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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Shards of Starlight - Part I

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    @ S121

    Aye, a bit I need to also focus a bit more on my homework and studies cause I got exams coming up here...
    And sleeping for 12 hrs through to 5 pm and thus missing all my classes ain't helpin. X.x;


      @ Everyone

      In the meantime...I'm thinking on utilizing my complete combat system I had developed for if I made the story into an turn-based RPG.
      Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-17-2013, 11:17 AM.


        I think that would be a bit jarring, and personally, boring.

        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


          @ Mima


          Though I would use it for battling against my characters specifically. The system I have wouldn't be too much of a hinderence, I would just have to work out some numbers and stats so as to fit the situation of the RP.

          Plus it would be for me to really balance out my more godly characters.


            I would think its ok to make it story based, an RPG themed battle is risky because lets say 2 characters are fighting and one of them takes too long like a day or two
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




              Perhaps if I only introduced the stat and calculation system so that later on in Part II where people choose what side to be on, we have something that keeps the perspective of who is truly a challenge and who you just don't f*ck with.

              Sorta like what I was doing with the ship's shields and attacks indexes, Except geared for characters and has a certain customization to it.

              Like I give certain stats and what they do and how each translates to moves and ultimately combat. This gives a structure where the capabilities of characters are in-line with the characters in my story and therefore creates balance. For Example, if Nero were to challenge for, some stupid reason, Mima to a fight right now we could look at the numbers and see how baka Nero really is for picking such a fight.

              It's sorta a guage more-or-less for everything. It wouldn't completely dictate the flow of battle, instead limit some aspects so that you just gotta think on what your character does and gives the probability of what bad things can befall your character.
              Because we all want the best for out characters...I'm no exception eventhoughIkillthemallattheend. It's to not only to limit me...(mostly to limit me...) but keeps everything in a nice neat line so that...we're all on the same playing field.

              You get what I'm trying to figure out here?
              I want for example, Anankerisa, to really be portrayed for what she is like a game. I words alone, perspective is lost to a degree. In games, using pokemon as an example since we're in that RP, you don't go walking up to a lvl 100 Charizard with a lvl 2 Magicarp.

              That's what I want to portray here. That "Osh*t..." mentality where you just picked the wrong battle.

              Of course literary devices remain where, like I have with Revere, the opponent can always stop after woopin ya good and leaving you to lick your wounds, as I like to call it.

              ....Am I delusional here?


                @ S121

                Oh and Did you recognize Aion's little trick on what he said?
                There's a reason I put it the way I did and it's not as simple as saying the same thing twice.



                  I have a feeling that John somehow broke a cycle that was supposed to happen, kind of like altering the timeline. John altered the infinite cycle of her dying at this point in time, sparing her life from the cycle.

                  Am I right?
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    @ S121


           something I never considered before and I should use that as a means to allude to the fact that this is the one time whn the cycle breaks...

                    ...I'll add that...

                    anyway I was actually refering to her emblem of her fighter ^^; Wow...suddenly I feel simple-minded with my own story o.o;
                    I was totally not expecting that response...and I like it.



                      I'm sorry, it's just that I was digging really deep for what you meant and came up with that answer. XD

                      Well, now there's an entirely new angle for the story. Who knows, they might not be able to save the entire galaxy, but they just might be able to save people from the destruction.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        @ S121

                        No, you didn't go too deep, you nailed it on the head and with something I never came up with it before.

                        And actually, I'm still toying with my multiple ending scenarios.

                        Scenario 1: Everyone dies within Venturia. The End. No possible sequel can occur Yet it still happens
                        Scenario 2: Aion fails and the cycle continues
                        Scenario 3: Aion succeeds but ends up dooming the Galaxy none-the-less and the cycle repeats
                        Scenario 4: Aion or Astraeus succeed w/o the other failing and yet the cycle repeats
                        Scenario 5: Anankerisa dies, killing the galaxy. Similar to Scenario 1
                        Scenario 6: A mysterious woman awakens...I'm still working on this scenario.



                          Something tells me you're going to be busy.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            I'm actually going to use any of the 6 for this RP. Depending upon what happens in Part II will determine what end we get.
                            In the end...we might wind up with one of the "game over" scenarios delicious tragedies...are delicious~<3

                            (Though...I did have something else...fufufufufu~)



                              Meh, if worst comes to worst, John could use his faulty Slipspace drive to escape the dimension before it's destroyed. (let's pray he doesn't get stuck in another universe, or repeat this cycle again...)
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Don't worry, In the end I did say this was the final time of the cycle

                                Yet the possibility of getting game over remains~


