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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Medical Ward

    Raven who was now in the medical ward turned to Lily. "How did what happen? My injuries or my arm?" Said Raven as he takes out a small vile of a red liquid from his belt. The vile contains a powerful potion that replenishes ones physical health, but only slightly. As Raven pops the cap off with his thumb he drinks the red liquid. Feeling a little better than before, but not by much. "Damn I hate how those taste... they claim they taste like cherry, but in reality they taste like complete crap." He said after placing the empty vile on the cot next him. Raven simply looked around the room looking somewhat depressed. This room... all these injured and dead men remind him of something terrible that happened in his past.


      Medical Ward

      Lily frowned when she saw what Raven was looking at and put her hand on his shoulder.

      "It's okay.", she said, trying to ease his depression.

      In truth, it really wasn't okay. Everywhere around them, people were suffering and were in extreme pain. They were either riddled with bullets from the Nemesis gatlings, had ruptured organs from being attacked by the Ndesu 2, or impaled by the Tyrants. Various groans, coughs, and alarmed voices could be heard throughout the room. It was truly a grim sight, one that would fill even the most seasoned soldiers with sadness.

      "What game are you from?", Lily asked Raven, trying to take their minds off of their surroundings.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Medical Ward

        Raven sighed and turned to her. "Stop trying to make me feel better... I've been through this kind of thing before..." He said as he sits up.

        Seeing all the death around him reminded him of when everything he loved and cared for was taken from him.

        "I'm from an MMO called Elsword. My name is Raven, once a proud captain of the Crow Mercenaries where I came from... but sadly... not anymore." He said as he examined the damage on his Nasod Arm.


          Medical Ward

          Lily was a little taken aback by Raven's words, but didn't seem bothered. In the end, she was simply trying to help him stay at ease.

          Lily looked at the damaged arm and decided to ask about it.

          "How did you damage it?", Lily asked Raven in a calm tone.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Medical Ward

            Raven looked at his arm and smirked a little. "Over heated it. You see my Nasod Arm here was modified to allow me to increase it's power by overheating it, but at the cost of damaging it as well as myself. Meaning I have to be careful with it. With my arms I can fire flames, fireballs, and even small short ranged missiles. Overheating it increases the power of my attacks greatly." Said Raven as he looked at Lily.

            "My arm is a powerful weapon which I do credit it for, but it has brought me nothing but pain. Both physical and emotional."


              Medical Ward

              Lily was curious about Raven's arm. It actually reminded her of Spartan-728's arm, only that it was a part of the suit and not a part of his body. She had heard of biometals, but never something on this level. Lily was hesitant to ask Raven about his past, due to the pain he said that his arm caused, but perhaps it would be good for him to share and open up.

              "What happened?", Lily asked him.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Medical Ward
                Raven sighed as he looked back to his arm.
                "Well you see...
                I was a fellow commoner from the Kingdom of Velder, I rejected the idea of nobles and aristocrats. However, I was still proud of my kingdom, and thus worked hard to become the Captain of the Crow Mercenary Knights. Being a commoner in such a high-ranking position, caused jealousy among the nobles. It was just a matter of time before I was framed and sentenced to prison. My friends, comrades, and fiancée rescued me and hid within the forest in the outskirts of Velder.

                However it did not take long before we were all surrounded by Velder soldiers and slaughtered one by one. Everything that I cared for and loved... was stripped away from me, right before my very eyes. I just stood there and stared at all the dead bodies around me as I slowly took what would have been my last few breaths... but that's when he appeared... a large Nasod being appeared and offered me a contract, for rebirth and power. I was promised that if I accepted that I would be able to conquer Velder and avenge my fallen men... Unfortunately I made the foolish decision to accept his offer.

                After god knows how long I woke up in a capsule with devices attached to me, as well as this arm made from Nasod technology. I became the leader of the Velder Rebellion and blindly fought to destroy the kingdom I once protected... but soon I realized my mistake when I was defeated by a young boy named Elsword, a young female mage named Aisha, and a female Elf Ranger named Rena. I then joined their party after that and continued to fight in honor of my fellow Crow Mercenaries that were killed.

                Since then I fought for the good of the land. To protect it, and to keep the name of the Crow Mercenaries alive... I still do... even to this day. Though now I work for you guys, that is until I find out where my friends are. Once I do that I will be leaving this place to look for them." Said Raven as he looks at Lily.

                "Well that's my story."


                  Medical Ward

                  Hearing Raven's story saddened her. Losing one's family was perhaps the worst fate to suffer through and not only that, but to have that much guilt must be hard.

                  "Well know that you always have family here. You may not be a Spartan, but you proved today that you have just as much courage as any one of us. If you want, I can organize a search for your friends and see if they made it to this world. Would you like that?", Lily asked.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Medical Ward

                    Raven looked at her with a look of slightly cheery look on his face. It was obvious that made him feel slightly better. For the first time since he met his Elsword and the others he felt like he actually found a place where he belonged. "Thanks... that means quite a lot..." Replied Raven as perks up a bit even more.

                    "I would appreciate it if you did that." Said Raven as he smiles. He then takes out another vile of the same red liquid. He then tosses it to the Lily. "Drink it, you should feel better even if not by much."


                      Medical Ward

                      Lily smiled at the gesture and handed Raven the Biofoam canister.

                      "And here's some Biofoam. It stings a lot at first, but you'll feel much better afterwards.", Lily said as she opened the vial and drank from it.

                      As soon as she downed the drink, she began to have a coughing fit and put her palm to her mouth.

                      "You weren't lying when you said it tasted bad. This tastes like cherry flavored sewage.", Lily said at she gave a disgusted look at the vial.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Medical Ward

                        Raven took the biofoam canister and looked at it. "You know if I had an Orb of Light on me we wouldn't be needing this stuff." Said Raven as he took the Biofoam, injecting it into some of his wounds. Most notably the wound on the side of his waist. As his wound fills with biofoam he clenched his fist. "Sure does sting I'll tell you that..." However as he finished sealing the wound with the biofoam he felt the area around the wound, and the wound itself start to numb. "Damn, can't feel a thing now. I wish I had this Biofoam stuff where I come from. It would have saved countless lives." Said Raven as he looks at Lily.

                        "Tell me about it. Those healing potions sure taste awful. You should see the Honey Potions they had in Bethma and Elder Village. Tasted like Honey, and did a hell of a better job." He said as he lets out a little chuckle.


                          Medical Ward

                          "Yea? Biofoam is actually two compounds that mix together once inside of a wound. Once they react with one another, they expand and turn into that foam. The stinging sensation is actually a mixture of disinfectant and Morphine. The disinfectant sterilizes the wound, while the Morphine stops the pain. Anyways, as the foam expands, it seals wounds and stops bloodloss, allowing a person to survive even the deadliest injuries for a couple of hours. Not only that, but the foam comes with stem cells that quickly replace the damaged ones, allowing the injuries to heal while the person continues fighting. It's from a game called Halo, but I'm pretty sure you already have a rough idea on what Halo is, right?", Lily asked Raven.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Medical Ward

                            "Ah well that makes sense." Said Raven as he stands up. Already his body was feeling somewhat better. Besides he had suffered similar pain several times before.

                            He turned to Lily as he twirled the Biofoam in his hand. "A game about an army with super soldiers fighting against an an army of different alien races looking for weapons that could destroy a entire galaxy? Yea I know, I seen a few people playing the games here on there down time." Said Raven as he stretches slightly. He looks at his arm and sighs. "Need to get this thing repaired." He said as he tries moving the fingers on his Nasod Arm, but due to the damage they won't even budge.


                              Medical Ward

                              Lily looked at the arm and went deep into thought.

                              After only a split second, Lily spoke again.

                              "You know, you have done a lot for us, so much that you even risked your life to protect Halsey. I think that if you asked, you could probably get your arm fixed, and maybe even have it upgraded so that it doesn't break as easily next time.", Lily said as she stood up with him.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Medical Ward

                                Raven thought about the offer for a second and nodded his head. "That sounds like it would be a rather good idea. Though it might be hard due to the components used to make this. Though from what I've seen the people here might actually be capable of doing it. It would also be great if they do manage to upgrade it. Being able to use the overheat function and have a lesser drawback would be wonderful." Said Raven as he goes to look for someone to repair his arm. "Oh and thanks for the Biofoam."

