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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Originally posted by Cucoo5 View Post
      Ok so Grima has entered the fray...and by fray I mean eclipsing the sun over it. Plus I would think a Roar that shakes the earth would be noticeable...
      Well John, Renamon, and Gengi are pretty much trying to survive against Flandre it seems. So they probably won't fully acknowledge Grima. I mean they probably will notice Grima, but they are just trying not to die by Flandre right now.

      Others in Gensokyo would notice them. For example I can have Bass notice Grima.


        I can't watch videos right now.

        Also, I officially suck at soliloquy. Just sayin'.



          Sorry Cucoo, but NeoFox is right.

          This kind of phenomena would actually happen if you were fighting for survival and if you were focused on one thing.


          How so?
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            It's just so...



              well.. I will wake up in 3 hours so..

              goodnight people ^^
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                Nighty night.


                Okay, that was "corny".
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Oh well if Krispia is sleeping...

                  I'll make a segway into Neo's and go too.



                    Nighty night.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Oh and just a note on Risen's appearance

                      (Last one has more Grima than Risen)

                      And I'm going to sleep as well X.x


                        @Final video Cucoo posted.

                        T-That's how large Grima is? I mean that was just a silhouette, but it looked like that wasn't even half his body!

                        Anyway Duo has returned!


                          @ Neo

                          Does my supposed Exaggeration seem like an exaggeration still?

                          There was a reason I kept saying that he's massive like that. (and yes, two armies can fight on his back. That was the endgame of FE:A)
                          Plus idk about anyone but survival instincts or no, If something that big shows up above you and starts annihilating things, wouldn't you kinda take it as a possible threat? I mean...sure Flandre is small and all powerful...
                          But Grima has the "sheer size" aspect. I mean in FE: A, he DOES destroy the world in one future.
                 short...we have a world destroyer and Flandre's destructive power in the fray plus the nucleoids (which are also trying to destroy the world, no?)
                          Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-11-2013, 03:21 AM.



                            Even then John and Renamon are trying to help a friend while trying not to die. Yea they might acknowledge Grima as a threat, but they still have to remain focused on Flandre if they don't want to be killed by her.

                            Yes there is a hell of a lot of world destroying things going on at the moment, but you also have to think about the smaller things.

                            I mean if I was being chased by a vampire girl that is LITERALLY trying to kill me, and can do so easily all the while a dragon large enough for two armies to fight on top of appeared out of seemingly nowhere in the middle of a war deciding the fate of the Earth is going on I would still focus on Flandre. Yes I would still acknowledge Grima and all, but I also have the literal immediate threat of Flandre. Plus almost all the Youkai in Gensokyo, all those Spartans, and all the Robot Masters (well over 40 of them, and they are all incredibly powerful in their own right) are fighting the Nucleoids whose numbers must be dwindling by now.


                              @ Neo

                              aye aye...

                              Anyway depending on what happens, we'll find out how Grima will play out here.
                              Plus you forgot in the list the Risen that Grima is summoning. He can summon an infinite number of them (which is canon to the Endgame...except he wasn't summoning Risen there...which doesn't make sense to me but w/e)
                              And they might be "zombies" but they're hardly your stereotypical one as seen in the videos.


                                I didn't list them because I was talking through the perspective of John and Renamon. I mean John and Renamon probably don't even know of the Risen's presence.

