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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Medic Camp - Gensokyo

    "...Nothing..." Robin walked past Six. "...just...If you see Chung, tell him thanks for helping me get here. And if you find anyone from my world, Chrom and the others, my wife, Nowi, and daughters, Morgan and Nah...tell them my last thoughts will be of them."


      The Consumer

      John was concerned by what he had just seen, but right now, he needed to get everyone off the ship.

      "Gerard, get HM out of here. The portal leads to the medic camp, where you'll find a man named Huey. I'll meet up with you guys soon.", John said.

      Medic Camp - Gensokyo

      Six had little patience with Robin's roundabout way of saying that he'll die, but he overlooked it and spoke.

      "So you'll die if we kill this dragon?", Six asked.
      Last edited by S121; 10-16-2013, 09:41 PM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Medic Camp - Gensokyo

        "It is...most certain. Grima and I are one in the same. By me killing him, I will cease to be."

        A memory...
        Origin Peak

        The other me claimed the dragon and I were the same, yes? If I strike the final blow, he'd be killed by his own hand...

        Robin! Ingenious! Naga? Will it work?

        ...Perhaps. But there would be consequences. Grima's heart and Robin's are inexorably linked. Dragon and man can no longer be separated. Therefore, slaying Grima would also cause the end of Robin's life.

        ...I realize that. I am ready.

        There is...a chance you could survive, but it is small indeed. You have bound your heart to those of many others in this world.
        If those ties prove strong enough, they may yet keep you in this reality. But I would not give you false hope. The chance you would live is insignificant. In truth, you will almost certainly cease to exist.


        Robin would cease to be?! No. We'll find another way.

        Chrom, wait. You're not thinking clearly. Think about what your sister would have wanted.

        Emmeryn would never have asked you to do this!

        What is one life, when weighed against millions?

        Stop it! You're one of us. You'll ALWAYS be one of us. There has to be another way. We just have to find it. Promise me, Robin. Promise me you won't do this!

        Then Robin said under his breath, "Forgive me, Chrom. This time there is no other choice..."


          Medic Camp - Gensokyo

          Six remained silent as he thought about Robin going into a battle that he knew he wouldn't survive. It reminded Six so much of his last days in his universe, when he had to protect Cortana and the Pillar of Autumn as they tried to escape the planet Reach. Once all was said and done, Six knew that he was doomed to die alone on Reach, surrounded by Covenant that all wanted nothing more than to end his life. In a weird kind of way, Robin was in the same situation. He knew he was going to die, but he was going anyway. Robin might not have known it, but he had earned Six's full respect.

          "... Okay then. If that's how it has to be, then let's make your final fight a fight to remember.", Six said in a calmer, friendlier tone.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            I nodded.

            "HM... Let's go..."

            I reach out, but he shot up... Then...

            "John... Is the suit... Capable of floating?"

            HM was floating in the air as if he were getting his soul sucked out. His eyes were wide.

            "What's happening?"

            Lucifer smiled. "Repeat after me, and you will achieve ultimate power. First you have no friends."

            "I... Have no friends..."

            "They are now all embodiments of your worst fear that look like your friends.

            "They... Are now embodiments... That look like my friends..."

            "You never met your father today."

            "I... Never... Met my father..."

            "He is also an embodiment."

            "He is also an embodiment..."

            "But that green man isn't."

            "John isn't..."

            "He is the one that killed your father in base 3."

            "He killed... My... My.......

            He will pay..."

            All of a sudden, HM stood on the ground, now conscious. But then, he looked around. He became fearful, hyperventilating.


              The Consumer

              John was slightly confused by what had just happened, but from what he could tell, it was some kind of magic.

              "HM, are you okay?", John asked in a concerned tone as he approached him.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                "no... No, no, no no no no, this isn't happening, this can't be happening, no, no no no no, make it stop, make it stop, MAKE IT STOP, MAKE IT STOP, MAKE IT-......"

                That's when all color in his eyes faded. They were dead, and looking at nothing, but he still stood.... Emotionless.


                  The Consumer

                  John walked closer to HM, trying to figure out what was happening. Finally, John spoke.

                  "Gerard, I might need to shut off HM's body. It won't kill him, but it will leave him dormant. Once you get to Huey, tell him about everything that happened here.", John said to Gerard.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Medic Camp - Gensokyo

                    Nera sighed at the predicament ("Another soul that will vanish..") she thought putting the fox on the floor in a seating position with a box for her back.

                    Carefully she put the foam on the vixen´s wound who isntantly reacted to the foreign object. She quickly grabbed the foam as if it was an enemy´s throat

                    "Woah! calm down Rena, its just a healing foam" the jackal took her partner´s arm reassuring her that there was no danger

                    "I.. thought there was something else, I guess we do need some actual rest, no battles, no war, just some real rest" Renamon said calming down

                    "Indeed" was the only response from Nera
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      Suddenly, in a blink of an eye, HM was next to John and punched his stomach so hard John was pushed to a wall with strong force.

                      "John... You Will pay... You killed my father... You shall pay... With your life."

                      A voice came from inside John's head. "Do you like it? This... Is my masterpiece. He has no emotions, no limits, and no tolerance. I call him... Zero. A message brought to you from Lucifer myself, also known as HM's guardian angel. Nothing personal... Wait, scratch that. Look in his eyes. They look emotionless, but if you look deeply, you will see a rather familiar set of eyes; eyes... Of a merciless, cold-blooded killer. Good luck."


                        The Consumer

                        (Who's Lucifer?), John thought to himself as he tried to pinpoint whose voice that was.

                        The voice sounded like Zommari's, but John killed him. Was he revived or reincarnated? John didn't know. Right now, there were more pressing matters at hand, such as HM being in an altered state of mind. Luckily for John, HM's body was still damaged, which meant that John had the upper hand. All he needed to do was place a couple of well placed strikes and HM would be immobilized. As HM stared at John, John's shields regenerated back to full power.

                        "HM, your father is standing right behind you. I was afraid that I killed him, but he survived.", John calmly said as he readied to counter any of HM's attacks.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Medic Camp

                          "How can I help you?" Eirin asked while filing a paperwork. She held the pen with her right hand as a bunny helper held up the paperweight and the paper.


                            Medic Camp - Gensokyo

                            Robin merely nodded at what Six said, but in his eyes, one could see that he was grateful. As he walked to the transport, a memory surfaced that he never remembered having. He murmured the first and last line without realizing it.

                            For once, I'm glad you and I are the same, Grima. Now I can give my life to protect those I care for...

                            ...YOU WOULD...NOT DARE!

                            I would and I will. The evils you would visit on this world are unthinkable... In some way, I—we share the blame. It's only right we meet our end together!



                              Medic Camp - Gensokyo

                              Isaac took a deep breath and began to explain all that had happened.

                              "You see, we were walking through the Magic forest after escaping the Consumer and were talking. She was telling me about how she could feel no emotions because her third eye was closed, but somewhere in the conversation, she smiled. I told her about it and said that maybe she can still feel emotions, but then she fell to her knees and started saying that her third eye was hurting. I flew her here as fast as possible, but while I was flying with her, she kept getting weaker and asked me if I said anything. The problem was that I didn't say anything the entire flight. Before finally arriving, she lost consciousness. I have her lying in one of the cots, but I'm not sure if her condition is life-threatening or not. That's why I need you to come see if she's going to be alright.", Isaac explained to Eirin.

                              After a couple of minutes, four Pelicans flew overhead and decended into the medic camp. Daniel's airdrop request for the Pheonix Cellular Grafters and technicians had arrived. As soon as the Pelicans' rear doors opened up, the PHEONIX Technicians quickly exited the vehicles with a large machine in tow.

                              "Sir, we're here with your request. What are your orders?", one of the Technicians asked Daniel.

                              "Stand by for now. I need to consult with somebody first.", Daniel said to the Technician.

                              Daniel ran through the camp and soon found Eirin talking with a man dressed in what looked to be an exo-suit.

                              "Ma'am, the Pheonix Cellular Grafters have arrived. Where do you want me to place them?", Daniel asked Eirin.

                              Six heard what Robin said, but paid no mind to it. Everyone had their ways of preparing themselves for the end, even Six did. Six only hoped that Robin's end would be more peaceful than Six's would have been. Six waited for all the other Spartans to board the Falcons, then boarded as well.

                              "Time to go.", Six calmly said to Robin as he sat down in the Falcon.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Medic Camp

                                "Well as you can see I am quite busy." Eirin laughed apologetically. "I will, however, send someone with you that might be able to help Koishi. Do wait here for a moment."

