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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Ancient City

    "I'll let ya off easy for now." Suika cracked through the ground. An earthquake happened, and a large chunk of boulder was uprooted by Suika's left hand.

    "3 tons!" Suika tossed the boulder at Guts Man.


      Ancient City

      Guts Man was impressed by the Oni's strength. "Impressive... good thing Wily upgraded my strength!" He said as he caught the boulder with both hands and crushed it with relative ease.
      "My turn now!" He said as he stomped on the ground, causing a large crack in the ground beneath him to form. He then grabbed a large boulder from the ground roughly twice the size of the one that Suika lifted.

      "8 tons!" He said as he chucked it towards Suika.

      Meanwhile just outside of the city.

      Zero was sitting on a rock overlooking the city. He preferred to be alone like this usually... just being by himself... letting his own thoughts race through his head as he watched over the city. Everyone was enjoying themselves... yet Zero... is a robot that never wants to enjoy himself through partying and such. He'd rather find enjoyment through combat... through training... through being alone...

      The only two people he ever did wish to spend time with was Iris... and Nitori...


        Ancient City

        John looked at the sake and the bowl. It was unusual to John, seeing a drink served in a bowl. Of course, despite that, John simply dismissed it and took a small sip anyway. John was pleasantly surprised by the somewhat sweet taste of the sake as it left the bowl.

        (Hmm. I've never actually drank anything like this before, but this is actually not that bad.), John thought as he took a moment to look at the liquid inside the bowl.

        John then drank the sake again, only this time he drank more than just a sip. John placed the bowl down on the table and had a slightly surprised, yet satisfied look on his face. John was a little bit nervous about being in a crowded, chaotic setting, but he was still happy. The world was saved, everyone was happy, and Yukari was alive. Thinking about Yukari, John realized that they cared so much for each other, yet they knew little except for what they had shown in the past week or two. It didn't bother John, but he was curious about Yukari and her past. To John, one's past was one of the many things that helped shape a person. It was the story of one's life and how it affected them.

        "Hey Yukari? This might be pretty out of the blue, but could you tell me about your past? I'm just curious. I could also tell you about mine if you want.", John said to Yukari in a calm, relaxed tone.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Ancient City

          "I actually wonder..." Parsee sighed. "If... I will ever be loved again. Ya know, by the overworld."

          "Alright!" Suika spun her fist around. The boulder seemed to have been sucked into a vortex a it gathered to the spinning fist. She then tossed it in the air towards Guts Man, shouting: "Take it back, double the weight!"

          "Oh, that's right." Yuugi, observing the match, nodded as she sipped on her dish. "Suika can just make things denser and denser."

          "My past...?" Yukari looked away, gazing at the rock formation on the ceiling. "It is of filth and betrayal that must never be known."

          "...good day."

          Approaching Zero, Lady Samehana, the lady Kappa that was acquainted with Nitori, greeted.

          "Aren't you joining? Your folks seems to be enjoying the party the most."
          Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 10-29-2013, 02:00 AM.


            Ancient City

            Guts Man caught the boulder. He struggled to lift it at first, but after a few seconds he lifted it above his head with one hand. "Wow I thought I never would have needed to go into OverDrive!" He said as he winded up a pitch. "Go long!" He said as he was ready to toss the large boulder back to Suika.


            Zero did not turn to Lady Samehana, nor Nitori.
            "No... I'm not the kind of guy who enjoys parties..." He said in a calm and quiet tone as he watched everyone down below.
            Last edited by NeoFox; 10-29-2013, 02:10 AM.


              Ancient City

              "Wouldn´t that be like cheating? but yeah things are always high in this land" Nera said after taking another sip from her bowl

              Meanwhile at the far side, Renamon closed her eyes "Just look at this place, people from both the underworld and overworld are enjoying their time and don´t care from where they are, besides there could be someone who you might want to see, isn´t it?" she said to Parcee
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                Ancient City

                "Is it really that bad? We all have a rough past, so you don't have to worry about it bothering me.", John calmly said to Yukari.

                John didn't want to make Yukari feel uncomfortable, or as if she was being forced to reveal her past, so he decided to offer to go first.

                "... I could go first if you want.", John said.
                Last edited by S121; 10-29-2013, 02:13 AM.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Ancient City

                  "Oh jeez-" Suika caught the boulder with both hands, and increased the density again-

                  "Alright, enough kiddos." Yuugi intervened, stopping the 32 ton boulder from reaching Guts Man with her index finger. "Don't go breaking people's bones with this.

                  Yuugi added her middle finger to the boulder, and the chunk of rock crumbled.

                  "Haha, as expected of Yuugi-aruyo ne." Suika laughed.

                  "You want me to keep you company?" Nitori asked Zero.

                  "...I guess you wouldn't be enraged into insanity if I showed you my history..." Yukari smiled. An exorcism amulet, similar to what Reimu uses, began to burn brightly from Yukari's chest.

                  "Yukari's Past - Boundary of Past and Future."


                  Yukari's Past - {GAP'D} years ago

                  "Show no mercy!"

                  "Youkai! Kill it!"

                  "Attack all Humans!"

                  Yukari came into being in the midst of a giant war between humankind and Youkai. As her ability was given to her from birth, the Youkais expected Yukari to unconditionally side with the Youkais to exterminate all human from this world. But...

                  "This is wrong." Yukari announced. "If we kill off the humans altogether, we will not be able to survive ourselves."

                  Yukari was heavily beaten and harassed by other Youkais for sympathizing with their enemies. She had to kill to survive: humans, Youkais, anyone that came within her vicinity fell to her omnipotent power. Everyday, her hands, eyes, and legs were covered in blood of her own kind and the antagonistic humans. She could not sleep, for letting herself be caught off guard meant instant death. Youkais may not die a natural death, but when they take a fatal damage, they perish. To prevent this from happening to herself, Yukari had to wander the provinces of Japan, each time killing more and more and more...

                  "My past is nothing more than a genocider." Yukari stared at her hands, the same hands used to annihilate her own kinsmen. "I'm sure you understand what it means to kill to live."


                    Ancient City

                    Guts Man was about to brace himself for the impact when Yuugi stopped the boulder in it's tracks.

                    "I'm glad you stopped that!" He said as he patted Yuugi on the back. "I can only carry a total of 30 tons! My body would start to crumble under the weight of that thing!" He said as he lifted both Yuugi and Suika. "How about I treat ya both to anything ya want tonight?" He said in quite the happy tone.


                    The towering Frost Man was busy creating a small snowy field for him and the ice elemental Robot Masters. "Frost Man like freeze! Frost Man create giant snow man!" He said as he jumped into the large pile of snow he created.


                    Zero paused for a moment as he scooted over for Nitori. "Sure... I don't mind..." He said... his voice sounding somewhat sad... yet happy at the same time.


                      Ancient City

                      John felt kind of bad for bringing up a painful part of Yukari's past. Seeing her beaten made John feel slightly angry at those who did it. He knew that in the past, Youkai were hostile to humans while humans were hostile to Youkai, but that did not mean that they couldn't get along. Yukari was attacked for something she believed in, then had to kill to survive.

                      "Yea... I understand.", John said to Yukari.

                      Seeing how Yukari was staring at her hands, John could see that he may have touched on a sensitive topic, so he tried his best to comfort her. John was not used to comforting someone, but what he believed would work was if looked looked into the person's eyes and said what he believed was true. When one looks into another's eyes, it shows that you are sincere in what you say, whether it's serious, or otherwise.

                      "We all do things that we question. Some of the things we do, we regret, while with others, we feel guilt. Despite all that we've done, what matters most is who we are now, and right now, you are one of the greatest people I know. You saved me on multiple occasions and in more ways than one. Heck, you sacrificed your own life to save the world, the entire planet and everyone on it. If that doesn't show how much of a good person you are, then I don't know what does.", John said to Yukari in a caring tone as he turned to look at her.
                      Last edited by S121; 10-29-2013, 03:49 AM.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Meanwhile, there Gerard was, sitting alone... With 5 shoot glasses.

                        "... May I have another sake please?"

                        Despite the amount of sake he drank, he was still sober, rather sad. He tried to keep a smile. His helmet was on the chair next to him, his hair rather disheveled. Of one were to cut his hair, he would look almost exactly like HM.


                          Ancient city

                          The fox looked at the drinking buddies of the jackal and one honred blonde "Well I´ll be damn, Nera just found the perfect match for drinking contests" she said as the bowls and glasses were becoming a small mountain at the side of the jackal
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                            A corridor opened as everyone was playing and out stepped Another and a new person. "Now I might not be a divinity, but I do hold one of the most powerful wapons that exsist. In addition to that I also have Kingdom Hearts that will be floating around th earth in about a months time. Thinking about all of that you don't really have any reason to exclude me. Now as for the game, I'm not that much of a player, that's why I brough one of my old friends Luxord". Another and Luxord each too a seat by the table. "So, what are we playing?"
                            Born in the light.
                            Molded in the dark

                            Never Forget,
                            Keep Fighting.
                            –Don't Forget.
                            Always, somewhere,
                            someone is fighting for you.
                            –As long as you remember her,
                            you are not alone.


                              Ancient City

                              After a couple minutes of searching, Six still couldn't find John. It was beginning to aggravate Six. The longer he spent trying to find John, the less time Six would have to relax and enjoy the party. Six decided to perform one more sweep of the area with his gaze, hoping to find John. Again, Six was met with failure, annoying him further, but he did see Gerard. Gerard seemed to be alone with five empty shot glasses and his helmet on the adjacent chair. Six couldn't see Gerard's face, but he seemed to be depressed about something. He was drowning his sorrows with alcohol.

                              (Agh, I'll find John later. I should go see what Gerard is up to.), Six thought as he walked towards Gerard.

                              "Hey Gerard, are you feeling alright?", Six asked Gerard as he sat in the chair next to him.

                              Six was a little bit surprised the chairs were able to support his weight, but then again, these chairs must have been built to take punishment from Oni.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                The Inventory

                                "Oh, the wrist thingy." Koishi rubbed her eyes for a moment. "What about it?"

                                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.

