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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    The Consumer

    "You mean you want me to fight..." The Consumer's smile vanished. "Like you? Like a some sort of... Pack animal."

    The Consumer paced himself. "Do you know what's the difference between you and me? Belief? Dignity? No."

    "It's species."

    "You are a beast, you dull creature. Just because you stand on two feet and talk like a human, you can't even hope, even dream, of becoming the same as humans. Same for your pathetic fox friend, you inferior bitch. And you want me to bring myself down, to your status? Don't kid."


      The Consumer

      "It's okay. Now we just need to find a way to stop the Devourer."

      That's when it hit John like a train out of nowhere.


      John was surprised that he never thought of it before. He was so used to being the only hero that he forgot about his teammates' abilities.

      All of a sudden, John spoke in a tone of urgency.

      "Iku, can you still contain his power?", John asked.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        The Consumer

        The jackal only smirked "So the great emperor of this massive and almost unbeatable legion of soldiers is afraid of an inferior being? Im a beast, canīt argue that and my partner has a stubborness of impossible levels, but back on track, I ask you again, I dare you to a duel, what will you do? face me with honor, or hide behind your henchmen like the coward you are?"
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          The Consumer

          "Yeah. I have my power still." Iku nodded. "I'm not too hurt... My head's kinda ringing and I have some bruises and my..."

          Iku looked down at herself. Her silken clothes of the heavens was ripped to shreds.

          "My dress." Iku's eyes glared angrily. "I loved this dress."

          The Devourer returned to his cynical, sarcastic smile.

          "Very well." The Devourer nodded. "I'll play with the puppy for a little bit."

          "Nope." Dominus snapped as he reached for the refridgerator. Inside was an assortment of drinks, bottles of various colors and sizes. "Ooh, Fuschia Wine. That's a rarity."


            The Consumer

            "what matters is that you're okay. I'm going to talk to the others really quick.", John quickly said as he gently placed Iku back down.

            While Nera had the Devourer's attention, John sprinted towards Yukari and spoke.

            "How's Yuuka doing? Is the Biofoam working?", John quickly asked.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              The Consumer

              "I suppose you know that a barehanded combat will be without armor nor weapon as I said earlier and as you can see, I got no equipment at all" the jackal said showing she had nothing on her body

              "Your move" she said in a serious tone ready for anything

              Dominoīs room

              "You already know what may happen, we can fight and surely die on it, or we can just stay like nothing happened while I take back Ran" Renamon only said

              (Well then, goodnight")
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                The Consumer

                The Devourer eased himself, and relaxed his body. What hand-to-hand technique shall he try...?


                "It... It's not working." Yukari was in tears. Yuuka was suffering on a pool of blood that leaked from the hole that went through the right lung position. "For some reason, the foams are being repelled."

                "Well, I'm a man of my word." Dominus mumbled as he searched even deeper into the refridgerator to find ice. "No Submos, no Ran."

                Dominus thought for a little, then gave the same gaze at Renamon that melted the wall behind her. A small hole began to form. "You know, that sake gourd and that sake dish from those onis might be an apt replacement. If you can get me those..."


                  The Consumer

                  John knelt down and cleared some of the biofoam away, trying to see what was repelling the Biofam. If it was magic, then John had a surefire way to help Yuuka.

                  "I could always use 'Galaxy in a Pot', but then I won't have anything to save me if I meet the same fate. I'll still do it, I've had worse injuries.), John thought as he examined the wound.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    The Consumer

                    "It is no use." A young girl's voiced told John from behind. Yukari looked to find a girl who looked to be barely in elementary school. Her thin black hair fell to her waist. Her arms and legs, visible by a sleeveless, purple dress, were frail and skinny, even for a little girl. Her eyes, pupil of silver, looked blank and distant, as if she knew more than anyone else will ever know.


                      The Consumer

                      John quickly looked over his shoulder and over to the strange girl.

                      (A little girl? What is she doing here? I don't remember her coming with us.)

                      "Who are you and how do you know that?", John asked in a slightly tense tone.

                      There was definitely something strange about the girl, but John couldn't quite put his finger on it. Was she one of the Youkai living in Gensokyo, or was she something else entirely?
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        The Consumer

                        "My name is Archangel Valenciel." The little girl labeled. "I am neither with you nor against you."


                          The Consumer

                          John was still on edge, but the Archangel seemed to be peaceful. Perhaps she could tell John important information regarding their situation.

                          "Then what will save her?", John asked in a serious tone, obviously concerned for his fallen friend.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                            After Ocelot replaced the bolt in Phantom's shoulder Phantom looked at Ocelot and nodded his head, indicating that Phantom was feeling better for now at least. "Thank you, now I think we must-" He said as he turned to the woman that entered the room. At first he was somewhat calm, but as soon as the doctor burst into the room and brutally attacked the undead woman with a chainsaw Phantom shot up, ready for battle. However as soon as Ocelot shot the man in the chest Phantom jumped back at Ocelot's sudden reaction. Phantom however senses that all is not quite right still. Phantom then proceeds to place a hand on his one-handed beam sword.


                              Jeez! What's it take to kill the guy?!

                              Then, the doctor opens his lab coat to reveal a bulletproof vest.

                              "It's specially crafted. Reduces all effects of video game based weapons by 50%."

                              Persistent one, huh? Damn...

                              "Phantom, I'll take Aya. Take on Dr. Doom here."

                              I grabbed Aya's hand and took off.

                              "You got this, Phantom!

                              I was soon gone. Dio stepped up next to Phantom.

                              "You won't be fighting alone."

                              He pulled out a knife.

                              "Get ready."



                                Phantom nodded as he stepped forward. However he turned to Dio with a serious look in his eyes. "There is no need. For I am Hidden Phantom! Ex-Leader of Zan'ei army of Master X! Now make your leave, protect the girl along with Ocelot!" Said Phantom as his eyes turn a devilish red. As they do the whole room slowly begins to go dark, almost to the point of being completely unable to see. "I'll show this man the true power of Hidden Phantom! I shall punish him for his misdeeds!" He exclaimed as Phantom completely disappeared in the pitch black darkness which now consumes the room.

