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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Shards of Starlight - Part I

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    @ Book

    thanks for pointing that out =w= I thought I had it as unlisted...but it must nor have saved.

    Anyway what was it you wanted to do with Nhiome? We could work on getting him back to that course ya had planned.



      My original plan was for Nhiome to create his "second chance", but he can't right now considering he is deep underground away from his assets and the only one availible to him is damaged. Anyway, I have another idea, the shards of starlight, they use aura energy right? And are do the shards have any power/ability/use on their own? individually, without the other shards.
      How many times can you die a day~?
      How many times have you died a day~?


        @ Book

        The Shards of Starlight are Aura Crystals, yes. Except they don't draw their power from Aurora, instead they are their own source of the energy.
        Also, there's another aspect with the shards that I need to figure out 100% better than I currently have it, and that is having the Shards be sentient.

        The shards are currently dormant and thus are simple chunks of crystal. However, in your part, you have Dalia and the sword Arke. Thus the power should be able to be tapped into.

        Now for the power of the shards...I had this in my notes somewhere, but one shard alone with its full potential can destroy a continent with ease, and each shard increases the overall power.

        1 shard: continent
        2 shards: planet
        3 shards: solar system
        4 shards: 10 solar systems
        5 shards: 50 solar systems
        all 6 shards: A galaxy

        And I was thinking about having like some elemental with each type. i.e. the one in sol incineron would be of the fire elemental (Sorta like the medallions in LoZ: OoT [light, forest, fire, water, shadow, spirit])


          Well here's my app...


          Name: X (He no longer goes by his old name) this is just a code name that he was once given. After an incident involving the betrayal of his teammates he now goes by his code name in all situations.
          Old Name: Thomas (Last name unknown)

          Gender: Male

          Race: Cyborg

          Profession and/or Talents: X is a professional when it comes to combat. Whether it be at ranged combat, or up close and personal X is a very brutal opponent. Relying on stronger blows to take down opponents quickly. This is mostly due to the training he received.

          His armor which can be stored in a Digibag.

          A few crates of food reserves.

          A small radio like device used for communication in the case he never has his armor with him.

          Personality: He is somewhat cold, and even sounds a bit robotic when speaking. X is also an incredibly brutal fighter. He was and is still known for ripping out weaponry on machines and using those weapons against his opponent in the middle of a battle. He tends to talk in a monotone like voice, but when he is experiencing intense emotions he can be heard talking in a slightly more normal sounding voice. Before he started acting the way he does he was a rather normal, and even somewhat peaceful guy. However after an incident that involved the betrayal of his comrades, and being left for dead he grew to never trust anyone. You can still find him to trust you, but it is incredibly difficult to due to his past traumas. He could be considered insane, but most consider him near his breaking point. Despite all this he still has traces of his old kind and even peaceful self. Shown when he hesitates to fire his weapon at times. He also despises those who do not keep their word. As he now considers such things to be betrayal.

          Elemental preference: Light

          History: His life was filled with betrayal, and even being left for dead on several occasions. Due to this he had become cold, and even emotionless. He had left the previous organization he was with, and is now considered a lone wolf of sorts.

          Bio: Thomas was a rather young man at the age of 22. He once lived on the planet New Genesis within the Helios System. New Genesis was rather advanced, yet at the same time rather natural. There were 5 major cities on New Genesis. These cities were

          New Citadel: A Eutopia and the current largest city and the most advanced in the world! It is located up north. New Citadel is also separated from most of the world by the only ocean on the planet. The Grand Ocean.

          Old Citadel: An old worn down city located in the south of the world its almost as large as New Citadel but it looks all rusted with windows boarded up, Sheets hanging over doorways due to lack of doors in the city, buildings falling apart. Rumors say the old Prison, Hotel, and Apartment Complex are haunted! (though these rumors are not entirely true.)This is also a popular place for street gangs to hang out and there is also a black market hidden deep within some of the supposedly haunted places here.

          East Citadel: This town looks as if it has been untouched by time for a long time as all the houses are wood cabins and it has a quaint old town feel to it. It is hidden deep inside a rather large forest.

          West Citadel: A simple town not to large, not to small, calm and peaceful.

          Central Citadel: A standard and large city in the very middle of the four Citadel's on New Genesis. It is like West Citadel, but much much larger in size. In Central Citadel their is a rather advanced lab called New Point Labs.

          Aside from all that the planet is rather normal. There was one rather global law enforcement type organization called the Hunters. Thomas was a part of this organization, and was even at the top of his game. He was even capable of becoming part of the 21st Omega Unit, the highest ranking unit within the organization. The only thing that prevented him from proceeding through the ranks though was his attitude. He would rather try to negotiate, and would hesitate in battle.

          This all changed though, because on one mission within the Old Citadel his squad had gotten into a large firefight with a large gang called the Sigma Rebellion. This firefight went on for an entire day. Eventually the enemy backed down, and his squad one. However his teammates blamed him for hesitating in the battle. They had it with Thomas AKA X... they shot him... they beat him relentlessly... thanks to the fact that their data recorders on their suits were damaged they were able to get away with injuring their teammate. They claimed that X was severely injured and killed during the fight... however later that night a man who was passing by had found an injured Thomas. The man worked at New Point Labs back in Central Citadel. He had decided to take X and patch him back up. They replaced his arms and legs with robotic implants that increased his strength and speed exponentially. They even replaced a few of his bones, and They had also repaired his Hunter Armor. After this incident Thomas had became emotionless... he grew distant towards others... He had became an entirely different person. He is now almost robotic in terms of personality. Now he works on his own accord. He now goes by the name of X and only X... he left his past behind him... now he roams the Helios star system randomly in his single man space craft.

          His appearance in armor (he is almost never seen with it off.

          His armor is made out of a special metal called Ceratanium. It's similar in strength to titanium, but it's far more flexible. Capable of reforming after getting bent and such. It's also rather light weight. In this armor X is capable of breathing in space, because of the oxygen generator built into the helmet. It's main weapon is similar to a SMG in terms of fire rate except it fires concentrated aura energy (think the Plasma Rifles from Halo in terms of what the shots look like, but with higher fire rate)thanks to the Aura Lens, and he can even charge his weapon to fire an even larger more powerful short ranged blue burst of energy. His entire suit runs on crystals. He can't fire it for more than a minute before it automatically cools down. If he charges his weapon then it will go into automatic cooldown. The weapon is literally built into his suits arm. Aside from this his suit has several other functions.

          One of which is the "emergency acceleration system". This system is a series of 4 thrusters built into his armor. 1 located on each shoulder, and 1 on the bottom of each foot. The thrusters built into his shoulders are hidden by small panels. When he needs to he can activate the Emergency Acceleration System to perform a powerful dash in which he flies forward about 5 meters. He can also use it to increase the distance of his jumps by using it to propel himself into the air. His helmet has a built in HUD system that displays his armor's current status, compass, radar with a range of 7 meters, and the heat of his weapon. Letting him know when he has to let it cool down. His armor also has a built in Micro-Shield generator for the added protection.

          His armor can be stored within a Digibag. His entire suit is powered by several red crystals. 1 located on the forehead of his helmet, and one located in his weapon.

          His appearance without armor:

          Whenever he is seen outside of his armor he's usually wearing clothing as shown above.

          He also has a ship of his own which I'll post more info on later.
          Last edited by NeoFox; 11-04-2013, 07:06 AM.


            It's good.

            The only thing that'll be interesting is the fact I have an mercenary organization actually called the Hunters' Guild.
            ...and because I know what else would come up, there's two types of fighter pilots, Mavericks and Drones.

            And just FYI: The reason I have Mavericks is cause Manned Arial Vehicle (MAV which is a spin on UAV) so MAVerick

            So anyway, aside from those little fast facts, you're good to go. Have at it. Also if you need someone to act as a contact, I could send a Cicero your way.
            Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-04-2013, 05:50 AM.


              Okay. Thanks for those facts. The Hunters I mentioned in my app only work within the planet of New Genesis. Sort of like a law enforcement/planetary protection force.

              BTW X's ship:

              A rather decent sized spacecraft for a single person. It's basically a VTOL capable of going into deep space. It's large enough to have a single bathroom, a single bedroom, and a small kitchen of sorts aside from the cockpit.

              Currently it is drifting within space between New Genesis, and Duon/ Dua.

              I also didn't specify how much stronger and faster he is. With his new bionic parts he's capable of sprinting at a speed similar to John, as well as having similar physical strength. Though he isn't capable of the same feats as John.

              If you want I could post more about X's suit.

              EDIT: I will in fact post more on X's suit:

              His armor is made out of a special metal called Ceratanium. It's similar in strength to titanium, but it's far more flexible. Capable of reforming after getting bent and such. It's also rather light weight. In this armor X is capable of breathing in space, because of the oxygen generator built into the helmet. It's main weapon is similar to a SMG in terms of fire rate except it fires concentrated aura energy (think the Plasma Rifles from Halo in terms of what the shots look like, but with higher fire rate)thanks to the Aura Lens, and he can even charge his weapon to fire an even larger more powerful short ranged blue burst of energy. His entire suit runs on crystals. He can't fire it for more than a minute before it automatically cools down. If he charges his weapon then it will go into automatic cooldown. The weapon is literally built into his suits arm. Aside from this his suit has several other functions.

              One of which is the "emergency acceleration system". This system is a series of 4 thrusters built into his armor. 1 located on each shoulder, and 1 on the bottom of each foot. The thrusters built into his shoulders are hidden by small panels. When he needs to he can activate the Emergency Acceleration System to perform a powerful dash in which he flies forward about 5 meters. He can also use it to increase the distance of his jumps by using it to propel himself into the air. His helmet has a built in HUD system that displays his armor's current status, compass, radar with a range of 7 meters, and the heat of his weapon. Letting him know when he has to let it cool down.

              His armor can be stored within a Digibag. His entire suit is powered by several red crystals. 1 located on the forehead of his helmet, and one located in his weapon.
              Last edited by NeoFox; 11-04-2013, 06:43 AM.


                @ Neo

                Just something to make life better for ya:
                In my story, there's a device called Digital Bag (or something of the like, I'm thinking Digibag for short)
                This device can energize most objects into it. So his armor could use that. Also I would say that the armor would only use 1 Aura crystal with another for the weapon. 2 Aura crystals in the same system will lead to overcharge which can then lead to a mini nova explosion. So best just leave it with one Aura Crystal in the main suit.


                Now weaponry, I had something that said how it works, but this happens: a gun would have an Aura lens, which dictates the element which it uses as Aura energy passes through. Aura energy as a weapon is more potent than plasma weaponry due to Aura burn, which is something that is similar to how the Aurora's Curse (Crystal Fusion) works on killing someone.

                Now its up to ya if ya want to use that system cause I can think of a way that the other would work into the story.


                  I just edited my above post, and I should edit all that I typed up to my app. Thanks for the info.

                  I also changed the amount of Crystal's to 1 crystal on his helmet for all the main systems, and 1 for his weapon if that's okay.

                  I also changed the weapon to use the Aura lens for firing.


                    @ Neo

                    Aye that works with the crystals cause we can say the gun is a independent system from the suit in terms of power so that should he fire too much and if he went beyond the limiter somehow, then it would be simple to reload the weapon.

                    And feel free to go ahead and make a post in IC.

                    EDIT: And consider a micro shield generator for the armor.



                      Okay I did make a post. Sorry for the quality of it. It's the best I can think of.

                      I'll also add that to his armor.


                        @ Neo

                        Nah, it's fine.
                        Is there anything ya would want to have happen with the scan for ships?

                        @ Book

                        Here's a thought, there might be something left behind in the temple for Nhiome to find that will fix up and upgrade his ship so that you can have him go on to what ya wanted.
                        You can decide what that would be so that it works out the way ya want it.
                        Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-04-2013, 07:30 AM.



                          I still can't think of anything. My original thought was that Nhiome could sense the shard due to its aura energy....but since it is dormant....I'm out of ideas
                          How many times can you die a day~?
                          How many times have you died a day~?


                            Well I can't think of anything at the moment... so surprise me?


                              @ Book I ninja edited again =w=;

                              Here's a thought, there might be something left behind in the temple for Nhiome to find that will fix up and upgrade his ship so that you can have him go on to what ya wanted.
                              You can decide what that would be so that it works out the way ya want it.
                              So what do ya think of that? and...actually even though the shard is dormant, its...more like hibernating. It's asleep, but still has energy. You actually nailed one of the concepts I had on the head with the Crystal Fusion. So that's another option.

                              @ Neo

                              I'll have Delta Division find him, maybe a Drone Fighter Patrol.



                                that might just work...I have another idea that would lead Nhiome to be willing to search.
                                How many times can you die a day~?
                                How many times have you died a day~?

