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[IC Board] All the World's a Game - Season II

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    Kawashiro Residency - Kappa Village - Gensokyo

    "Hmm... I wish I didn't lend my Heber machine to the Surigawa family now..." Mitori frowned when she heard the request. "How large is the plane, anyway?"


      Henir's Time and Space

      Jack bent his knees to absorb the shaking. He didn't even turn his head to look up at Meta-Ridley. That's when he pulled out a rocket launcher with one hand. It seemed that much like a game character, he had the inventory effect. He pointed it at Meta-Ridley's mouth.

      "Not a very smart move. You could... Choke on something!"

      He fired the rocket straight to Meta-Ridley's face. Then, he began to take off, hoping Meta-Ridley would follow in rage.


        Betwixt and Between

        "This place creeps me out." Utsuho said in a tiny voice. "Do you hear me...? I said-"

        "I heard you the millionth times already, shut up!" Reimu, obviously irritated, barked at Utsuho, who cowered and covered herself with her wings. "Jeez... how long do we have to walk? This particular portal seems a lot longer than usual..."

        Then there were the Nobodies, suddenly rising from the "ground", one by one, until their numbers became too numerous to count. They had definite shape: a deformed white humanoid figure, but they also felt like nothing... nothing at all.

        "What's this...?" Reimu, sensing danger with her godlike intuition, pulled out some homing amulets from her sleeves. "Everyone, defensive formation."

        "You don't have to tell me twice." Utsuho readied her cannon: even in the darkness, her nuclear power will be a devastating boon for them.
        Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 02-11-2015, 04:24 AM.


          Kawashiro Residency - Kappa Village - Gensokyo

          Tails looked at Mitori as he thought for a moment. "Well it shouldn't bee too big now. It is about as large as a standard automobile... In other words it is about as large as a car. It originally belonged to my friend Sonic, but after I became good friends with him I began to tinker with it. Modified it over the years with some light armor plating, high powered turbine engines, and many other minor upgrades here and there. It is just large enough for about three people with a height of 4 ft and smaller. Anyone taller than about 4 ft 2 would feel well... kind of cramped. It is not that big, but it is definitely too big for me to carry myself. So if you by any chance have any sort of way to get the wreckage of it up here to a garage of some kind or just to a safe place I can work on repairing it." Tails spoke in that same mature, and even intelligent tone as before. Showing that he does know what he is talking about.

          "But I can easily wait until tomorrow. I'm sure Sonic can take care of himself here in Gensokyo for a night or two."

          Henir's Time and Space

          As the Rocket was fired, and detonated inside Meta-Ridley's mouth the robotic dragon roared in pain as it backed up to the edge of the platform. After it roared in pain it quickly lowered its head and gave Jack an soul-piercing glare, that only the strongest, and bravest of warriors would be able to stand. Though to Jack, all he has been through a simple death glare like the one Ridley is giving him would be nothing. Either way Meta-Ridley was harmed, he took visible damage in the form that the explosion had made a very small crack in the top of his skull where his forehead would be.

          Meta-Ridley then took off into the air once more, this time he began flying down at Jack at near supersonic speeds, Ridley's arms and in turn claws out stretched to cover a wider radius. Meta Ridley was trying to grab Jack.


            Kawashiro Residency - Kappa Village - Gensokyo

            "Oh, then my old Wessenberg model can easily lift it up." Mitori said as she opened the door and left. "Let's see... it should be out in the backyard somewhere... It's gonna be a pain trying to find it."
            Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 02-11-2015, 04:23 AM.


              Betwixt and Between (Corridor of Darkness)

              Right as soon as Mara announced that she was finished with the sled, John shouted out to her as his hands became flooded with Light and Darkness.

              "Get close to me, now!", John shouted out as the Light and Darkness in his hands became more intense.

              Fiendish City

              Takoizu was a little agitated that the sword did little to damage the crystal, so instead she yanked the sword out from the space between the Tortodrome and Crystal and pushed off the crystal with her leg, launching herself towards the Tortodrome's head. Right as soon as Takoizu landed right behind the Tortodrome's head, she stabbed down into the back of the Tortodrome's head as hard as she could.

              INV Flying Armory - Sky - Santa Cruz - California | Night

              The previous calm, happy look on Isaac's face was quickly replaced with a more serious, tense one. It was clear Isaac didn't like the situation they were currently in, but other than that, there was nothing else signifying what was going on inside Isaac's head.

              "Yea. Let's go.", Isaac said to Koishi as he stood on the transporter.

              London | Dawn

              The more and more, Eve and Aisha spoke, the less Jack knew. He could guess that Hamel was some sort of city in Eve and Aisha's game, but what about this "Ran"? Who was he? What was he?

              "Who's Ran?", Jack asked Eve in a calm, almost emotionless tone as he followed behind her.

              Doctor's Office - Infirmary - Prometheus Labs - London | Dawn

              "This will only take a couple seconds.", the SPARTAN doctor said as the device on the mechanical arm hummed to life and shined a holographic grid over Volgin's chest.

              As the machine began it's pre-op preparations, a small blue energy shield formed above the grid and floated in the air, ready too receive the device. Right after that happened, the device then fired a flat, orange beam onto the top of the grid on Volgin's chest, which then began to shift down to the bottom of the grid as it began to remove the device. If Volgin payed attention to his body, he would have felt a strange tingling sensation in his chest, almost as if the device in his chest was vibrating and disintegrating. Withing the span of only 15 seconds, the device began to rematerialize outside Volgin's body and floated within the energy shield floating above.

              "And finished. How are you feeling?", the SPARTAN doctor asked Volgin as the shield floated higher and higher, up until it nearly reached the device.
              Last edited by S121; 02-11-2015, 04:02 AM.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Myouren Temple - Gensokyo

                (OOC Note: The entire event of Myouren Temple actually happened a day before the RP started.)

                "Well, aren't you lucky." Kogasa said as she opened a door to find a clean, empty room with simple blanket and pillow. "We found a room. I hope you don't mind not having a lot of furnitures."


                  Myouren Temple - Gensokyo

                  Bang looked at the room, and at the blanket and pillow. He did not think lowly of this fact, as he had slept in many rooms similar to this one at many inns and hotels in his world. It was empty, but it was all that he needed. After all a true man knows how to make do with what is there for him, and Bang had experienced many such situations where all he was left with was a simple blanket, of which he had to use to sleep outside in the cold. Bang then turned to Kogasa and politely bowed. "I do not mind at all. I greatly appreciate the generosity that you, this temple, and Byakuren all share. I promise to make it up to you all..." Bang said as he looked back at the empty room with a warmhearted smile. He then looked at the open window and walked up to it, looking out at the bright, starlit sky. It looked like he was going into some sort of trance while looking at the night sky. "Oh the starlit sky... you remind me of my hometown of Ikaruga... the peaceful quiet nights... How do I miss you so... however I will not let the past grasp a hold of my situation. For I have a busy day tomorrow, and as such I shall get some re-" Bang was saying as he noticed several small stone gray balls fly in through the window, each one had what looked to be a lit fuse.

                  He looked at each one for a moment before he realized what they were. "Smoke bombs! Quick get down to the ground!" Bang yelled as suddenly each smoke bomb went off, quickly filling the entire room, and the hall outside the room with smoke. As this happened Bang remained as calm as can be as he closed his eyes trying to use his other senses to see what was going on. Just as he did he heard a small... sound of something flying through the air. Before he could even react to it he felt a sharp prick in the back of his neck. "Gah! It feels as though a mosquito had taken a bite out of me!" He said as he quickly reached to the back of his neck, only to feel what he had expected. A dart filled with some sort of... poison. "A poison dart... be careful, for we might... have some... assaaassinsssss..." Bang muttered as he began to slur his speech. The poison he was injected with was a temporary paralysis one. Suddenly within the smoke one could hear the sound of very faint footsteps if they could listen quite, as well as the faint rustling of... rope?

                  Just then the smoke began to clear, only to reveal three ninjas. One in green, one in red, and one in yellow. The red one was carrying a tied up Bang, who had a somewhat dopey expression on his face due to the paralysis toxin he was injected with. The other ones stopped as they looked at Kogasa. They all paused for a moment before the one dressed in red spoke up.

                  "Oh no we've been spotted! Quick, retreat!" The red Ninja Gosai spoke aloud as he quickly hopped out the window with a paralyzed Bang in hand, shortly after the other two ninjas began to run off. With Bang in two the three of them began to make a break for the woods with Bang.


                    Myouren Temple - Gensokyo

                    Kogasa tried to chase after, but the smoke bomb inhibited her sights as the three ninjas took Bang away. "Stop right there!" Kogasa shouted as she grabbed her umbrella-sheathe sword and chased after the ninjas towards the forest.


                      Myouren Temple - Gensokyo

                      The ninjas did not heed Kogasa's demand, and they continue to run into the forest, leaving little to no traces left as the ventured into the deep foliage. When they entered the forest it was like they completely disappeared, they were in their own playing field. Forests like those that they trained and fought in back when they were in their own world. They were easily hiding out of view of Kogasa thanks to their stealth training. Little to Kogasa's knowledge though the 3 Ninja's had set up many traps around the forest, most were well hidden, while others... were in plain sight. Like a log suspended in the air by ropes, and as soon as she would step forward on the trip wire on the ground the log would be released, and begin barreling down the hill toward her. However one trap that was not hidden was a pitfall trap, hidden near perfectly by leaves, grass, and dirt on top of a thin brown cloth sheet. The second she would step foot on the dirt, grass, and leaf covered cloth she would fall into a hole about 10 foot deep.


                        Forest near Human Village - Gensokyo

                        "What the-" Kogasa drew her sword: the thin sword blade reflecting the moonlight, and slashed the log trap apart in half. "Jeez, they had time to booby trap this forest? They must've been stalking that dude the whole time."

                        Kogasa took an oblivious step towards the pitfall. The cloth immediately gave way, plunging Kogasa down the pitfall. She landed with an unpleasant *crack*.

                        Safe Room - Bank of America - Manhattan

                        While Dust and the mechanic was fighting the crooks, I successfully managed to sneak into the safe room. It was only obvious that the leader of the robbers are in here, but it was proven to be factual when I found the bulletproof vest he was wearing on the ground.

                        I looked around to find the man. All these money... I wonder where it all gets used... this world's economy confuses me. In my world, money was just a currency to buy and sell. What else would you need to do with money? Why do the humans in this world find the need to establish buildings to store an unprecedented amount of money just to have them stolen-

                        "Don't move."

                        A man's voice was behind me. I felt the cold steel of the gun pointed point-blank at me. I took a peek to find the leader of the robbers, his head sweaty, with a pistol pointed at my head. I can easily dispatch him as long as I amass enough-

                        "I can feel you trying to gather your psychic energy." The man said. "I can feel it, you see. Superpowers, just like you characters. But I'm a human, a true being, unlike you phony, worthless bunch of 0s and 1s."

                        "What do you want?" I asked him. I could hear the man trying to press the trigger of his pistol. I didn't have enough psychic energy gathered to be able to fight back, so I let go of it. The energy dissipated, and I heard the trigger go back to normal.

                        "Wise move. As expected of a Gardevoir." The man said, his gun still pointed at my head. "Now, watch. Three, two, one..."
                        Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 02-11-2015, 04:23 AM.


                          Forest near Human Village - Gensokyo

                          As Kogasa fell in the whole, and a loud painful crack was heard the ninjas who were nearby could be heard whispering something.

                          "Wait she actually fell for it!?"

                          "Of course she did! It is my trap after all. Remember that one time back in Kagutsu-"

                          "Be quiet! We need to keep going and get the boss out of here! We did leave a first aid kit in that hole in case any of us had fell in remember? She can just use that to treat her wounds while we leave with Boss!"

                          "Okay!""Got it!" The ninjas spoke quietly as the sound of leaves rustling could be heard as they took off deeper into the forest.

                          Just as they said if Kogasa looked at one of the dirt walls, one could see a black hole. Inside it was a decently sized white plastic container with a red cross on the side. It was the first aid kit they talked about, and inside it was a splint, bandages, some syringes filled with some sort of poison antitode, anti-biotics, and a few other medical supplies.

                          Meanwhile in the distance however a loud crash, the sound of a rope snapping, and the sound of three men screaming.

                          The three ninjas fell for their own trap, a net trap that had snatched them off the ground. Now they are stuck in a net hanging off a sturdy tree branch. They had forgotten about the net trap that they had laid about nearby.

                          Streets of London - London

                          Nearby Jack, and the others the voice of a young boy could be heard.

                          "Oh what is it dear sister? Some sort of odd puddle with a blackish-purple coloring, emitting some sort of strange dark energy? Oh my that does sound intriguing. What do you suppose it is?"


                          "Hmm that is definitely odd. I wonder kind of energy it is, on top of that I wonder what created it."


                            Forest near Human Village - Gensokyo

                            "Dammit you crooks, get back here-" Kogasa, inside the hole, shouted at the three ninjas as she tried to stand up.

                            She couldn't.

                            Fearful of what happened, Kogasa turned around and saw that her right leg was bent in an angle that it shouldn't be bent to.

                            "It's okay... calm down... it's just a broken leg..." Kogasa breathed in and out to calm herself down and began to look around for anything she can use for tourniquet or splints. The month in Spain really taught her a lot of useful skills. She saw that there was a nice first aid kit with splints inside in the wall, pulled it out, and began fixing herself a splint on her right leg when...


                            The three ninjas shouting, ropes snapping, Kogasa could only guess that they fell to their own trap. "Looks like your plan backfired! Now, where's the guy you kidnapped? Tell me now before I call Hijiri over. You won't find that pleasant at all."
                            Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 02-11-2015, 04:23 AM.


                              Forest near Human Village - Gensokyo

                              As the ninjas were caught in their very own trap they began to struggle free.

                              At Kogasa's response the Ninjas called back out.

                              "We will not surrender!"

                              "We will save our Boss from being forced to work as your slave!"

                              "We will not give up when it comes to saving our boss!... Wait where is the Boss?"

                              The ninjas yelled in reply as they looked down at the ground. A still paralyzed Bang Shishigami was laying on the ground, unable to move his body at all.


                                Forest near Human Village - Gensokyo

                                "Slave? Boss? What are you talki-" Kogasa began, but a sudden sharp shock from her leg inhibited her speech, causing her to cry in pain. She grit her teeth and fixed her legs on the strain, her breathing heavy. "I swear (hah) you three are going to pay (hah) for this humiliation."

