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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    "Isaac, we must defeat her!"

    A giant fan unfolded behind me.

    "How do I defeat them?"

    "So... You'll become my MASTER!"


      USG Ishimura-Axl's Mind

      Lumine's voices echoes throughout the ship. "That's the thing. As long as I exist in some form in the physical world I cannot be killed. My data, my consciousness. It cannot be erased as long as a part of me exists in the real world!" Said Lumine as Slashers start pouring out of the vents.


        USG Ishimura - Axl's Mind

        Isaac saw the many Necromorphs coming out of the vents. Isaac then quickly thought of a plan.

        "Take care of the gender-bent robot, I'll take care of the Necromorphs!", Isaac yelled as he charged through the group of Necromorphs.

        Isaac remembered the layout of the ship, so he knew where to go.


        "No, I'd say leader, I don't own anybody. You have to listen to me, but you're pretty much free to do whatever you want.", John said.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          I wandered around the place.

          "Come out here and fight! What have you to fear?!"

          "So I can destroy the world and you wouldn't give two shits?! Ah, I'm just kiddin'. But I got you, I think I got you. Ah well. Actually, ya know what? You remember that TISF? Well, maybe, if we sneak in, I can create my robot! It's just around, erm... a good 3.58 miles from here. But that should take 3.58 seconds for you, right?"

          Luckily, that was the only thing I didn't make up.


            USG Ishimura - Axl's Mind

            Isaac ran through the halls and eventually got where he needed to be.


            Isaac raised his plasma cutter to the window and fired, causing everything following Isaac to be sucked out of the now broken window and into space.

            Isaac grabbed the metal grating below his feet and held on, waiting for the vacuum to finish its work.


            "Very well.", John said as he created a waypoint on his HUD.

            John then activated his thrusters and flew to the location.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              We kept flying.

              "There! There it is!"

              I then looked at the building.

              "... Well... This is it... Wish me luck. And if I don't make it out... then just know... that back in the days....... My master was pretty fucking awesome. Here, place me in a guywire, and I'll return soon."


                USG Ishimura - Axl's Mind

                Once the vaccum took all of the Necromorphs and air out of the room, Isaac let go of the floor and floated in the now empty room.

                Isaac's air tanks still had a lot of oxygen left, so he didn't rush.

                Isaac grabbed at the door he entered the room from and poened it, causing another vaccum.

                He pulled as hard as he could and finally made it into the next room.

                As soon as the door closed behind him, Isaac was back on the move, floating to the next room.


                "What's the TISF?", John asked before he touched the wire.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  "Why, it's the Technical Institute. It's the place where I was introduced, remember?"


                    USG Ishimura - Axl's Mind

                    After a while, Isaac was in the next room.

                    (Man, I didn't think that I ran that far.), Isaac thought as he looked around the room.

                    It seemed that this room was some kind of lounging room. There were various machines, waiting to either serve coffee or food.

                    Isaac cracked his neck and walked towards the door.

                    As soon as Isaac opened it, Necromorphs barged through the doorway.

                    "Eaahhhh!", Isaac yelled as he fell to the ground.

                    One Slasher tried to impale Isaac on the spot, but Isaac rolled out of the way.

                    Isaac quickly crawled under the table and managed to get to the other side of the room.

                    He then fired his Plasma Cutter at the Slasher trying to get its spike out of the ground, blowing its arms off.

                    Another Slasher approached Isaac.

                    Thinking quickly, Isaac used his Stasis Module on it, slowing it down to almost a standstill.

                    He then grabbed one of the spikes from the dead Necromorph with his Kenesis Module and fired the spike through the approaching Necromorph's torso, sending it into a nearby wall and pinning it.

                    Isaac then fired a plasma bolt into its head, causing it to explode and paint the wall behind it.

                    All of a sudden, two needles stabbed into Isaac's thigh and side.

                    "AGH!", Isaac yelled out as he aimed at the Lurker and blew its tentacles off.

                    Isaac stood on the table and pulled out his Javelin Gun.

                    Just as a Slasher tried to stab Isaac in the foot, Isaac kicked it in the face and sent a metal spike into its skull, killing it.

                    He then fired a metal spike into the horde of Necromorphs, pinning multiple Slashers together.

                    Isaac then used the weapon's alternate function.

                    Large amounts of electricity surged out of the spike and into the group.

                    They all convulsed until the final stage of the attack.

                    Body parts littered the area as the metal spike exploded, killing everything around it.

                    Isaac got off of the table and began walking towards the door, crushing the Necromorph corpses underneath his boots.


                    "Yea, sorry about that. It's been a long day.", John said as he grabbed the wire.
                    Last edited by S121; 07-11-2013, 08:17 PM.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      "Alright. See ya later big guy: in a new bod. And this time, that armor gal will definitely fall for me."

                      I traveled to the inside and searched the building.

                      At last! Of course the world's most advanced technology hangar would have a robot maker. I immediately got to work.


                        USG Ishimura-Axl's Mind

                        As Yuyuko roamed the halls Lumine can be heard. "Fear? I am everything here. Axl's mind is my domain. Eventually he will be mine." Said Lumine as he appears in front of Yuyuko. "Even though this is where you will be deleted... I must thank you..."


                          "What do you mean? Explain yourself, young lady!"


                            Axl's Mind

                            "Here I can do anything I want. I can create anything. I am literally a god here. The only thing I can't do is break free of Axl's mind... at least not yet..." Said Lumine as a quick look of anger comes over his face. "Well for one... I AM NOT A F#$@ING GIRL, and second... it was because of you that I was able to break free of the firewall within Axl's mind. Because of you and your love... your unnatural energy weakened the firewall to the point of shattering. For that I will be sure to end your life quickly." Said Lumine as he turns the entire Ishimura into the empty vastness that is space. He then begins floating into the air with 8 different colored crystals floating around him.


                              USG Ishimura - Axl's Mind

                              Isaac continued down the hall.

                              His RIG was missing one of the six holographic icons on it, showing Isaac's condition.

                              Isaac looked around the corner and saw a truly terrifying sight.

                              (WARNING: Blood and Gore.)

                              A Necromorph Brute was staring Isaac straight in the eye!

                              The Brute roared and could be heard throughout the sector of the ship.

                              Isaac ran down the hall and entered an empty room, a mess hall.

                              The brute smashed straight through the doorway and charged at Isaac, knocking him to the ground.

                              Isaac tried to get up, but was thrown across the room and crashed into the wall.

                              Isaac quickly got back up and pulled out his Plasma Cutter.

                              (Aim for the arm joints.), Isaac thought as he began firing at the Brute.

                              The Brute charged again, but was stopped by Isaac's Stasis Module.

                              Isaac then ran to the back of the Brute and began shooting at its arm joints.

                              After the third shot of explosive plasma, the Brute's arm separated from its body, killing it, but not before it let out a deafening roar.

                              All of a sudden, Isaac could hear the faint screams and roars of Necromorphs.

                              All of the vents in the Mess Hall erupted and out came various kinds of Necromorphs.

                              Isaac pulled out his Pulse Rifle and fired at the swarming monsters, mowing many of them down.

                              He jumped up onto a nearby table, then fired a grenade from the rifle, killing groups at a time.

                              Isaac then pulled out his Contact Beam, charged it up, then jumped into the swarm of Necromorphs.

                              Isaac landed and smashed the barrel of the gun straight into the ground.

                              Everything around Isaac was blown apart and slowly drifted away, due to the gun's stasis effect.

                              Isaac looked over and saw a dead "Pregnant" Necromorph.

                              Many Swarmers erupted from its body and chased after Isaac.

                              Isaac pulled out his Pulse Rifle again and started shooting at them, but some of them jumped and latched onto his suit.

                              Isaac shouted as he began flailing around, pulling them off, and stomping on them.

                              A slasher then grabbed Isaac from behind and tried to stab him.

                              Isaac managed to grab one of the oncoming spikes, but the other planted itself deep into Isaac's shoulder.

                              "AAGHHH!!!", Isaac yelled out as it dug further into his shoulder.

                              Isaac's screams of pain could be heard throughout the ship, but all the Necromorphs in the area were already attacking him.

                              Isaac grabbed the spike, pulled it out of his shoulder, pulled both arm spikes to the side, and hit the Slasher so herd in the head with his fist that it decapitated the Necromorph.

                              Isaac fired his Plasma Cutter at the Slasher, but two more took its place.

                              Isaac used his stasis module on one, but was stabbed in the chest by the other.


                              Isaac stomped on the Necromorph's foot, then blasted a hole through it's torso, killing it.

                              The next one came out of stasis, but Isaac grabbed it with his Kenesis Module.

                              Isaac slammed it into the ground, then sent it straight into a nearby wall.

                              Isaac then used his Kenesis on a nearby table and smashed it down on top of the Necromorph again and again.

                              Another Slasher tried to stab Isaac in the back, but Isaac grabbed both spikes and forced them into another Necromorph.

                              Isaac then grabbed the table with his Kenesis Module and used it like a flail, killing every single Necromorph in the room, splattering them all over the floor and walls.

                              Once Isaac was done, he dropped to the ground as the adrenaline rush ended.

                              Isaac's RIG showed that only one icon was lit, but it was only partially filled and was blinking.

                              Isaac had needles coming out of his thigh and ribs, had stab wounds to his shoulder and had a giant one in his chest, but he was still alive.

                              All of a sudden, the ship came apart and Isaac floated in the void.

                              He was able to see Yuyuko and Lumine in the distance.


                              John waited for HM and sat down.

                              (I wonder what he's going to make, how the body's going to look.), John thought to himself.
                              Last edited by S121; 07-11-2013, 08:17 PM.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                I became infuriated, but kept silent.

                                "Ya know what? It really doesn't matter which gender you are. Because no matter how you look at it, from a boy's perspective to a girl's perspective, from inside to out side... You are very displeasing at sight! The least you can do is act the man you are and face me!"

                                I readied my danmaku.

                                "This... is what happens when you mess around with a ghost. Now prepare to become one as of the next few minutes!"

                                Let's see, add this... yea, that's good too... oh, can't live without this... definitely need this... meh, this could work too... you can do that? Nice... and now for the finishing the scrap heap, and....... voila! It's finally finished!!

                                I hopped inside the robot. But unfortunately, that set off an alarm.

                                INTRUDER! INTRUDER! INTRUDER! INTRUDER!

                                Aw, nuts. Well, I tried to make it out silently. But I guess, if it has to end this way...

                                I'd might as well go out with a bang.

