SiMo tilted it's head a little at the sight of everyone zooming off. Humans were strange creatures, even with it's many years of service with them, confused it. It moved forward, gaining speed, each of his stilt-like legs barely impacting into the sand as it bounded with ever increasing speed, catching up quickly despite their head-start, until he overpowered Ethan, and the car was getting quite close, nearly side to side.
"That's quite rude, if I know human behavior correctly. Perhaps an apology would help." SiMo said, adjusting his voice to be heard over the car's engines. "Merely a suggestion, however."
SiMo tilted it's head a little at the sight of everyone zooming off. Humans were strange creatures, even with it's many years of service with them, confused it. It moved forward, gaining speed, each of his stilt-like legs barely impacting into the sand as it bounded with ever increasing speed, catching up quickly despite their head-start, until he overpowered Ethan, and the car was getting quite close, nearly side to side.
"That's quite rude, if I know human behavior correctly. Perhaps an apology would help." SiMo said, adjusting his voice to be heard over the car's engines. "Merely a suggestion, however."