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[IC Board] All the World's a Game - Season II

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    Banished Library - Gensokyo | Day

    After a moment, John's armor eased out of it's lockdown and John was able to get up off the ground. John's shields were temporarily down and gave a slight gold crackle, but his armor would suffice in protecting him. His shields would be up within a couple seconds anyway. As John turned his head towards the fight, he could see that Patchouli was preparing for some kind of powerful attack. Not only that, but Renamon was beginning to wear down as well. If the battle ever became any worse than it already was, Renamon had to be in better condition. With this in mind, John quickly walked over to her and spoke.

    "Need any energy?", John asked Renamon as his shields crackled back to life and charged.

    Cradle | Day

    Takoizu was glad to hear that they could skip the first tier, but she knew that the creatures would only get more dangerous. She wouldn't be able to use gaps, but at least she still had all her other abilities. In the end, that's all she needed to get through what lied ahead.

    "That sounds good. Let's skip the first one.", Takoizu calmly said to The Higher Power as she put on her helmet and readied herself for what waited beyond the elevators.

    London - City Streets| Dawn

    Lily lightly frowned at the broken ribs, but she could easily treat them. Luckily for Raven, they were only fractured, which made Lily's job easier. After taking a minute to pull out a Biofoam injector, Lily injected the solution into Raven's body, then waited as the Biofoam took affect, numbing the wound and accelerating the healing process.

    Meanwhile, Daniel quickly walked over to where Valak disappeared and began to investigate for any traces of evidence.

    While that was happening, Jack looked away from Lily and the others, relieved that they were alright. Of course, Jack then looked over to Elsword, and if Elsword could see through the visor with the skull scratched into it, he would have been able to see a cold fury in Jack's eyes. After a moment, Jack put away his katanas and began to walk toward Elsword.
    Last edited by S121; 01-30-2014, 07:38 PM.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Banished Library - Gensokyo

      The light faded, and the risen dusts that blocked the visions cleared out. What happened, and where were Elios and Patchouli?

      Elios was not standing where he was the entire firefight. Instead, he was pinned on the wall on the other side by a monster with stone flesh and huge gauntlet-like arms. Five little crystals were glowing from the monster's gauntlet-hands, relatively slender legs, and its' heart.

      What about Patchouli?

      She wasn't standing on where she was standing on either...

      But she was missing.


        Banished Library - Gensokyo | Day

        Before John could get an answer from Renamon, a bright light flashed then faded. As the smoke cleared, John saw the scene before him, how Elios was pinned against a wall and how Patchouli was nowhere to be seen. Instead, there was a monster of some kind, pinning Elios. John had no idea what was going on at first, but he had his suspicions. Could that monster be Patchouli? It was entirely possible, especially considering the nature of magic. Perhaps she transformed herself. Either way, the creature was fighting Elios, giving him enough time to help Renamon recover.

        (Is that Patchouli?), John thought as he stared at the monster, still waiting for a reply from Renamon.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Banished Library"

          Renamon got up and declined the spartan´s offer "Im ok John, its better you use that energy for the battle" she said taking her estus flask, but sighed sensing no trace of Patchouli. Putting the flask on its back, the fox tried focus on her digivice and was debating to use her last object in her backpack

          "Let me help you with that" Nera spoke putting her paw on the small machine and poured enough energy to recover the vixen with the cost of her megaform

          the beast duo looked at each other, having the same energy reserves, injured both external and internally and exhausted, yet they were smiling and nodded"John,, remember what I asked you about getting the book and running? im serious about it, the moment you get it, do everything in your power to save Yuuka" Renamon said bandaging her injuries as Nera put a sling on her arm

          "I can sense Patchouli, but I think she is that creature." the lucario guessed and had an idea
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



            London - City Streets| Dawn

            Chung was continuing to examine the area, checking for anymore demons... when he saw Jack heading towards Elsword who was still trying to recover from the attack.

            "Oh no... this is bad... I know Elsword, and I sort of know Jack... I have a feeling that Elsword is going to get a little more than a scolding..." Chung said to himself, he grabbed his Destroyer and held it tightly. Just in case he has to intervene... something he wishes he won't have to do...


            Eve was still gliding towards the location of the others... Her sensors detecting several life forms.

            "Six life forms detected... Dark El energy drawing near... Dark El Energy is fading... Must eliminate all Dark El..." She said as she sped up her gliding a bit.



              "Okay then." HP pulled off a panel on the elevator they were standing on, and sparked some wires. A safety barrier rose around the two, and the elevator lowered into the Clockworks. Gears the size of towns could be seen turning in the background, along with many different colours, signifying different sections of the clockworks. The Higher Power got up and looked over the railing.

              "Grand, ain't it? It's like this everywhere under the surface of the planet, and goes down 'till the core." HP said.

              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                Banished Library - Gensokyo | Dusk

                John was a little confused why Renamon declined his offer, considering that his suit had a rapidly regenerating power system. Bot Renamon and Nera were injured and exhausted, and the last thing he wanted was for them to be at a disadvantage with their injuries. Renamon had a point with the book, but he was not about to leave them, not in their present condition. At the vary least, he could give Renamon the energy she desperately needed.

                "Renamon, I'll get the book, but not before giving you energy. I don't need the energy, it will come back within seconds. I won't be the one fighting, you will. You and Nera will need it much more than I do. Can I see your digivice?", John said as he held out his hand for Renamon's digivice.

                City Streets - London | Dawn

                As Jack approached Elsword he quickly leaned down, grabbed Elsword by the shirt, and lifted him to Jack's eye level, bringing him face-to-face with the ghastly skull engraved on Jack's helmet.

                "What is your major malfunction!? Do you realize you could have gotten your team killed!?", Jack asked Elsword in an angry tone, a vast change from the cold, unfeeling demeanor he usually had.

                Cradle | Night

                Takoizu looked out the elevator and marveled at the colossal machine they were inside. to think that an entire planet was just a giant machine was astonishing, even if she heard of such things in stories. The entire weight of the planet had to be astronomical, at least three times more massive than Earth, based on Cradle's size and what it was composed of. After The Higher Power spoke, Takoizu looked over to him and asked him a question.

                "Do you suppose there's a power core at the center of the planet?", Takoizu asked, curious about the planet's makeup.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  City Streets - London | Dawn

                  Elsword looked at Jack with a scowl in return, but Elsword was to injured from the fight. "I-I c-can't... let my s-sister d-down!" He said as he grabbed Jack's wrist. It was like Elsword was talking about something completely different than what was currently going on. "I-I h-hate to f-feel useless... I-I..." He said as he saw in the distance a glowing blue light heading towards them.

                  Chung saw the light in the distance and his attention was completely drawn to it. "What the hell is that?" Chung asked as the light drew near...


                    City Streets - London | Dawn

                    Jack didn't know the whole story of what Elsword was talking about, but from what he could tell, Elsword tried to prove that he wasn't weak, to somehow impress his sister, even though she wasn't here. In the end, Jack still considered Elsword's actions to be reckless and negligent. In Jack's eyes, he endangered the lives of his team.

                    "That's no excuse! You were reckless and not only put yourself in danger, but those around you as well, your friends!", Jack angrily said, but stopped speaking when he saw a blue light being reflected off Elsword's eyes.

                    Upon seeing that, Jack looked behind him with Elsword still suspended in the air. Reacting quickly, Jack pulled out his M6D Mark X with his free hand and kept it at his side. For all he knew, this unidentified person could be another threat.

                    Right as soon as Lily finished treating Raven, she heard Chung speak.

                    "What the hell is that?"

                    Lily looked over to what Chung was talking about and saw the bright light. Reacting on instinct, Lily reached for her gun and held it at the ready, just in case this new arrival was a threat.

                    Meanwhile, Daniel's attention was soon taken from investigating the area as a glowing blue light approached them. Daniel put his hands on his fully automatic .50 caliber pistols and waited, just in case.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                      "Well, not just any power core." HP said. "Again, you''ll see."

                      Eventually the light dimmed and a mist began to surround the elevator. Eventually, it settled down at a somewhat unsettling place. The floors were of dull gray brick, and a huge guard with a horse head helmet stood nex to the elevator, standing clear over both Takoizu and HP. Braziers were lit and emitted a light, bright, purple light.

                      "Ah, here we are, Moorcroft Manor." HP said.

                      Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                      You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                        City Streets - London | Dawn

                        As the bright blue light finally arrived the light dispersed, revealing what looked to be a young woman in a black suit, black wing like objects on her back, orange eyes, long white hair, and a blue lens on her forehead.

                        Chung stood up and backed away slowly. Not in fear, but in... awe.

                        "N-No way... i-it can't be... i-it's..." Chung stuttered as Raven slowly became conscious.

                        Raven who's vision was still blurry looked at the figure... "I-Is that... Eve?..." He said in a weak tone as he closed his eyes again. A minute later he shot back up, and thanks to the biofoam he wasn't feeling any pain. "Eve!?" He yelled as he looked at her.

                        Eve continued to scan the area as she saw Jack holding Elsword by the shirt. She then saw the gun Jack was holding a gun in his free hand. "Firearm detected. Possible threat Identified... Elsword... injuries severe... Elsword does not appear to be conscious..." She said in a somewhat robotic tone. It was like she was scanning the Jack, and Elsword.

                        When she said that Elsword was not conscious it was quite odd... Elsword was obviously conscious in Jack's hands... maybe he was in some sort of trance.

                        "Dark El energy detected. The energy reading is faint... I was late it seems..." She said in a more... normal tone.

                        She then turned to Elsword and Jack, and quickly materialized a Nasod Rocket Launcher and aimed it at Jack. "Please specify why you are holding Elsword... if you do not comply I will fire..."


                          Voile Library - Gensokyo

                          Koakuma woke up from her siesta.

                          The Voile Library was always silent, with only the sound of pages turning faintly echoing across her sensitive demon ears. And that was the case. Hearing the slight sound of the books turning, even though Patchouli, her mistress, was absent. Curious, Koakuma alerted the fairy guards to watch out in case the situation got hostile and went to the approximate location where Jack was reading.

                          Banished Gensokyo


                          A blast erupted from the monster's face. Groaning and grunting in a deep voice, the monster let go of Elios, who gasped for air but regained his composure and fired an array of Flante missiles. Blue energy swirled from the ceiling towards Elios, giving him incredible amount of mana. In a minute, his mana pool would be full and the entire team will have to blast through his magic barrier again.

                          "There must be something up there that's giving that man energy to cast infinite amount of spells." Annie observed pointed up. "If it is what I think it is, I can destroy it... But I need a lift."


                            banished library

                            renamon nodded and handed the spartan jer digivice"Carefull with it, that thing sucks energy at nonstop way" she warned him
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                              Banished Library - Gensokyo | Dusk

                              "Understood.", John said to Renamon, glad that she allowed him to help.

                              After being handed the Digivice, John clasped the digivice in his palm and placed his other hand on top of it as well. After that, John allowed the suit's electrical energy to flow into armored his palms and into the digivice. John's shileds broke and began to crackle gold, but he still kept his hand on the digivice. Thankfully, John's reactor was powerful enough to power a small city, so his suit was not being overburdened by charging Renamon's digivice. Even if it did become overburdened, the power in John's suit would quickly regenerate back to its maximum output. After about half a minute, John cut off the flow between his suit and the digivice and handed it back to Renamon.

                              "This should be enough power to let you transform many times over. You won't need to charge for a while.", John said to Reanmon as he handed it back.

                              Just then, John heard Annie speak about needing a lift. Reacting quickly, John ran over to Annie and offered his help before he would get the book.

                              "I'll give you a lift. We'll fly up there.", John said to Annie as he held out his hand for her to grab.

                              City Streets - London | Dawn

                              Jack was a little surprised to see another of Elsweord's friends in London. If Jack didn't know any better, it seemed that this place was where most of them appeared. As for Eve, she was holding a rocket launcher at him, causing Jack to lightly tilt his head to the side in confusion. If she wanted to protect Elsword, then why would she hold a rocket launcher at him?

                              "I assume you are one of Elsword's friends.", Jack said to Eve.

                              "I was chewing out Elsword because he could have killed everyone here. He was reckless and endangered his teammates' lives, so now I'm angry at him.", Jack said to Eve in an almost emotionless tone, save for the barely noticeable tinge of anger in his voice.

                              Lily and Daniel watched as the conversation between Jack and Eve unfolded. Hopefully, everything turned out alright.


                              Takoizu looked up at the strange manor. Instead of the grand estate she was expecting, it looked more like a hotel. Despite the difference between the building's name and its appearance, Takoizu paid no mind. After all, they were here to get to the core.

                              "What should we expect when we go in there?", Takoizu calmly asked The Higher Power.
                              Last edited by S121; 01-30-2014, 10:03 PM.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Banished Library - Gensokyo

                                "Right, let's go." Annie said, grasping John's hand. "Tibbers, stay here and help that... Monster... Thing."

                                Tibbers, the giant flaming teddy bear that was a head and a half taller than John, grunted happily and joined the brawl.

