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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Eirin's Medical Camp

    "We do know about the oni girl, pretty strong besides her looks" Nera answered John´s question

    "The plan I have is actually disappearing the Earth from this dimension, and I need Yukari for that, I already got the other gap user for it, but I still need her for it too" Renamon said hoping to find the blond youkai
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      Eirin's Medical Camp

      "I think I just got an even better idea. What would happen if we moved the Extractor into the Consumer and had it create the black hole inside of the ship? We could not only destroy the Extractor, but the ship and the leader as well. It would take less energy to move the Extractor and we'll get rid of the Devourer once and for all. Even if the Extractor doesn't have a black hole, it would extract the ship to pieces.", John said as he pulled out the gap crystal.

      "What do you think?", John asked Renamon and Nera.
      Last edited by S121; 08-02-2013, 06:26 PM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Eirin's Medical Camp

        "We may have infinite ideas, but right now we must get Yukari, and since the incident with Ran, she has been gone. Unfortunately Im sure she could be right now speaking with the devourer itself in her current state Renamon sighed
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          Eirin's Medical Camp

          "Okay, I'm calling her.", John said as he then began to speak to the gap crystal.

          "Yukari? Can you hear me? This is incredibly important.", John said to the crystal.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Eirin's Medical Camp

            Nera looked at the crystal "Please let me use it, later you can blame me for whatever happens" she said taking the gap crystal calmly

            "Um.. Yukari? just to let you know that Marisa and Reimu have been flirting with John and we found out your age, so please answer us" the jackal said in a calm tone

            "If she doesn´t answers to that, then we got a serious problem"
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              Eirin's Medical Camp

              John's body tensed up so much that it was clearly visible just by looking at the exposed parts of his undersuit.

              John was panicking on the inside, knowing the full consequences of Yukari's anger. She could quite possibly wipe someone from existence, just by altering the boundary of existence and non-existence. She could even do worse, like yell at John.

              "Don't say stuff like that! You're going to get me into a world-and-a-half of trouble!", John said in a nervous, angry, and slightly scared tone.
              Last edited by S121; 08-02-2013, 06:47 PM.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Eirin's Medical Camp

                "Look around John, there is no response at all, so we got a serious problem" Renamon said taking her digivice

                "Mara, are you there? remember the plan we had? let´s say we are going to start it"

                Sinnoh, Mt. Coronet

                "I was sondering when you would call stubborn fox, Let me send you our guy" the froslass said and looked at the portal

                "Looks like you are needed old friend, you know where is the golden fox and the cerulean jackal" she said as the portal closed
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  Eirin's Medical Camp

                  After a while of flying X arrives at the camp. As he lands he turns to John. "Hey John." Said X as he deactivates his Falcon Armor. His body shows signs of damage, but mostly around his arms indicating his Buster is damaged. "So who was wanting to see me?"

                  Hakurei Shrine

                  Axl who still looks like Yuyuko turned to Yuyuko and thought. "Yea I can..." He said as he concentrates for a moment, turning back into his own self... well except his armor is still white and purple.

                  B.O.W. Containment Lab-London

                  After all the Lickers were killed the sirens stopped and a loud clanking sound could be heard. It was the sound of the doors unlocking, but they were still closed. The only way to open the door is to turn the valve on the doors until they open.
                  Last edited by NeoFox; 08-02-2013, 09:02 PM.


                    "Well... as long as you're still Axl, I don't care what you look like!" I said as I hugged Axl... a little too hard, knocking him over.

                    "Oops, sorry."

                    Huff... huff... that's the last of them... I walked out towards the door. I contacted Chris.

                    "Chris... I made it out... by the way... that masked man... do you know anyone... by the name... of HUNK?"


                      Hakurei Shrine

                      "Thanks Yuyuko... " He said as he is suddenly knocked over. "AH!" He yelled as he crashed into the floor. "Ow..." He muttered as he looks at Yuyuko. "I-It's okay... good thing I have a metal @ss!" He joked as he rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Oh that was a corny joke..." He said with a slight chuckle.


                      Chris had picked up his communicator once more. "HUNK? I've heard him, but only through reports I've read. Apparently he is able to take out an entire squad of men on his own." Replied Chris as he raises an eyebrow. "Why you ask?"

                      Meanwhile as Gerard was leaving the room it turns out that one Licker had a little bit of life left. Hearing his footsteps, the Licker shot out it's tongue right into Gerard's leg.
                      Last edited by NeoFox; 08-02-2013, 09:29 PM.


                        "Now now, Axl. Come on. they're waiting for us!"

                        I grabbed Axl and dragged him out, until...

                        "... Where'd everyone go?"

                        "Because... someone sent him... to assassinate me... my cover is blown..."

                        All of a sudden, I was pierced sharply through my hamstring.


                        I fell to the floor, trying to endure the pain. Unfortunately, any attempt to get up ended in failure and immense pain.
                        Last edited by wonderweiss; 08-02-2013, 09:34 PM.



                          "Then get out of there as soon as possible Gerard!" Said Chris as suddenly communications were cut off. "Gerard? Gerard are you there!? Gerard!?" Yelled Chris as he tries desperately to get communications back on.

                          Meanwhile in the base.

                          As Gerard had fell the injured Licker hisses as it closes in. It draws back it's tongue as it dashes towards Gerard. The Licker readies it's claws as it leaps onto the fallen Gerard.


                            I pulled out a gun that was entrusted to me after I was proven worthy to hold. I pointed it at the Licker.

                            "You... damn you... I've never wanted to use this... UNTIL NOW! 525 CALIBUR MAGNUM!"

                            As the Licker pounced, I fired with little recoil, though much more than any other gun I've ever used. The head blew up. I put the gun down. I tried regaining contact with Chris.

                            "Chis... Chris, are you-URK!" The pain struck me again.
                            Last edited by wonderweiss; 08-02-2013, 10:10 PM.



                              As Gerard shot the Licker went flying back, it hit the wall and fell limp. A bloody stump where it's head once was.


                              Chris heard the signal go back up. "Gerard what happened!? Are you alright!?"


                                "Gh... yea... I'm fine... but... I...

                                I can't move."

                                I tried getting up, but ended in agony.

                                "Aaahhh!!! Gh... I've been hit... by a tongue... in the leg... I can't get up... How are you doing on your end?... Are you holding up?"

