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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Shards of Starlight - Part I

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    Yea... I already know what will happen when Cicero shows Hajime the Ancient Nasod Palace. I have a large post building up for when Hajime enters the palace.



      It's always a good idea to type up long posts before the time comes to post them. That's what I did with some of my posts in ATWAG.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        That's what I'm doing on Notepad. XP

        Anyways here is what the Nasod Palace would have looked like in it's glory days.

        Now it's drastically different. It's in ruins, and is now buried deep underground because of the fact that the old Nasod King had literally used up all his energy to bury the entire kingdom (which is in fact what ONE of the old continents is literally just the buried Ancient Nasod Kingdom.)

        Currently the only entrance is a small cave that leads to a hole in the highest tower (which you can see in the picture.)

        Also seeing this picture of Eve's Code: Empress's Hyper Active summon Ferdinand...

        Gave me an idea for Eve's and Hajime's ending in the RP.



          Is Hajime going to be her guard of sorts?
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Even better...

            Her new king.

            I picture that Hajime would get in a serious injury after taking an attack in to protect Eve.

            Due to the sadness Eve would feel the final code would activate...

            Code: Emperor (not an actual code in the game. Just a nickname I came up with.)

            The Code: Emperor would heal and repair Hajime's body with powerful Nasod technology (thus making him look like Ferdinand in the picture above.) Making him essentially a Nasod/Bioroid hybrid after that point. Hajime would then become "The King of the New Nasods." Thus Eve and Hajime's relationship would also be fully established, and the Nasod race would be able to truly rebuild itself from that. I also imagine that Hajime would gain a whole arsenal of new abilities (most notable abilities similar to Eve, like being able to fire lasers from his fingertips, and other things as well.) He would also be as strong and fast as John when Code: Emperor activates for Hajime. He would also get that badass gun/laser lance weapon.
            Last edited by SUSTIC; 11-12-2013, 03:34 PM.


              After reading that...
              ....I almost feel bad for Eve and Hajime....
              ....considering what's going to happen in Part II...
              ....Oh this just amped up the drama. 10 fold.



                I was saying that would happen at the VERY end of the entire series of Eternal Galaxy or so. Like their literal end of the story.


                  @ SUS

                  Yes. and that would be Part II.

                  But there's a part III....

                  Aye...but there's a reason Part III is called Phoenix

                  Did I call part III
                  Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix?

         was supposed to be
                  Ethereal Galaxy: Phoenix
                  Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-12-2013, 03:45 PM.




                    You know I don't really like it when someone (even the owner) of an RP has something planned with my characters that would end up being highly emotional, and I don't even have a clue as to what will happen.

                    Will you at least give a hint?


                      @ SUS

                      Oh sorry, its not just your Characters. It's the entire Galaxy.
                      I feel bad for them because of what's going to happen to the entire galaxy, which naturally effects everyone.

                      Oh and just a note:
                      I had a rough idea of the start of this story (what we're going through until Chapter 6)
                      And I have an elaborate ending that I've been refining for the past 5 years.

                      When I began writing Eternal Galaxy...
                      I started with the end. Not the beginning.
                      Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-12-2013, 03:51 PM.



                        Is the entire galaxy going to go up in flames?

                        If so, then I might have a way to at least save the main cast.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          @Cucoo and S121

                          Me think galaxy go boom boom in Part II


                            @ S121

                            {It's already been arranged, no matter how the ending goes, all your characters can have a means of reaching the Venturia of Part III, though to prevent a time paradox, they would have no knowledge of the prior events of the galaxy, It would be as if they were just arriving. The Halls of Time are powerful, indeed.}

                            ...what Cicero Said.
                            Basically between Part II's end and Part III's beginning there's a time jump of a few million years. Thus, the galaxy naturally goes through a sort of "Rebirth" instead of the forced rebirth that the Goddess Venturia sought via the use of the Nihiliods.
                            Part III is when the Galaxy is open for colonizing and thus anything goes.

                            Oh and there's two Venturia's so I should be using the plural when referencing the galaxies.
                            Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-12-2013, 04:00 PM.



                              Me think John and Cortana will go zoom zoom in Part II. XD



                              I was planning on John and Cortana using the faulty Slipspace drive to at least try to escape the galaxy's destruction, if not return to their time period.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                @ S121

                                During the "destruction" via the Nihiliods (which are worse than the Flood of Halo by a certain degree), the boundary created by the goddess would still be intact.
                                Think of it as sorta the Hakurei Border of Gensokyo. Except it allows things to get in...
                                but nothing gets out

                                The Halls of Time is the exception.

