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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Sector 3 - Prometheus Labs

    Just then, one of the destroyed tanks were lifted off the ground by 4 Spartan-IIIs and carried off into one of the vehicle garages.

    "Hey, you're one of the engineers, right? We need help repairing some of these vehicles.", one of the repairmen said to Gerard as he climbed down off of the treads and walked over to him.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      I was taken back.

      "Wha? Me? An engineer? I'm terribly sorry, but I'm no engineer!"

      Well, I did take advanced engineering classes, but technology like this, I cannot imagine how such technology can be forged, much less work properly in the real world.


        Sector 2 - Prometheus Labs

        Robin was slightly taken aback by Six's response. "Ah...I...I see...." Robin shifted slightly. He never had a moment like this when he had no idea what to do. "Since I have no idea on how to get back to my world, I don't suppose I could join you?"


          Sector 2 - Prometheus Labs

          Six thought for a moment thinking about the advantages of having Robin on the team. After a moment, he spoke.

          "Okay, but know that there's a good chance that we won't come back alive. I'm going to go grab some equipment and come back. I'll also get you something. Just wait here until I return.", Six said as he quickly walked off and into Sector 3.

          "Jack, Daniel, follow me. We're going to get the high-grade weapons, the good stuff.", Six said to Jack and Daniel before leaving the sector.

          Jack and Daniel followed Six's order and quickly followed behind.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            The Consumer

            "This is foolproof." Leslie declared, pointing at canisters attached to the base of the cannon. They too were lined with gold and purple metal.

            "Leslie is emotionless, but she also can control others' emotions." Dominus explained. "By using that math thing-"

            "That's pathomathematics."

            "Yeah, that. Using that, we have deduced an equation to turn hatred towards humor."

            "If you consider that the hormonal reaction power, or HRP, of Endorphine is 2.5 times the HRP of anger hormone Rathine, we can make sure that each Endorphine percentage creates 11,000 Megajoules."

            "Whatever she said."


              Sector 2 - Prometheus Labs

              "Huh? What? Something for me? Why do I have a bad feeling about this..."
              Even though Six had asked him to stay put, Robin started to follow them.


                The Consumer

                Renamon took a deep breath and sighed with the same amount of it "I only hope it works, lets do it" she said walking towards the cannon

                "PLease tell Yukari and John that if something happens to us, I´ll get the gap controller´s and teach her a lesson of talking with people" Nera said looking at the secretary

                Touching the cannon, the fox then faced the lava controller "Hey Domino, I know a good place to get that Sake you want, heck even the locals are a really good bunch of drinking veterans, im sure you will like it, so when this mess finishes, I´ll see you in the Oni city" she offered

                "Hey, why are you making a date with him? You are supposed to be my mate" Nera said with a pout

                The vixen smirked "Who said you weren´t coming? You will be my partner in the whole Tour I´ll give you in the land"

                The jackal laughed a bit and nodded "Deal"
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  SPARTAN Weapons Development Lab - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

                  After a quick walk through one of the Sector 4 access tunnels, Six, Robin, Jack, and Daniel arrived at the Sector 4 SPARTAN Weapons Development Lab.

                  After Six took off his helmet and performed a retinal scan, the heavy security door opened up to reveal a huge array of experimental weapons and armor systems. For the average person, the weapons seemed alien, but Six was familiar with each one.

                  "Okay, make sure not to tell anyone about anything you see here. These weapons and suit enhancements are highly classified. The only reason you're allowed to see them is because you'll be using some of them.", Six said to Robin.

                  Six then looked to Daniel and spoke.

                  "Daniel, take Robin to the FAFNIR weapon systems.", Six said.

                  "Follow me.", Daniel said to Robin as he walked deeper into the room.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    SPARTAN Weapons Development Lab - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

                    "Weapon...Systems? I'm sorry but I've never heard of such a thing. At this point I'm used to seeing strange things but...what are these weapons? I'm used to seeing swords, lances, axes and bows and arrows..."
                    Robin glanced at everything as he followed Daniel through the room.


                      SPARTAN Weapons Development Lab - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

                      Daniel continued to walk towards the weapons that Robin was to choose from. Hearing Robin's doubts, Daniel decided to ask Robin a question.

                      "Do you know how to use a crossbow?", Daniel asked Robin.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        SPARTAN Weapons Development Lab - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

                        "Oh? A crossbow?" Robin was quiet for a moment as he thought it through. "Well I guess...I've maintained so many of the army's-" Robin realized that Daniel wouldn't know what army he spoke of and quickly corrected himself. "I mean- the weapons of the soldiers of the army I helped guide as a tactician. I could figure it out."


                          SPARTAN Weapons Development Lab - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

                          "Then you have a basic idea of how a gun works.", Daniel said to Robin as they neared a rack with assault rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles, plasmathrowers, cannons, pistols, grenades, battle rifles, and plasma launchers.

                          "These weapons are the known as the FAFNIR Weapon Systems. They are each high powered plasma weapons capable of ripping straight through energy shielding and melting armor. Thanks to the Fusion/Plasma Hybrid Reactors in each one, they each have an unlimited supply of ammunition, but need a couple seconds to charge after sustained fire. The bolt of plasma released is capable of not only melting armor, but also gives of a sort of EMP burst upon contact with any surface, deactivating a machine and leaving it vulnerable for a couple of seconds, just like the Covenant Plasma Pistols used in the Human-Covenant War.", Daniel explained to Robin.

                          Daniel then looked at Robin and spoke again.

                          "So, which ones do you want?", Daniel asked in a calm tone.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            SPARTAN Weapons Development Lab - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

                            Robin blinked a few times after Daniel finished. "Huh?! Whoa...uhm sorry you lost me after the "Hybrid Reactors" part." Robin scratched his head. "These...guns...are something else...but I think I would be better off with my magic. Besides, where I'm from, even the toughest armor can't stop...well to put it cruelly...magic from engulfing the soldier within in fire. Unless the soldier themselves are resistant to magic...but even then it can still be devastating."


                              Medical Ward-Prometheus Labs, London

                              Chris and Claire were still in the Medical Ward. Chris was laying down on one of the cots, his arms were bandaged up due to the damage they sustained from literally ripping his hands into the Uroboros when Chris was trying to keep Wesker's heart opened. Luckily the damage was similar to that of large scrapes on his hands and wrists. Though it still stung a bit.

                              Claire however was helping out as much as she could around the Medical Ward. She was assisting some of the Doctor's in bandaging up some of the soldiers.

                              "Damn... can't believe so much happened in pretty much a single day..." He said as he sat up. He was right though, so much happened today. He lost his men, he uncovered a secret underground lab system that was developing B.O.W.'s, and stopped Wesker... "Oh sh*t..." Muttered Chris as he quickly stood up. He put his gear back on. He holstered his handgun, and grabbed his Assault Rifle. He went through his ammo bag, he took a few hand grenades out, and one First Aid Spray. He stored the grenades, and the First Aid Spray on his belt.

                              Claire was walking to one of the cots with a few bandages in her arms as she saw Chris getting prepared for something. Claire walked over to her brother, curious as to why he was getting geared up. "What's wrong Chris?" Asked Claire as she raised an eyebrow.

                              Chris didn't turn to Claire as he was still gearing up. "We still have a problem on our hands. We may have taken out Wesker, but we didn't take out his B.O.W. Development Labs." He replied.

                              Claire's eyes widened at what she heard. "Well what are you going to do? You just can't leave right away. You're still injured, and you can't possibly take out that place on your own."

                              Chris sighed as he turned to Claire. "I don't care, that lab is still a serious threat. Besides I've done crazier things before."


                                SPARTAN Weapons Development Lab - Sector 4 - Prometheus Labs

                                "Okay, just as long as your magic gets the job done, then it's fine. Can you help me carry some of these weapons to Sector 3? From there, we'll gather up some Spartans and assign the weapons to them.", Daniel said to Robin.

                                Meanwhile, Six and Jack walked over to a group of THOR Pack. The THOR Pack looked like large, bulky, metal backpacks that strapped on to the back of MJOLNIR armor.

                                "Okay Jack, put one on, then carry a couple of them upstairs.", Six said to Jack as he strapped a THOR Pack to his back.

                                Jack nodded, then did as he was told. Once he put on a THOR Pack, Jack then grabbed as many as he could carry and walked out of the room. As soon as Six activated the THOR Pack, his energy shields quickly filled up to 600%, giving him six energy shields. Once Six finished activating the THOR Pack, he then called out to Daniel.

                                "Daniel, go get the SLEIPNIR Enhancement and one of these THOR Packs.", Six said to Daniel.

                                "Understood.", Daniel said to Six as he turned his head over to Robin.

                                "Grab as many of these FAFNIR weapons as you can and head back to Sector 3. We'll meet you there once we finish up here.", Daniel said to Robin as he walked over to a THOR Pack and put it on.

                                Medical Ward - Prometheus Labs

                                Just as Chris began to prepare for the B.O.W. Base, a SPARTAN-III walked up to Chris and spoke.

                                "Wait, aren't you Chris Redfield, from Resident Evil?", the Spartan asked Chris.
                                Last edited by S121; 09-20-2013, 07:27 PM.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

