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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    The Devourer

    The little nucleoid girl bumped into Nera and she started crying ("Oh crap.. I got to do something quickly") she thought and then decided for a distracting the girl

    The jackal quickly moved her tail in front of the girl and moved it like a clock´s medallion in an hypnotizing way to calm her down

    Renamon looked at the corner and saw no one coming at the crying girl
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      Middle of Nowhere - Gensokyo

      A door in the air opened, and Yukari stepped out, her hair bewildered because of crying so much.
      "I thought I told Ran that I didn't want to see you?" Yukari shouted.

      The Consumer

      "Uwaa- huh?" The Nucleoid girl sniffled, and then she began to chase Nera... her tail to be exact. "Fluffy-fluffy!"
      "Neliel, where are you?" The Exemplar guardian turned the corner and found Renamon hiding by. "What the-"

      Misty Lake

      "Of course." Daiyousei smiled, following HM with silenced Barratta in her hand and a cleaver in another.


        "Alrighty then, but I won't go easy!"

        I'll hold back a bit. I'll lose the girl if I went full speed... What is my top speed?

        "Get ready, first on to the source of the noise wins. 3...2...1...GO!"

        I took off, identifying Daiousei's speed to match up.


          Middle of Nowhere - Gensokyo

          "I'm sorry if I upset you, but right now we have to hurry! Ran has been kidnapped by the Nucleoids and Renamon and Nera are in the Extractor! They're probably already on the ship!", John said in an even more urgent tone than before, as if he was worried as each second ticked by.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            The Consumer

            Renamon saw the exemplar and quickly jumped at him puting her paw on his mouth "Before you think on settong off any alarm, we are coming for a friend of ours, just that, so please think about it" then she looked at the nucleoid girl

            "We don´t want to hurt anybody, what is that girl to you?" the fox asked calmly as Nera kept distracting the girl
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              The Consumer

              "Mama, please help!" Neliel cried. "Mama!"
              "Let Neliel go, you intruders, and I will let you go!" The Exemplar growled, turning into a large wolf at least twice Renamon's size. "Or else I'll have to eat you all."

              "Mama, please, make them let go of me!"

              Middle of Nowhere - Gensokyo

              "What." Yukari's eyes flared. "John... go on ahead. I have to make... preparations."

              Misty Lake

              "Oh... please, wait a moment." Daiyousei called HM off right before he could speed up, then went back into the igloo.
              5 minutes later, Daiyousei reappeared, fully armed and ready.
              "I think I can take them on now." Daiyousei smiled.



                The Consumer

                Nera quickly got from a safe distance of the girl as the fox didn´t move at all facing the wolf "I promise you that we won´t do anything to you or your daughter, but I want you to promise us that you won´t harm us neither activate any alarm, we just want to find our friend and leave without harming anybody, ok?"

                Nera just in case was prepared to grab the fox and make a speedrun away from the wolf and girl
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  Damn, she looks kinda hot with those weapons...

                  I began shaking my head furiously.



                    Middle of Nowhere - Gensokyo

                    "I'll see you at the Extractor, or at the Consumer.", John said as he flew off.

                    John knew what he was doing was suicide, but then again, he was more than used to these odds.

                    The Extractor

                    John flew towards the Extractor at 200 mph, but encountered a problem.

                    Enemies were firing at him from below, forcing him to land.

                    John turned off his thrusters and smashed into a group of grunts, killing them all.

                    (Well, time to make the impossible possible.), John thought to himself as he pulled out his MA5D Assault Rifle and charged towards the Extractor.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      The Consumer

                      The wolf-woman reverted back to normal.
                      "Neliel, come here." The wolf-woman nodded to the girl. Neliel didn't respond, she just merely followed Nera's tails and squeezed it.
                      "No, I want fluffy-fluffy!" Neliel pouted, blowing the raspberries.
                      "Well, I guess it can't be helped." The wolf-woman sighed. "Can you two take care of them for awhile? When Neliel wants something, she wouldn't let go."

                      The Extractor

                      "Another one?" The pink-dress girl moaned. "Who are these guys anyway?"
                      "Do you want to take care of him?" The velvet-tuxedo man asked.
                      "Sure." The pink-dress girl prepared herself with lipsticks and makeups. "This'll be over soon."

                      Scarlet Devil Mansion

                      Without much conversation, HM and Daiyousei arrived to Scarlet Devil Mansion. The remaining Nucleoids were panicking over an unknown attacker.
                      "Who do you think they're fighting?" Daiyousei asked. "Or what?"
                      Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 07-24-2013, 01:30 AM.


                        The consumer

                        "So your name is Neliel? what a cute name" Nera using her tail to play with the girl

                        "Ok, how about this, our friend is a blonde fox girl like me but with 9 tails instead of one, I yet have to ask, why are there a girl and her mother in a military ship?" Renamon asked
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          The Consumer

                          "Well, us Nucleoids are just subjugated people of the Extracted world." The wolf-woman explained. "It is natural to have families and friends within the same army."
                          "What's your name?" Neliel asked Nera.

                          "Someone teleported your pillar?" The Nucleoid asked. "Must be a helluva valuable pillar to come all the way to the tiger's mouth."
                          "Anyway, here, have a beer."


                            The Consumer

                            Suddenly Renamon eyes widened "Wait.. you are saying there are civilians in the ship?, how can we identify them?" she asked to the wolf-woman

                            "My name is Nera, so what do you like to do Neliel?" Nera greeted the girl in a royal but funny way
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                              The Consumer

                              "That stuff goes right through me. Literally." The Auditor said.

                              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.



                                The Extractor

                                John was hidden in cover, but he could still see the army he would have to fight in order to enter the Extractor.

                                (It never really is that easy...), John thought to himself as he hid in the shadows.

                                John knew that it was going to take a miracle for him to reach the Extractor, but if he didn't, then Ran, Renamon, and Nera would be prisoners aboard the Consumer.
                                They would probably be tortured, beaten, then assimilated, perhaps worse. John couldn't stand to see the various tortures being done to his friends in his mind.
                                He cared about them too much for them to have that fate. If that was to be their fate, then John would simply rewrite it.
                                He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and focused.

                                John then walked out into the open, right into enemy fire.

                                Many, many grunts turned their heads and aimed their weapons at him, surprised that an enemy would have the nerve to do something like this.
                                They all redied ther weapons and locked onto their foe, as if they were a firing squad ready to kill a prisoner.
                                John didn't move, he just stood there, ready for the storm, calm before the storm.

                                "FIRE!!!", a nearby grunt shouted, triggering the sound of hundreds of plasma weapons to discharge their payload and hurl it towards the green giant before them
                                The hail of plasma fire descended towards John, but he still didn't move.
                                All of a sudden...

                                "Spartan Time."

                                John focused and right before the plasma fire hit him, he went into Spartan Time.

                                John moved his body out of the way of the hail of super-heated gas and sprinted at his enemies, guns blazing, discharged shells pouring out the side of his MA5D Assault Rifle.
                                The moment John ran out of ammo, he switched to his 8-gauge M45D Tactical Shotgun. John fired a shell into the crowd, clearing a way for him to pass. John sprinted through the swarm of enemies, gunning down anything that got in his way. If an enemy didn't move out of the way, they were trampled by a 1,400 pound Titanium alloy train. John used up the last shell in his Tactical Shotgun, then switched off to his M6D Magnum Pistol and his AA-12.

                                John had already killed over 200 grunts so far and was even closer to the Extractor. The only problem was that a fortified outpost stood between him and saving his friends. John sprinted as fast as he could hopped slighly, then jumped as hard as he could, sending him 60 feet into the air. John soared over the wall and landed onto a nearby tank. John ripped open the hatch, jumped inside, and unleashed a 12-gauge hell onto the tank operators. Once they were dead, John drove the tank at it's full speed and mowed down a group of Nucleoids that tried to stop him. All of a sudden, a tank shell collided into John's tank. Just as this happened, John jumped out of the hole he had made and returned fire with his Barret .950 JDJ Sniper Rifle. The fat armor piercing, high-explosive round shredded through the enemy tank's armor and collided into the tank's reactor core. The reactor core ruptured, causing everything within a 30 foot radius to be reduced to nothing but ashes. John sprinted for the Extractor's entrance and saw that the doors were sealed shut.

                                Using the strength inherent in every Spartan-II, John jammed his fingers into the crack between the door panels and pulled a hard as he could. The metal moaned and screeched as he slowly began to pry the doors open. Nucleoids saw this opportunity and began to fire at John, eventually taking out his shields, but his armor protected him from the plasma fire. Finally John pried the doors open and ran inside, but was greeted by a Wu-lord charging towards him. Reacting quickly, John pulled out his Punt Gun and fired at the exposed flesh of the Wu-lord. The force of the 2-gauge shotgun blast sent the charging enemy to it's back. As the Wu-lord tried to get back up, John pulled out his Gravity Hammer and smashed down into the Wu-lords skull, turning it into paste.

                                "Nobody gets in the way of me trying to save those I care about...", John muttered as he put the Gravity Hammer away and sprinted for the portal to the Consumer.

                                All of a sudden, a Nucleoid popped out of one of the rooms with a plasma spear aimed straight for John's face. John jumped up, pushed the spear out of the way, and crashed down into the Nucleoid's head with his fist, causing chunks of alien helmet and brains to embed themselves into a nearby wall.

                                (This is it.)

                                John jumped into the portal and went through to the other side, into the Consumer.
                                Last edited by S121; 07-24-2013, 02:34 AM.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

