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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Simulated London

    Chris had followed Ansem and the others to a strange room. In the room was a large and strange Cylinder. Chris doesn't say a word, however he still follows the others into the large cylinder. Once they were in there Ansem began to enter some things into the computer in the room and suddenly they were in London, two years before video game characters even entered this world.

    Chris however does not say a word. He just examines the area quietly. As though something is bugging him.
    Last edited by NeoFox; 07-20-2013, 01:34 PM.


      Kappa Village

      "Lady Kimehana!" Nitori acknowledged the madame. "Let me examine him!"
      "Nitori your wound has opened again." Lady Kimehana groaned at the sight of overwhelmingly large amount of blood pouring out of the stomach wound. "You overwork yourself too much: let me take care of this boy."
      "No!" Nitori's eyes frantically searched through Zero's exterior. "I know Zero better than any Kappa in this place. I can find out what is wrong with him."
      Lady Kimehana silently stared at Nitori, who stared back with determined eyes.
      "Very well. Have at it."


        Kappa Village

        As Zero was being scanned he slowly started to wake. At the sound of Nitori's voice the pain suddenly starts to fade.

        As the pain faded Zero tries to sit up. "God what happened?" Said Zero as he looks at Nitori. "Nitori why are you here? Wait... where's X? Where am I?" He said as he looks around the Tavern.


          Nameless Hill

          Isaac dragged the core over to the mortar storage building.

          A grunt tried to halt his progress, but he quickly pulled out his Plasma Cutter and fired, killing it.

          Isaac opened up the door and began to push the tank reactor core inside.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            *in Australian accent* "Here I am in the random forest of fairies. Today, we are studying the rare species of MIHI. The MIHI is now searching for the rest of it's pack. But at the same time, he is hunting for his prey: aliens. In order to draw attention to the aliens, he has been shooting trees with his two weapons: The Barrata and the Rattata. He has marked his territory with markings in the trees to warn the aliens to go f*ck themselves. He is not a very nice MIHI. He is rather angry that he was left behind. But at this point, he was sure to get somewhere.

            I looked around London.

            "Oh, I hope they have... Huh?!"

            I found it... at last...

            "AN ICE CREAM PARLOR!!!"

            I ran over to the ice cream parlor! I hope there's something in there!

            I stood there staring at my bat.

            "... I don't know whether I should trust him now. But oh well."

            I took the bat.

            "... alrighty then. So what now?"


              Kappa Village

              "Zero!" Nitori cried as she embraced him. "Oh I was so worried, you idiot!"
              "It's not over yet." Lady Kimehana announced.
              "You're right." Nitori nodded, activating EVE. "Let's get to work-"
              Nitori swooned to the side, dizzy from the blood loss. Mitori stopped her from falling.
              "I told you, you are too injured. Let Lady Kimehana-"
              "EVE, run the diagnostics test while I set up ABEL." Nitori ignored Mitori's plead.
              "Alrighty then." EVE whirred into motion and began the diagnostics test, the ligaments connected to Zero through electromagnetic force.


                Hell of Blazing Fires

                "Simply follow me and i'll explain the situation." Lily said, starting to float away, towards the Ancient City.

                Somewhere in Nevada

                Hank stood tall, though quite confused on what happened to Phobos. He grabbed his katana, and began moving towards the truck, slightly bleeding, though nothing too serious.

                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                  Kappa Village

                  "H-Hey what are you doing!? I'm fine! There's nothing wrong with me!" Said Zero as he begins to get EVE off him.

                  It's odd but Zero seems to be healthy all of a sudden.

                  Simulated London

                  Chris continues to look around the fake London. However the thought that thousands of lives lost continues to bug him. There was nothing he could really do to stop the entire city from being infected. Still he feels responsible for the whole thing. It happened before in his world.
                  "Damn it!" Yelled Chris as he kicked a trash can out of anger. "Why did it have to happen again!?" He said as he walks off in the simulated London.

                  Research Labs-Wesker's office

                  Wesker was pacing back and forth in his office he turned to the lone operative in his office. The operative was dressed in all black gear. This man also was wearing a gas-mask with red lenses.

                  Wesker stops pacing and turns to the operative. "You're assignment is to hunt down this man." Said Wesker as he tosses a folder onto his desk. The folder has a picture of Gerard on it. The folder contains everything the Neo-Yakuza knows about Gerard. His height, weight, eye color, hell it even has Gerard's favorite flavor of ice cream listed. "We believe that this man helped out the intruder that managed to break into the base earlier. I want you to hunt him down. I want him dead or alive. I'm sure you are more than capable of handling this on your own." Said Wesker as the operative looks at the folder.

                  The operative then turns to Wesker. "Affirmative sir. I shall bring him back at all costs." Replied the operative in a cold, emotionless tone. The mysterious operative then makes his leave.


                    Kappa Village

                    "Don't make me gag you and put you on bondage." EVE beeped as the diagnostics test continued.
                    "Yeah you don't want her to do that." Mitori mumbled. She remembered when she disobeyed Nitori's order... And Nitori ordered EVE to bind Mitori and hang her in the air for that night. "It's like rape, but much worse."

                    Hakurei Shrine

                    "That's everything." Kanako reported as the torii of the shrine was recovered.
                    "Good job. Everyone, let's take a break and then go help Youkai Mountain." Yukari announced, and the Youkais finished their worj to take rest.


                      Hakurei Shrine

                      John felt his heart start to beat irregularly.

                      Something was wrong, very wrong.

                      John started to breathe heavily as he tried to figure out what could have been causing this.

                      (The scorpion from before... Damn, I need help fast.)

                      John forced himself to stand, and slowly walked towards Yukari.

                      If there was anyone that could get help the fastest, it was her.

                      "Yukari,.. I need you to go get somebody... anybody. I..I think I've been poisoned.", John said in a strained tone.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Hakurei Shrine

                        "Oh god poison." Yukari paled. "Eirin is not here- ah yes, Medicine!"
                        "Alice, where's Medicine?"
                        "She went to play with Shanghai behind the shrine." Alice answered.
                        "Oh god-" Yukari ran towards the back of the shrine, completely forgetting that she could manipulate the border to stop the poison from spreading.


                          Hakurei Shrine

                          (I've got to buy Yukari more time. I need to slow down the poison.)

                          John laid down on the ground and began to breathe very slowly.

                          He closed his eyes and slowed his heart rate.

                          He took a deep breath in,... then a deep breath out.

                          (Imagine your heart slowing to a stop... your arms are going numb, as if you are asleep... breathe slowly..... let go....... relax..........)

                          John continued to lay on the ground, not moving, except for his slow breathing.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Kappa Village

                            "Do that and I will personally rip out your central processor!" Said Zero as he continues to struggle. "I'm fine I tell you! There's nothing wrong with me!" Said Zero as suddenly he a large pulse of energy is released from his body, strong enough to knock someone back. After the "pulse" a red aura can be seen coming off Zero. However he shows no signs of insanity for some odd reason. Instead a strong power can be detected within Zero. In a matter of seconds though the aura fades along with the power.


                              Hakurei Shrine

                              "Medicine! Over here! I may need your help." Yukari shouted to the blonde doll wearing maroon dress.
                              "What's the magic word?" Medicine asked in a singsong voice.
                              "Dammit, we got no time for games, Medicine! John's been poisoned!"
                              "John? Yuuka's friend?" Medicine said. "Where is he?"

                              "There he is." Yukari pointed at John. "Oh god don't tell me you died already, John!"
                              "Let me." Medicine touched John's armor. Then, something silver and metallic spewed out of his wounds.
                              "This is a peculiar poison." Medicine observed, then gulped the blob of poison in one go. "And delicious."
                              "Can you create an antidote?" Yukari asked. Medicine looked back and smiled.
                              "Antidote?" Medicine laughed. "Screw antidotes. I'll have antibodies ready."

                              Kappa Village

                              Everyone looked at Zero in shock: even Lady Kimehana, who moved an eyebrow.
                              "EVE." Nitori muttered. "What was that?"
                              "I... I'll get to that." EVE whirled, then went through her database.
                              Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 07-20-2013, 03:19 PM.


                                Gah... I know that I can't get tired, being a MIHI and everything, but just the thought of being out here wandering aimlessly is fatiguing me.

                                Wait... what's that? A building! Oh, I can't wait to...



