cannon up!"
        From Nitoro's backpack, 4 small salvo missiles slowly jetted through the room into the water. Inside the water, the torpedoes gained significant speed as well as homing capabilities. The salvo missiles were aimed at Zero's Z-Buster.

        Neo-Yakuza HQ

        "Kami Sign - Godly Sprint." Shinki declared a spell card, transforming her wings to that of an albatross. Then she gently grazed across the ground, flying just as fast as John.
        Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 05-20-2013, 03:37 PM.


          Test Chamber - Pentagon

          As Zero sinks to the bottom of the water filled room he sees 4 missiles heading towards him. He then charges his Z-Buster, and attempts to destroy a few missiles with a charged shot. However the missiles hit him before he finishes his charge. After the explosion Zero can be seen laying down on his stomach in the water. Injured he looks up at Nitori. The look on Nitori's face reminds him of Iris. The only one he truly could say he loved. "I-Iris..." Flashbacks of the moment when Iris engaged Zero in combat to avenge her fallen brother fill Zero's head as he looks at Nitori. His vision getting blurry as the flashbacks go on. Shortly after everything is black, and quiet. The silhouette of an old scientist with odd hair appears in a flashback of Zero's.

          "Zero. Time to fulfill your orders Zero..." Said the scientist followed by a maniacal laugh. A purple stylized W appearing in the crystal on Zero's head. "Iris..." Mumbled Zero as he slowly becomes conscious again. Though the tone of his voice seems... a bit...
          Last edited by NeoFox; 05-20-2013, 05:56 PM.


            Neo-Yakuza HQ

            John gets to the boss's office and sees that Yumeko was not attacked by the clown.

            John sighs in relief and begins to speak.

            "Glad to see that you're still in one piece."
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Neo-Yakuza HQ

              "Y... you don't have to worry about me, idiot!" Yumeko blushed and turned away. Then seeing Shinki behind him, she quickly rose up from the ground. "Mi- Mistress?"
              "Looks like you are doing fine, Yumeko." Shinki smiled at Yumeko. "I will take over from here, you may go and take a rest."
              "I made a permanent gap from here to Pandemonium. You can use it to travel between the two locations." Yukari announced as she appeared from her gap.

              Kilener's Ship, Gensokyo

              "-Breaking news, ladies and gentlemen. Infamous Neo-Yakuza base in Osaka is being seized by an unknown group of Characters. Sources estimate that there are at least 10 Characters and 10 additional human agents infiltrating the base-" The radio buzzed back on as Iku tinkered with it.
              "Oh, I seem to have fixed this little contraption." Iku reported to Kilener. "And it seems like Osaka is under a lot of pressure."

              Test Chamber - Pentagon

              "These anti-armor missiles are working perfectly!" Nitori smiled as she looked at now fallen Zero. What caused this man to be so dark and hatred?
              Nitori saw several youkai fallen to their dark sides before, but this was something totally different... huh?
              Nitori noticed Zero's crystal glowing in a malicious purple light. Sensing something sinister, Nitori summoned another spell card just in case.

              Pandemonium, Gensokyo

              "Oh you are awake." A voice came from the door's direction. It was a demon with ghostly aura around her, wearing a flowing, white dress and a matching hat. "Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?"
              Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 05-20-2013, 04:04 PM.


                Test Chamber - Pentagon

                Zero looks up at Nitori. His blue eye color, now a very dark red. "IRIS!!!" He yelled as he charges at Nitori. With no weapons drawn he attempts to attack her with a straightforward punch. It seems as though he forgot about his weapons.


                  Borealis, Pacific Ocean

                  "Indeed it does seem that way." Kliener said.

                  The radio then broadcast a siren. "Warning, do not enter Osaka at all cost, an Improbability Drive has been activated, get away from Osaka if you are near it. " the announcement said.

                  "An improbability drive?" Mima asked. "I think i've heard of that thing before. From some weird animation series I watched. Had a couple of games too."

                  "May I ask what it does?" Kliener inquired.

                  "Well, the animation never exactly specified, but it seems to be able to control reality, from what I saw. It's a quite dangerous thing." Mima explained.

                  Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                  You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                    Neo-Yakuza HQ

                    John turned to Yukari.

                    "I can't leave until everyone is safe. I need to find all the others."

                    John looked to the nearest waypoint on his radar; Yuuka.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Borealis, Pacific Ocean

                      Hearing the word "dangerous", Suika and Yuugi beamed.
                      "Let's go there!" They univocally shouted in a drunken haze.
                      "Sounds interesting." Iku also smiled. "Eldest daughter and the shrine maiden should be there too, so why don't we head there?"

                      Test Chamber - Pentagon

                      "Iris? I don't know any Iris." Nitori blocked Zero's enraged punch with a water veil. "But if you try to engage with primitive attacks like that, you will fail."
                      Nitori looked at Mr. Johanssen. "Stop the test session. We're done."
                      "I don't think so." Mr. Johanssen coldly replied. "As long as one of you can stand, the battle wil not end."

                      Neo-Yakuza HQ

                      Yuuka didn't know how long she lied unconscious. She was knocked out after the clown's insanity kicked in.
                      "Hey, who're you?! What are you doing in boss's office?!" A group of reinforcement agents asked silent Yuuka as they entered the office, now in ruins.
                      Yuuka did not say anything. She did not do anything.
                      But the rose thorns impaled every single one of them, turning them into corpses, suspending them into the air.
                      Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 05-20-2013, 04:19 PM.


                        Tricky's Building, Base 3

                        "What the hell is that thing?" I stared in surprise. I didn't know what to make of this scene. The agent before us... he seemed very dangerous... more dangerous than the others, I'd bet.

                        Otori didn't budge though. "So, Shikieiki, what should we do?"

                        "Well, what can we do? We have to fight it in order to protect everyone from that clown's treachery."

                        We got ready for another fight. I wonder as to how many enemies that are in the upper levels of the building.


                          Neo-Yakuza HQ

                          John ran towards Yuuka.

                          "Are you alright?", John asked as he started moving wreckage off of her.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Neo-Yakuza HQ

                            "Don't go... Near her..." was the last words of one of the agents impaled by the rose thorns.
                            Yuuka still did not say anything, did not do anything.


                              Neo-Yakuza HQ

                              John ignored the dying agent's advice, still clearing the scrap off of Yuuka.

                              "Don't worry, I'm gonna get you out of here."
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Neo-Yakuza HQ

                                Yuuka still did not say anything, did not do nothing...

