I had no intention of leaving the RP group, I was just going to prevent myself from bothering any other aspect of the community as I felt absolutely useless to it. On any other front I've been a liability so I just said "Ok time to fall on the sword and put the rest of the world at peace once I'm gone."
Of course, my key weakness is that I...literally..."beat myself up" (more mentally than anything.) which turns into a landside because I never forgive myself whenever I screw up and expect the rest of the world to help add to it.
I had no intention of leaving the RP group, I was just going to prevent myself from bothering any other aspect of the community as I felt absolutely useless to it. On any other front I've been a liability so I just said "Ok time to fall on the sword and put the rest of the world at peace once I'm gone."
Of course, my key weakness is that I...literally..."beat myself up" (more mentally than anything.) which turns into a landside because I never forgive myself whenever I screw up and expect the rest of the world to help add to it.