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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    ((Oh yea Lickers are roughly the same size of a full grown adult male.))
    Research Labs

    "I wouldn't shoot if I were you..." Said HUNK as he points to the glass walls. There were many Lickers behind the glass remaining motionless. Though they may seem rather harmless right now they are actually waiting for the moment to strike anything that makes a sound. "Those things are triggered by sound. Even with this soundproof glass protecting us from them the sound from a gunshot will still alert these things. The moment you fire these beasts will be swarming break through the glass and swarm over you." Said HUNK as he puts away his handgun. "However. You did fall into my trap after all." Said HUNK as he motions pulls out a small detonator. As he ran through the containment room he had placed a small remote mine in the center of the room. HUNK quickly pushed the button on the detonator, causing the small explosive in the middle of the room to go off. The explosion shattered the glass and attracted the attention of the Lickers. HUNK quickly exits the room via the closest doorway, but not before pressing the emergency lock-down button causing all the doors to start to close. Leaving Gerard trapped in the room with the Lickers.


    Duo kept fighting, already he had taken out a few tanks, and thousands of Grunts. He then lands right behind John. Duo turned to John with that same blank face. "You are a skilled fighter. Already you had taken out enough men to fill a normal human army. I also detect something within you. I can't make it out though... tell me... who are you?" Asked Duo as he attacked another Grunt.
    Last edited by NeoFox; 07-29-2013, 08:07 PM.


      The Dark Blowhole

      Renamon looked at how growlmon left and decided to sent a message to any ally --Do not shoot growlmon, he is a possible ally, try to avoid the red dinosaur--
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        Grr... damn him!!! Gah, I'd better warn Chris.

        I dialed in the number.

        "Chris, I just fought someone with remarkable abilities! He wears a gas mask! Watch yourself! I'm about to face a bunch of monsters known as... Lickers. Wish me luck."



          Shadow sighs and turns to Ocelot. "Why should I assist you? I haven't even known you for that long. For all I care about is getting that Chaos Emerald. Not helping random people I meet on the sidewalk." Said Shadow as he steps forward. "Now you better hand over that emerald before I end your pathetic life!"



            "What? Oh, you mean this one." I taunted. "Well, this would make fine for a trip to Hawaii, don't you think? I mean, look at the complexity..."



              Chris had heard his communicator beep as Gerard called him. "Guy in a gas mask? I'll try and keep that in mind... though I do know a lot of people in gas masks. I'll be careful though. Oh and good luck with those Lickers. Their tongues can pierce through a human torso in an instant. Also do not make any loud sudden noises. They hunt by sound." Said Chris as he hangs up.

              Meanwhile the Lickers had walked up to the source of the sound which was the now non-existent explosive. The Lickers then walk around the room. Occasionally opening their mouths to let out a little hiss. They are now trying to listen for any other sudden noises.

              Wesker and his men have also arrived at the laboratory. They have now begun their assault. His men have got out of the each of the trucks and began firing at the guards. Already it is a warzone. Wesker however was being escorted by the Tyrant-103's. Even though he can get past the guards and gunfire without them.



                Shadow has been getting quite angry with Ocelot. A red aura can be seen starting to come off him as he gets angrier. "Hand me that emerald before I blow this entire city sky high! That emerald is not something that should be sold for worthless money!" He yelled as the aura starts to get intense. If Ocelot does not hand over the emerald soon everything within 20 meters will be a crater.


                  Crap. Think fast, think fast... I looked around. Then I remembered... I was in Hollywood. Nearby was a helicopter scene going on.

                  "Yea? What do you think of my offer, then? I won't even be around for long, trust me. But if not... then come and get me!"

                  I ran towards tyhe set.

                  "Whoa whoa, you can't-"

                  "No time, here's my card, move!"

                  I jumped on the ladder of the helicopter. Huh. What's this... Die Hard 5. I heard that was an action movie. Jackpot.

                  "Come on, are you that stubborn?!"



                    Shadow had looked up at the helicopter that Ocelot was hitching a ride on.

                    "I will get that Chaos Emerald!" He said as he takes out the emerald he has in his possession." He then tosses the emerald into the air and catches it. As he caught it the emerald begins glowing. "Chaos Control!" He yelled as he disappears in a flash of light, reappearing on a nearby building.



                      I turned to the director.

                      "Hey, now's a good time to test out the explosion animations!"

                      I jumped into a large patch of forestry.

                      "You got it."

                      I turned the communicator off. I faced the Lickers with both katanas out. It's time to go assassin.

                      I went up to one of the Lickers silently and pierced it's head.
                      Last edited by wonderweiss; 07-29-2013, 09:17 PM.



                        As the blade pierced the Licker's exposed brain it let out a loud shriek as it squirmed around, alerting the other Lickers to Gerard's presence. As the Licker died the other Lickers quickly fired their sharp tongues at Gerard.


                          The Dark Blowhole

                          Nera was walking from side to side making decisions and possibilities while Renamon was sitting trying to understand why Rika was on the Devourers side

                          "Ok.. I understand you are worried about Rika, so can you explain me about her? or why is she with the devourers?" the jackal asked

                          "I don´t know, she has always been honest with me and after we fought together against the devas, we became like family" the fox said remembering the good times they had, but then her tone went grim "But seeing her in the middle of the battlefield made me feel strange and when she said those words and called me traitor.. this isn´t the Rika I remember.."

                          "There must be a reason of why she is acting like that or maybe.. she indeed changed sides?" Nera said trying to think of a good reason of why the Tamer was on the enemy´s side

                          "Another thing that worries me is that the digivice she held was destroyed, those objects are unique and shouldn´t be in that state" the vixen said showing her perfect state looking digivice
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            The Dark Blowhole

                            "I brought Takato." Growlmon grumbled as a familiar-looking boy entered. He looked amiable, with kind eyes.
                            "Re- Renamon!" The boy uttered in surprise. "So Growlmon was true!"


                              The Dark Blowhole

                              "Im glad to see you are ok too Takato" Renamon greeted him and then faced him, Rika and Growlmon "I´ll be direct, please explain me why you are in the Devourer army´s side. I just want to know your reasons and im not a traitor Rika, im trying to stop this war before it causes more unecceeary deaths"
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                The Dark Blowhole

                                "Shortly after you left, or were abducted... The Devourer came to Extract the Digital World." Takato began. "But me, Rika, and Growlmon managed to stop the Extraction at the cost of my digivice. Now, we work as an undercover agent to assassinate the Devourer. Doing so can free every single soldiers the Devourer has abducted for past however many years."
                                "I managed to talk to some of them, and not all of them are bad." Rika added. "Most of those Grunts you are fighting, they are from words where fighting and violence are glorified. The Nucleoids, you see, they volunteer when joining the Extraction. So it is only natural that Nucloids that does not want their family to die will not fight and stay as Grunts the entire time."

                                Kappa Village

                                "The battle has begun." The Kappa observer commented. "To arms, my friends!"
                                The Kappa army cheered and cried battle cries.
                                "I'll go notify the Tengus." Lady Kimehana announced, then turned to X. "Would you like to join the fight with us?"
                                Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 07-30-2013, 01:50 AM.

